Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

We'll see. Still gotta do NTWT Raw.

Maybe I'll dedicate that to MITB qualifiers.
I was hoping randy was going to rko Seth at the end and run off into the fans but instead he ate that curb stomp.
Man I have never seen my elf post ever. This guy doesn't have an avi he has less then 500 post this is going to be hard.
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Randall has been on point promo wise the past couple of weeks. All hype and ****. Lots of passion. And of course he's about to be written off right now as his character finally shows some overdue growth.
These promos have been some of his best brings a tear to my eye.
I hate the King's corny jokes. My man Miz got a win now on commentary too bad I couldn't be with him last night.
I DVRed this raw and this was the first time I showered while it was Playing and went to bed not finishing it. :lol:
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