Wrestling Thread Jan 6-19 | 1/13 RAW - Bray & Daniel Wyatt v The Usos - MAKE YOUR 2014 PREDICTIONS!

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When Big E goes for the whc, Reigns will be the one with the ic title.
They gotta let Curt hold something.  Bring back the Cruiserweight Championship!

Well you're right about Big E
Curt is underrated, doesn't help that he's paired with a buff robot
Curt Axel got a fan.
I'm buying his shirt.  There has to be a way to get his name off the back
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with all the somoan type stars getting huge airtime reigns uso and the rock when h came back.....why not jut sign somoan joe the somoan.... they cant sy body type cuz the man cant lose weight but couldn't theypush him like the uso older bro or something.
with all the somoan type stars getting huge airtime reigns uso and the rock when h came back.....why not jut sign somoan joe the somoan.... they cant sy body type cuz the man cant lose weight but couldn't theypush him like the uso older bro or something.

Ill try this prediction thingy

1) One more match (and L) for HBK 

2) Mark Henry retires 

3) Baptista return is short lived

4) AJ champion foreverrrrrrrr 

5) My dad Ziggler get a IC title run 

6) Razor Ramon back
Loved the ending of RAW last night.  I still have to catch up on the first half of the show.  Just got confirmation on my Royal Rumble tickets for next weekend.  I'll also be attending a party or two most likely. 
Hearing why what happened last night is probably going to be something that lives on in wrestling history forever. Too bad it will probably be years till we hear a real story from Bryan.
with all the somoan type stars getting huge airtime reigns uso and the rock when h came back.....why not jut sign somoan joe the somoan.... they cant sy body type cuz the man cant lose weight but couldn't theypush him like the uso older bro or something.

The only unfortunate thing last night is that instead of dbry being in the rumble he'll probably have a match against bray at the ppv. Like it was said before hopefully they tie the kane thing up with this seeing as they both had beef with the Wyatt's prior. Last night was epic thou had the dean snake on my face smile
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Somebody earlier mentioned Bryan's charisma and how it can't be well defined.

I think the reason Bryan is as over as he is is because he isn't a turn off to anyone. Cena is great for kids, but adult males hate him. Women love him. Orton is the same way. Punk is close to having some sort of universal appeal, but I think people can pick up on the fact that he is a legit ****. Daniel Bryan is the perfect babyface for this era. He has a fun catchphrase/taunt that kids and adults can get into, he is the best worker in the world so the internet fans love him, he isn't a pretty boy so the guys don't hate him, the Total Divas show has given him a soft lovable side for the females to get into (without being a turn off to the guys), he can talk, he can act, he can be the underdog but still come across as a dude you don't wanna mess with... I usually don't get into the whole "the WWE is missing the boat" blah blah blah because I think most of the time it doesn't matter that much. But seriously, Daniel Bryan should be the focal point of the WWE right now. There just simply is no denying that anymore.
Loved the ending of RAW last night.  I still have to catch up on the first half of the show.  Just got confirmation on my Royal Rumble tickets for next weekend.  I'll also be attending a party or two most likely. 
Who do you know and how did you get those backstage stickets?
So how can I meet The Miz on the 27th this month? Sit next to his dad? Bring a sign, or  talk to Ziggler? Also would it be gay to touch Reigns if he walks by me?
Loved the ending of RAW last night.  I still have to catch up on the first half of the show.  Just got confirmation on my Royal Rumble tickets for next weekend.  I'll also be attending a party or two most likely. 
Who do you know and how did you get those backstage stickets?
One of my boys who I'm rolling with on the trip to Pittsburgh knows a marketing director with WWE.
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sorry on mobile earlier typing was bad
but what I basically saying is that all the Samoan dudes are getting a big push why not bring in Samoa joe.....give him some fake tribal tattoos like tensai and boom USOS have n older brother Joey uso

auto correct had me saying so moan...............trash
Roman Reigns Talks About The Shield Being In The Rumble, His Future, WWE Network, More

On being the only member of The Shield to beat CM Punk; if there are any cracks in The Shield: “The match as far as me beating CM Punk that’s– that’s something everybody’s going to have to get used to. Me taking down a lot of the top superstars, on my own. As far as cracks in The Shield–you know I don’t see it as a “weak link” type thing. I think the match up, you know like; it’s a very similar match up between Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and CM Punk. They’re all very technical-sound wrestlers. I bring something a bit different to the table. I’m a heavy hitting brawler. CM Punk tried to go toe-to-toe with me in that regard and it failed for him.”

On if he looks at himself as a standout member of The Shield since being voted Most Improved Wrester by the Busted Open Nation:

“I don’t look at it too much–read into that type of stuff too much but I do agree with it; you know what I’m saying? When you wrestle as much we do; we like to consider ourselves the backbone of the company. Without us, all these dates that we’re able to do; they’re just not going to be possible. We’re the guys that do the dirty work. We’re there every single day. We don’t miss a show. There’s no weekends off for us. So I think that’s a huge contribution to my improvement. Anytime you can work on your craft; week in and week out; and focus on it, you’re gonna get better at anything. So for me, it was just apart of the process. Traveling with Seth and Dean, wrestling everyday with those guys; your grandma could get better at wrestling if she was able to do that.”

On what would be his focus if he were to find himself next to his partners in the Royal Rumble:

“Oh that’s simple. We’re all in there together. Nothing changes for us. It’s business as usual. We’re gonna eliminate everybody and we’re going to do it with the most efficient teamwork possible. And then once we get to where it’s us three we’re gonna have to figure that out then. The gloves may come off or maybe we’ll make a stand. Maybe we’ll do something no one’s ever done before. We walk out of that sucker; who knows? That’s gonna have to be up to everybody to tune in and pay attention. Cause we’re gonna put on a good show.”

On what is his goal for 2014:

“I think just to stay on the track that I’m on. Continue to dominate in these singles opportunities I get. And then when the right opportunity presents itself, I’d like to capture a singles title. There’s plenty of room in The Shield for another singles title; if not two more. I know Seth is thinking the exact same thing. And that’s what makes us money is we’re all on the same page as far as where we’re trying to go. If you’re not trying to climb to the top; if you’re not on that ladder; you’re in trouble, man. You might as well just stay over there by the water cooler and watch us dominate. So if we can get a couple of singles titles along with that US title; that’ll be key for us in 2014.”

His thoughts on the WWE Network:

“I mean just groundbreaking stuff. This is something for a damn near century we’ve been working towards. Since pro wrestling started and then evolved into Sports Entertainment. This is kind of what we’ve been pushing towards for years and years now. For the WWE, that was really the next step; to broadcast and advertise under our own name. So it’s a big, big moment for our company. And I’m sure nothing but the best is lined up in our future.”

His thoughts on possibly being the “face” of the company in 2014: “I don’t know about the “face” of the company. That’s kind of being used right now. I’d like to come up with something a little more fresh. You know Randy Orton is doing that whole “face” of the company thing. I think I’m better than him so if we can get a one upper situation, that’s—maybe the “backbone” of the company. Maybe the “balls” of the company. Something cool like that, you know? I don’t know about the “face” of the company. Maybe the “man” of the company. That sounds about right.”
FML for falling asleep after the Orton match but watching the clip on Youtube of D.Bry having the crowd in the palm of his hand gave me goosebumps.
The way he had them slow chanting YES is amazing, that is gonna be his hype move before he does his running knee from now on probably.

This Rumble will probably be the last PPV I buy from my cable company (since I'll be getting the Network) and I hope D.Bry gets his shine, not some throwaway match with Wyatt.
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