Wrestling Thread June 17-30 | 6/24 RAW - Bryan v Orton, Punk's Response to Brock, Henry Not Retired

- During an interview with the Ministry of Slam podcast two weeks ago, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels acknowledged a recent conversion he had with WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon where the 67-year-old said he doesn’t “see money” in a certain, unnamed WWE Superstar. Bryan Alvarez of F4WOnline.com reported on Friday that according to sources within the sports-entertainment organization, that individual is Daniel Bryan. Michaels, however, is denying online that they were discussing Bryan, and that the individual in question is actually 6’3″ and 250 pounds.

In a response to a Twitter user directing a message to McMahon stating, “Remember when you didn’t have faith in @ShawnMichaels ?…. Bottom line is that @WWEDanielBryan is HOT!,” Michaels responded, “We weren’t speaking of [Daniel Bryan], that was the assumption of net folks. Way off, as usual.”

In response to a query to name the individual in question, Michaels said he would not, but noted that “he’s 6’3 250.” The WWE Hall of Famer later said that those figures may not be exact, as it is his estimate. “Well, I didn’t measure or weigh him, it’s a guess. Therefore, in their eyes I am a LIAR!!!” he said in response to a user guessing the individual as Dolph Ziggler.

Michaels again denied assumptions that he was talking about the Washington native, stating the following in response to outing the individual: “I would have said if I thought relevant. Not [Daniel Bryan] tho.”

Michaels revealed that McMahon is actually high on Bryan. In response to a user labeling the WWE CEO as “stupid” for not firmly backing Bryan, Michaels said, “That isn’t even who we were talking about. [Vince McMahon]‘s big on DB. Shame y’all let those folks work you like that. #thinkforyourself.”

Who's 6'3 250?
Is TNA worth getting in to?
simple answer is yes, if you wanna see cruiser weights, women wrestling and tag team wrestling all get pushed better (for the most part) then TNA is worth it.

Check these 2 out

Peep: Folks fixing my house up. Got a lot of free time today. Rather be out on the bike since it is too nice out but oh well

Jeff Hardy vs Umaga (Extreme Rules, Falls Count Anywhere)
*Fire extinguisher
*Jeff Hardy's slide down the stair spot
*Umaga no selling the construction cone
*Yea right at the finish. That fool damn sure didn't dive on the concrete. That is funny that WWE thinks we were that damn stupid

:rofl: I lost it when I saw that.
I think the streak could should end like this
Taker is 21and 0. He should face the shield punk andbarack lesnar In a heyman house of hell match. Have heyman call it a triple h match just for heat purposes.
Anyway he takes on the shield pinning each one taking him to barack lesnar after thatbhe would be at 25 . Then comes punk to rematch the last year wm loss. He and taker go at it for a bit then taker starts selling fatigue. Punks hit the gts and taker kicks out. Taker struggles to his feet somehow he counters a second gts with a tombstone. Cue the heyman house to run out. Light go out druid come out to take out the heyman exceptpunk takeris struggling to get to his feet . Punk grabs the urn which then starts smoking with the heyman house handled druid grabs punk then one speaks telling taker the deal was 25 souls. Still holding punk the druids stike down taker putting him I to a coffin. Lights out take druids gone punk I the ring callin heyman out punks says to heyman you rob me of my glory you took this from me . Heyman says took from you I have you everything but you are always ungrateful just a punk
Cue shield and lesnar beating up punk....
Triple power bomb and f5 punk is in thw ring wipeout end with hwyman saying you don't bite the hand that fed you punk.......... scene
folks have been calling this match of the year. Take a look. I will watch later.

Shibata vs Goto NJPW Dominion 22/06/2013 - YouTube
Impact Spoilers for the next 2 shows, cant wait to see that knockouts ladder match
July 4 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping

Christy Hemme came out and then Tazz came out. Huge boos for Tazz.

Austin Aries came out with the X Division Tittle. He talked about whether you like him or hate him you have to respect him. He called Hulk Hogan out and the place came unglued! Hogan stopped the crowd from chanting his name and told them to chant Aries' name. Hogan announced that he wasn't cashing in but instead he would have a main event vs. Suicide (with a new name) and Chris Sabin. 

1. A.J. Styles defeated Kazarian by submission in a Bound For Glory Series match. Bad Influence came out dressed as Siegfried and Roy!!! I tried getting a Fandango humming going but nobody joined. I swear they look like him tonight. I am assuming this was a BFG Series match since they didn't announce it to the live crowd.

Mickie James came out to talk about next week's ladder match. She was full blown heel and the fans gave her hell.

Ryan Howe got the gut check nod, but the live crowd didn't like the decision.

2. Hernandez defeated Jay Bradley in a Bound For Glory Series match. Bradley got X-Pac heat. Hernandez won via pinfall with Chavo Guerrero's help. Aces and eights were shown talking backstage.

3. TNA Tag Champions James Storm and Gunner beat Bro-Mans (Jessie Godderz and Robbie T). Bro-Man's music was kind of catchy. The champs won by pinfall.

