Wrestling Thread June 13-19/ Money In The Bank Sunday/Survey On Page 1

@DCAllAmerican there was a big buff guy that in the crowd that clearly was a Reigns fan

The "Byron Is Booty" and "Hey Ambrose, I Got Dumped, Make Me A Happy Girl" signs :lol: :lol:

So they're somewhat planting the seeds for Dana's eventual heel turn smh. I wish Emma never got injured, they were really on to something coming out of NXT.

A 3 hours show and damn near everybody gets jobber entrances :lol: :lol:. Why even have entrance themes if you're gonna do that?? may as well just have the guys casually walk to the ring and cut themes all together.
Had to work a mid shift and missed all of Raw. Thanks to NTWT, i have an adequate idea of what transpired. Mobile jumbled my quote sequence so it is out of order. :smh: : [/COLOR]
[/quote]Whats brakkin?
These contract signings are one of the Top 3 worst things Vince puts on Raw..
Easily. How have you been Case? Got another promotion at work. Making some extra paper and holding **** down.
What happened?!?
John Cena just wants to bury this man
Props to him
Cena Rocks
Love the avy. But boo John Cena.
Chena buries with no dambs given
Facts. I been said he is the real shovel.
Shouldn't a contract signing happen BEFORE a match is announced?
Remember WWE uses Bizzaro logic. So of course that would never happen. :smh:
Cena's shovel is stronger than Haitch...
Damn how many times ADR/Kalisto wrestled each other lol
Almost as many as Dolph and Baron Corbin. :x
When does orton return?
I wish i knew bruh. :frown:
missed raw so far...what good stuff have i missed yall? :nerd: :\
What up Rhino? I missed it too. Read the thread b. Got more OG Cookies. :
Meangene45 Meangene45 , the Lucha Dragons jump off trampolines in their entrance.
:smh: :smh: :smh:
I believe you actually missed Raw. CP sneaks Raw like he's a kid watching Skinemax with a regular channel on previous in case someone comes near. :lol: :nerd:
Can't believe they gave ADR his job back..Dude is worse than Jesse's face..
View media item 2067499
He's taking full advantage of this return by tasting Charlotte + Paige yambs
Facts only.
Is WWE's films best franchise.
Sad to say this is true. Actually i will take See No Evil 1 and 2.
I taught trinity how to ride a motorcycle on Saturday :evil:
I am a jealous guy. Word to Mase and Puffy.
The rey malenko halloween havoc match :wow: brw the brain is a very under rated announcer
No way is he underrated when he is one of the best of all time.
Brain and Gorilla are the best announce duo in wrestling history..
This. I grew up on it, but i was coherent enough to understand skill at a young age. Your homie BigEgo has been in advanced curriculum since 3rd grade.

lol his knowledge of lucha.
Tenay is good, a wealth of knowledge but not my favorite.
Del Rio's chest/stomach look like it's divided into 3 different sections that belong to 3 different people
Zayn is being booked to lose alot with the theory that fans will be behind him more. They are trying to re-create a DBry build to get him over.
So the 2 ppv's a month start in September. You guys think they use old ppv names or come up with new names?
The Cena/Styles segment was very good. Felt big time. Styles wasn't ******* around :lol: :lol: his promos the past 3 weeks have been the best he's ever done, face or heel

Authors Of Pain name may be changed to Legion Of Doom.

I guess since Legion of Doom was a WCW thing, the WWE doesn't acknowledge that it was already used, and that fans won't remember
You know what, I am totally backwards on that. But that makes it even worse, given that they were using the LOD name as recent as 2006
Had an odd feeling that might book him like D-Bry.

Same. He just gives off a natural underdog feel, on top of having that extra positive feel good theme :lol: it doesn't help though that Owens was dead on about Zayn actually coming off a jerk by pretty much intruding his way into title matches after already losing various times.

Shoes look as dusty as Curry's defense tonight
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