Wrestling Thread June 1st-4th/Post Extreme Rules Discussion

I can't lie, I might be the only one enjoying this program.
I mean Neville is doing heel things to retain and Aries is showing he's right there. He's been this close [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji] every time, so he doesn't look weak. I think he wins it eventually but I also don't mind the title not changing hands every week. [emoji]127998[/emoji]‍♂️
Nah, I think Cedric Alexander will be the one to dethrone him. Also, Aries tweeted this:

I can't lie, I might be the only one enjoying this program. :lol: I mean Neville is doing heel things to retain and Aries is showing he's right there. He's been this close [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji] every time, so he doesn't look weak. I think he wins it eventually but I also don't mind the title not changing hands every week. [emoji]127998[/emoji]‍♂️
Nah, I think Cedric Alexander will be the one to dethrone him. Also, Aries tweeted this:

Damn I forgot about Cedric..
Regarding the Hardy's plans

expect Matt to become frustrated with Jeff's high risk moves, leading to a split and likely the broken gimmick.
So who is The Miz going to feud with now as IC Champion? Ambrose more? Who else? :nerd:

Honestly at this point might as well make it Seth. Put him against Miz and see if they can get Seth to that babyface level they want. Maybe team him with a female to combat Maryse *shrug*

They'll go with Finn and Roman for a bit where Finn can claim I almost beat you again for a shot at the title, that I never lost and all that. Seth and Bray program does nothing for either of them but unless you go with Seth chase the IC title where does that leave Bray so they might feud which will be a snooze fest. Crap both of these would be boring they have their fan bases and there is no real heel between the four.

Read there will be a dark match between Bray and Brock in LA in July I think.

Start Jo/Brock but I think just all out fight first where it begins with a stare down or Joe scaring the crap out of Paul to lure out Brock then have them just start beating the hell out of each other. Just tell the story of two bad MFers trying to find out who the baddest MFer is. I don't think you need Paul to do a lot of talking here let Joe do most of it and let Brock be short and to the point of he knows Joe is a bad dude but he wants to prove he is even badder. If this is a one off elevate Joe here a bit to give him that credit of "he went at Brock like no one ever before." If not you kill Joe being known as Hunters muscle and could hurt him long term.
was extreme rules a good watch?

also since the name of the ppv is extreme rules does that mean all matches will be under extreme rules?
Regarding the Hardy's plans

expect Matt to become frustrated with Jeff's high risk moves, leading to a split and likely the broken gimmick.

So...who's gonna be the babyface team then? :lol:

Enzo & Cass are probably done too, so...

They're either gonna have to turn Gallows & Anderson or Revival

or bring American Alpha to Raw since they won't do anything with em on SD.
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