Sting and Kurt Angle came out representing the Main Event Mafia and received a huge pop. Sting introduced Samoa joe and he looked great in his Mafia gear. Nice touch. A huge Joe chant started. Joe played to the crowd and said Las Vegas is again run by the Mafia. Angle put over joe as the baddest SOB he ever faced. Angle introduced Magnus as the next member of Main Event Mafia. A small Magnus chant started. Magnus again put over Joe, who looked like the shining crown in the ring.

4. Jeff Hardy beat Joseph Park by DQ in a Bound For Glory Series match. A "Fruity Pebbles" chant broke out followed by a "you can't wrestle: chant. A "we want tables" chant broke out. Joseph was busted open and he sidewalk slammed the ref after looking like Abyss. The crowd booed this.

The in-ring Gut Check judgment was held. Al Snow got a Head chant. Ryan Howe came out to a round of boos. Al snow voted no. Ryan tried to say his promo, but he was booed throughout. Danny Davis said yes. Bruce Prichard voted no. 

5. Chris Sabin defeated Austin Aries and Suicide (with a new name) to win the X Division Title. Aces & 8's were in the crowd for this one. The crowd started chanting for T.J. Perkins. A Super Dragon chant broke out. It was a typical three-way dance early with one out of the ring while the other two duked it out. Perkins was powerbombed by DOC outside the ring.

The Main Event Mafia came out and chased Aces & 8's back into the crowd. The EMT's came out as the masked man looked to be legitimately injured. I don't know if it was legit as the camera crew followed him to the back. After a great back and forth, the crowd chanted this is awesome! A TNA chant broke out. Sabin won with what looked like a front suplex from the top rope. Sabin showed his belt to Bully Ray and they jawed back and forth. Sabin told Bully he may be looking at the next world champion. They jawed back and worth again to close the July 4 taping.
TNA Impact Wrestling TV taping
Las Vegas, Nevada
Report by Dot Net reader Rolando Cruz

This show was set up as a Joker's Wild tournament that would set up a gauntlet match for 25 points in the Bound For Glory Series.

1. Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles beat Jeff Hardy and Joseph Park. Joe made Park tap with a rear naked chokehold. 

2. Mr. Anderson and Magnus defeated Jay Bradley and Hernandez. So far it was "random drawing 101" with people in feuds within the BFG series teaming up. A nice "*******" chant broke out. Magnus pinned Hernandez without help from Anderson. 

Aces & 8's were out next through the crowd and had Las Vegas police around them.  Bully Ray took the mic. Bully talked about Chris Sabin having the opportunity for his tittle. Bully got the "what" treatment through his promo. Bully talked about voting in the Vice President. Bully said no to the challenge at Louisville. The Main Event Mafia came out. Kurt Angle took the mic and flubbed his lines, but said they would eliminate the Aces & 8's in Louisville. Sting said the newest member of Mafia is a heavy hitter and they walked off the stage.

3. Bobby Roode and Kazarian defeated Christopher Daniels and Austin Aries. Well, slap me around and call me Sally if I didn't see this one coming!!! Kazarian and Roode won with a small package. Daniels broke a three count following a very impressive DDT from the ropes. Bad Influence made up afterwards and walked to the back together.

4. Gail Kim defeated Taryn Terrell in a ladder match. Mickie James was seated on the railing next to the fans. There were a lot of your typical bumps for this one. A "this is awesome" chant broke out. Taryn brought another ladder out. They teased a spot with Gail Kim laying on the second ladder but she rolled out. There was a very nice splash from Taryn from the top of the ladder. Finally, Gail won by tying Taryn's hair to the ropes. The Knockouts had an awesome match with plenty of time to work with. The crowd was into it and they went all out. The best match of the TV taping for either show by far.

5. Magnus won a gauntlet match to earn 25 points in the Bound For Glory Series. Styles and Magnus opened the gauntlet match, which was fought Royal Rumble style until two men were left and then they fought the 25 points. The crowd was not into either of these guys and a boring chant broke out until Kazarian came out next. Samoa Joe was out next. Styles eliminated Kazarian. The Main Event double teamed Styles until Mr. Anderson came out. Roode came out next and the countdown to the final two was on. Anderson eliminated Styles. Joe and Anderson double eliminated each other and the match portion took place. Magnus won with a reverse roll up to a good reaction. 

Hulk Hogan came out for the X Division cash-in announcement and received a good reaction. They love Hogan live. He introduced Chris Sabin, who got a nice reaction. 
Sabin handed the tittle to Hulk, but Aces & 8's interrupted. Bully told Sabin that he would never beat him. Sabin told Bully that it was him who pinned Bully in Team 3D's retirement match. Bully brought out Aces & 8's. The Main Event Mafia came out.

Sting introduced Rampage Jackson to a standing ovation. The Mafia posed on the stage as the July 11 show came to a close. I don't know if this will be on TV, but Bully challenged Hulk, who started to threaten Bully. Hulk and Sabin double teamed Bully to close out the night.
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