Wrestling Thread June 17-30 | 6/24 RAW - Bryan v Orton, Punk's Response to Brock, Henry Not Retired

Notes from CLub's match

My man Santos with the X-Pac style leg drop.

I like the chop/Flair over top turnbuckle spot yall did. Did his first chop hurt you? Look like you got stung a little.

Oh my god at the corner spot. Was your head ok man. Damn that was something I never seen before. Was that original?

Nice Oklahoma Roll (I think that is what it was) after he missed the dropkcick. Smooth transition.

Nice DDT spot, he sold it well.

LOL @ the 1, 2, 3 chants.

Nice Fallaway Slam man. Clazor Ramon

You are left handed I am seeing right?

Nice spot towards the end where you rolled him up.

Damn that Codebreaker looked like it hurt. Both of them.

Santos used a lot of big moves during this match. If I were a coach I would tell him to calm it down a tad. It wasn't overboard. He had nice executaiton though

Man that was entertaining. No bull man.

Info on the manager's jacket? SIke nah, who is he? Name?
thanks for the feedback, District. 

i felt fine on all the moves....in the moment of course, adrenaline and whatnot. i felt it in my neck the last three days though. hurt pretty bad. 

Nothing else hurt me too badly. ive seen the suplex spot done some where else before i forget where.the manager was Rico Casanova. I dont know too much about him but he was some name in the puerto rican feds i think (im blanking on the promotion, Colon run). I know nothing about the jacket but he definitely added a little comedic flare to the match 

my first pay gig too, so i guess im officially a professional. we'll see where this goes. if anywhere at all. 

Ringel, feel free to ask me anything you want.
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And just for ***** and giggles:

London & Kendrick (w/ Ashley Masslutto :x) vs Dave Taylor & William Regal (Smackdown 2006)

London & Kendrick vs THE D I C K S (Velocity 2006)

London & Kendrick vs Kid Kash & Jamie Noble (Great American Bash)

London & Kendrick vs Idol Stevens & KC James (w/ Michelle McBoring) (No Mercy 2006)

Oh, look, Sheamus gets his comeuppance on that awful Bully Sandow :rolleyes :rolleyes

I'd always remember London and Kendrick's 4-way ladder match with MNM, Regal/Taylor, Hardy Boyz. That was an awesome match.

Bret has more classic matches than ANYBODY, and didnt have to thrown himself of cages, do blade jobs (ok 2!!!), and made half of your childhood heroes look WAY better than they could ever be

Bret Vs HBk, Iron Man Match is talked about as one of best WM ever
Bret vs Bulldog sold over 90K in London, (Not a short feat too accomplish for someone who is overrated, Bulldog's APEX as a wrestler)
Bret vs Austin, Not only manage to make everyone take Austin seriously, had to blade him to give that much extra needed to put Austin over as a bad ***
Bret vs Benoit, Still give classic matched in his 40's in 99
Bret vs Owen= Gave his brother a rub on Wrestlemania, career took off from there

Bret kept the Tag Team division relevant in the late 80's, took the IC title to prestigious heights in the early 90's and made for epic television in the Attitude Era, pre Screwjob..... (Youtube WWE 1997 for Christ sakes...........)

Thats what we talking about now?!?!?!?!
Bret couldnt cut a promo?

Those matches you listed down. All his opponents are pretty good workers in their own right. Bret didn't have to carry them to a decent match. It's kind of a reach to say he made those dudes look better. I would've agreed with you if you made The Patriot your example though.

Bret was a fixture in both the tag and IC division, but to say he "kept" them relevant is a bit of an overstatement IMO. For the IC scene for example, they had a lot of guys there like Rude, Warrior, Shawn, Steamboat, Savage, etc.

Bret could cut a promo. Just not the best at it. Not his strong suit either.

Ain't saying Bret is overrated. He was great. No doubt. Not just the "best" though.
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The WWE always hits people with those Men In Black mind erasers every 7 years, so Trish & Mickie dressing up as each other doesn't exist. I fully expect for Bryan to toss Punk and his WHC or WWE title over a bridge and into a river within the next 2 years.
The WWE always hits people with those Men In Black mind erasers every 7 years, so Trish & Mickie dressing up as each other doesn't exist. I fully expect for Bryan to toss Punk and his WHC or WWE title over a bridge and into a river within the next 2 years.
we already seen the ring collapse twice in the last decade by big show getting suplexed off the top rope what else is there left note worthy to replicate
Didn't Punk and Cena get some type of fine or something on that awesome match they had awhile back too? It's kinda funny, two of WWE's golden boys (well, Orton the 2 strike golden boy) and the internet's heroes basically getting treated relatively equal. Very proud of both Punk and Bryan's stance in the company and their careers in general.

I think they got fined for pulling out the piledriver in that match.

And :smh: at Vince for still not realizing what he has in D-Bry. And Cesaro to some extent.

*cough* Sandow *cough*

Nothing else hurt me too badly. ive seen the suplex spot done some where else before i forget where.the manager was Rico Casanova. I dont know too much about him but he was some name in the puerto rican feds i think (im blanking on the promotion, Colon run).

But yea the match was entertaining.

How did you get set up with a paid gig?
- There is already talk of having CM Punk win the 2014 WWE Royal Rumble and challenge for the WWE Title at WrestleMania XXX. Punk’s dream has always been to close out WrestleMania and the seeds may have been planted on Monday’s RAW in the promo with Paul Heyman.

yes yes yes
So after watching that awesome interview with Bully Ray, I looked up some videos of him recently in TNA and the whole aces and eights thing...which is obviously a blatant rip off of Sons of Anarchy.

But for those who watch TNA religiously...are there any...has it been a great storyline like it seems to have been?

Is TNA worth getting in to?
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