Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

The next AJ Styles VS John Cena match is planned with the WWE Title on the line. This doesn't mean Styles will win the belt at BackLash but he may win it shortly after. Cena is expected back late October/early November, so we may get it as early as SSeries.
Davey Boy Smith
Rick Steiner

All guys who were successful, but never had the headlining run they should've gotten..

Definitely, especially Owen and Hennig. I was a fan of Bulldog, but mostly just when he was teaming with Owen.

Are their any guys you question "how the hell did he not get over?"

Glacier :smh: fire and ice :smh::smh:

Glacier didn't make it cause of the NWO :lol: basically wrong place wrong time as WCW was starting to have more realism and less cartoon type gimmicks

Heath Slater at least deserves a WWE contract :smh:

They should have him do an angle where he goes on this big time training kicks to lose weight in order to make the CW division..He'd be perfect for that weight class since it'll be mostly new guys to the company who haven't already destroyed him in the ring, so you could actually build him back up to be a good/credible wrestler..Cause he absolutely has the ability to deliver promos and is solid in the ring..

This is an excellent idea. Something logical and it's been 10+ years since it's been done, long enough for people to have forgot about Matt Hardy doing it. Slater is the perfect person for something like that

MVP deserved more than he was given in WWE

Yep. Could talk, had a varied moveset, a lot of charisma, and got good reactions from the crowd. He really didn't gain his momentum back after that losing streak gimmick. His crowd reaction was much better as a heel than face, and that losing streak gimmick caused that.
Universal Title Plans
It's either Reigns or Rollins who will win tonight. Owens/Jericho or both are expected to challenge the winner at CoC.
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