Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Damn y'all are sending gifts out early as hell :lol: I was gonna wait til probably December 1st, possibly the 9th
[COLOR=#red]So out of the loop... comin back strong with DB's return that should be soon.

Miss You Gais.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Sad times... last report I saw was after Survivor Series.

*returns to the rafters*[/COLOR]
It can be a gimmick hybrid.

Son can glitch out while trying to hit the Skull Crushing Finale
Charlotte Was advertised today in the uk. She's expected to be called up after SS or nxt: evolution.

She good and all but Sasha, bayley and Becky lynch are all better. It's that last name shovel loves so much.
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