Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

No Bs I appreciate your viewpoints on how to process things more realistically in regards to wrestling. You keep in kayfabe but also blur those lines of reality. Well done, now if you weren't a Cowboys fan I would really think you had good overall taste in things pertinent to life.
As we all know, modern professional wrestling is, like most major sports, almost entirely legitimate. It's just interesting to try to wrap your mind around some of the more colorful elements of the entertainment aspect of the sport, which ironically to most, might be the most accessible and realistic depiction of "real life" on multiple levels commonly available.

We all have "gimmicks." There are times when we all do "face" and "heel" things. People get "pushes" in the public eye and in everyday life. There's "kayfabe" around everything from office politics to relationships and the "rules" mean little. Life is more like the squared circle than most might imagine.

Anyway, 'preciate y'all giving me room to ramble about rasslin'.

To the Cowboys fan thing, the way the Romo era ended hurt deeply after all the things I'm sure you know happened in the last decade or so...I feel like I can't go through that again and have to take a step back. That's a whole nother topic tho.
"You are never too old or too out of shape to live your fantasy!"

Yes. Yes tf you are.

Oh, and while there is no distinction between personal and professional for those whose persona is their profession, I can acknowledge someone's talents and contributions while in full recognition of their standing as a ****** up human being.
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The list of wrestlers who have said or done unsavory things in the past would be a very long and star-studded list
I've been thinking about this the last few days but haven't come up with my own answer.

Who is your least favorite wrestler EVER? Why are they your least favorite?

I would like to say excluding anything they did in their personal lives, but I see many of you can't seperate that well.
The list of wrestlers who have said or done unsavory things in the past would be a very long and star-studded list

Tito Santana might be the only one to not make dat list :lol: if he wasn't vince's snitch (according to some) 0]

Ya so - all of em.
I've been thinking about this the last few days but haven't come up with my own answer.

Who is your least favorite wrestler EVER? Why are they your least favorite?

I would like to say excluding anything they did in their personal lives, but I see many of you can't seperate that well.

Evolution era HHH, mainly for the Booker feud
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I've been thinking about this the last few days but haven't come up with my own answer.

Who is your least favorite wrestler EVER? Why are they your least favorite?

I would like to say excluding anything they did in their personal lives, but I see many of you can't seperate that well.
No thought required: Jeff Jarrett.

Why anyone would want to see a washed-up country singer cheat and manipulate his way to undeserved victories and boring title runs in the WWF while wearing the world's most flamboyant pair of overalls was beyond me, and then there was the whole Slap-Nuts thing...he's pretty much never done a single thing I've enjoyed, I laughed on THAT 2001 episode of Raw, and those weird shades he always wore always seem to also be worn by lifted truck drivers who enjoy tree camo print.

Hell, that's even an extra reason I like Miz, I don't have to associate Jarrett's fairly cool finisher with him any more.
I don't mind Honky...he was a good IC champ, a good heel, and also pretty funny when he was on commentary

He really tried to take Jake's head off once with a guitar shot
I don't mind Honky...he was a good IC champ, a good heel, and also pretty funny when he was on commentary

ya i just thought he was lousy in the ring beating guys who were excellent :rolleyes

his gimmick was good i guess...i understand da question...i didnt dislike him for the heat he generated...but like i said...lousy in the ring imo...in a time of great workers

but ive grow to appreaciate him for his post-in ring career interview vids...very enjoyable at times :lol:
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