Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

damn possibly no wade barrett or randy orton at wrestlemania. unfortunate.

show/rhodes feud for mania? what happened to goldust?

guess miz won't be on the card either
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

probably both careers

Yeah I was thinking the walked thing. Taker goes undefeated and doesn't return to wrestoemania until someone he is willing to lose to comes along. Both men leave on stretchers. Triple h puts everything out and ends up the man in the suit. Retired from ring action.
Miz is pretty deep in the doghouse, he really hasn't been any significance since the Awesome Truth tag team.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Miz is pretty deep in the doghouse, he really hasn't been any significance since the Awesome Truth tag team.

Does anybody know what he did to get in trouble?
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Miz is pretty deep in the doghouse, he really hasn't been any significance since the Awesome Truth tag team.

Does anybody know what he did to get in trouble?

I can't find any links but I remember reading in these threads that he was being scapegoated for the poor survivor series buy rate and his attitude backstage hasn't helped his cause. I read he is very frat boyish backstage ad recall reading that del Rio said he would legitly like to punch the Miz in the face during an interview. He also missed a spot where he was to catch r truth but missed him almost entirely.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Miz is pretty deep in the doghouse, he really hasn't been any significance since the Awesome Truth tag team.

Does anybody know what he did to get in trouble?
Too high on himself...
EDIT- Forgot about him messing up the spot with RTruth too
only caught the first 15 min. of RAW last night.
then me and my girl went to sleep.

about to watch the show and get caught up on the thread.

during that god awful eve/cena segment my girl turned to me and was like "I bet the guys in your little wrestling thread are throwing temper tantrums and raging over this nonsense we are watching right now".

Spoiler [+]
can't wait to see if she was right
i know i've already said this but it just becomes more and more apparent as we get closer to Sheamus "head lining" wrestlemania.
but why should anyone care about this guy as a champion?

he hasn't cut a single promo or been involved in a storyline that made sense in a year.

there's nothing to his character outside of yelling loudly, squashing mid carders, and making silly irishmen jokes.

so why would the average fan care about his match against bryan other than wanting to see the belt taken off of bryan.

i doubt they even have a legit reason as to why sheamus wants to face him.

"Well me young lads, when i was just a wee little carrot top, my crazy old uncle One Legged Larry told me if one title is already taken for wrestlemania by cm punk and jericho, well by darnit ye better take the other title match for wrestlemania"


right... so i'm suppose to believe that sheamus just made light work of henry, someone who he couldn't outmatch just a few months ago.

if cole was a competent heel commentator then he'd comment on how henry is just coming back from injury and is still vulnerable for the entire match so that sheamus goes over but henry doesn't look as weak in the process.
A Few Opinions of Raw:

The Eve going "heel" was a "thumbs up", WWE's execution was two "thumbs down." Cena even stole **ski from ryder's last episode and he was "trending"...so wack/stupid

Matches were pretty much pointless and not entertaining.

I thought I was the only one getting annoyed with the crowd during the HHH/Taker segment, glad to see everyone else on here was too. HIAC match at Mania? I know I predicted Taker to get injured at Mania like he has the last few years, but a CELL MATCH??! Taker might die ya'll...good promo though definitely was entertained, even though I am wondering how are they going to continue to build hype for this match for the next month?

Cena's promo was the best that he's had in a LONG time, still trying too hard to be liked by people though. Atleast he came off a little more genuine than previously when he tries to throw shots at people like Punk.

CM Punk on commentary was ok, he's had better days behind the broadcast booth, but no complaints. It kept me entertained during that match.
wow i just how many people ended up on the injured list, i could tell barrett was legit hurt, but everyone really got banged up. Props to dolph for going back out, but 4W was right, no reason dude should've gone back out there.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Miz is pretty deep in the doghouse, he really hasn't been any significance since the Awesome Truth tag team.

Does anybody know what he did to get in trouble?
word is he acts like a frat boy and always wants to be heard and the center of attention which rubs almost the entire locker room the wrong way
is taker really being harassed by this crowd? 

these stupid fans either have no respect or can't tell whether or not taker is a heel or face.


too bad this is the PG era.
i marked out for HIAC.

Taker with the no hair no care swag.

just watch the daniel bryan santino squash thinking..
"welp, i guess that's one way to kill the buzz and pop for santino"
aksana just made kelly kelly look like the second coming of lita.

please WWE, i never want to see aksana in a wwe ring again.

Controversial, out-spoken, brash…those are just three words that describe the man known worldwide as CM Punk, and during his tenure in Ring of Honor, he more than lived up to those labels.  He also established himself as one of the finest professional wrestlers in the world today with historic bouts against the likes of Samoa Joe, Homicide, Bryan Danielson, & Christopher Daniels, and will forever be considered a legend in ROH.
But for three months in the summer of 2005, Punk shocked Ring of Honor fans & officials alike and it all began one night in June when ROH gathered to bid farewell to one of their own as Punk challenged for the ROH World Title one final time. What happened that evening kicked off three months of chaos as Punk took the World Title hostage and left ROH scrambling to find the man he would dethrone him.  Be it Roderick Strong, Samoa Joe, or Christopher Daniels, they each faced off with Punk in hopes of reclaiming the title for Ring of Honor.  They were three of the most exciting, unpredictable, chaotic months in ROH’s history, and they have since come to be known as “The Summer of Punkâ€
i'll actually give cena props, albeit he's corny as hell and even when in seriousface his promos still come off as laughable, he makes this feud seem like it's personal and not just a work to the average fan.
as where rock comes out, says something about fruity pebbles and says he just don't like cena for no reason.

i expect some real personal, offensive, hard hitting promos for the coming weeks from these two.
Originally Posted by diew its james

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by diew its james

honestly if someone doesn't get thrown off the top of the cell this match wouldn't really mean much...would just be another cage match...

no build up to this... seems like 2 big egos just want to steal the show. seriously when was the last time there was a GOOD HIAC match?
no build?
you sound like a buffoon.

go back to jordan brand famb.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i know i've already said this but it just becomes more and more apparent as we get closer to Sheamus "head lining" wrestlemania.
but why should anyone care about this guy as a champion?

he hasn't cut a single promo or been involved in a storyline that made sense in a year.

there's nothing to his character outside of yelling loudly, squashing mid carders, and making silly irishmen jokes.

so why would the average fan care about his match against bryan other than wanting to see the belt taken off of bryan.

i doubt they even have a legit reason as to why sheamus wants to face him.
I completely agree.  Sheamus is a midcard cartoon character who has been giving a winning streak.  He hasn't cut a good promo, and I don't take his character seriously.  His Rumble win was a surprise, but they haven't done anything to follow up on it.
I guess the storyline will be that Bryan has weaseled his way past Henry and Show, so it is up to Sheamus to put him in his place.  I have a lot of faith in Bryan to make this great.  Not so much in Sheamus.

Am I the only one who could see a major anti-Sheamus crowd at Mania?
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