Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

Lol @ WWE 2K18 always doing roster reveals.

Maybe NBA 2K should do the same.

So pointless aside from the classic wrestlers.
Cena is only as good as his opponent. If his opponent is supremely talented(punk, aj, DBry, etc) he can have a great match as well as hold his own. If his opponent is only good or below he can't do better than good.
Cena is only as good as his opponent. If his opponent is supremely talented(punk, aj, DBry, etc) he can have a great match as well as hold his own. If his opponent is only good or below he can't do better than good.
I mean, couldn't this be said about pretty much everyone? Nakamura being an obvious, recent example.
How exactly should I be judging Cena's wrestling ability? You tell me. Apparently I can't use his performances in matches against certain wrestlers? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

I asked you how is Cena better than Sasha and you just posted videos of his matches with the best wrestlers in the company. What do you want me to take from those matches? I've seen AJ put on a good match with Shane.
I originally asked you HOW Sasha was better and you never answered. You told me to watch videos as well.

So again, HOW is Sasha better than Cena? Break down specific skills/aspects of a pro wrestler.
I mean, couldn't this be said about pretty much everyone? Nakamura being an obvious, recent example.

Nope. Flair got great matches out of pretty much anybody including guys like Luger and Sting when they were still green. Daniel Bryan, Punk, HBK, bret, arn Anderson, and others were able to do the same.

Nakamura imo is a big match only. There's also a styles clash. Besides They havent really out him in good postions booking wise. They really should habe let his first program be with Miz and not the beta male ziggler.
I asked you how is Cena better than Sasha and you just posted videos of his matches with the best wrestlers in the company. What do you want me to take from those matches? I've seen AJ put on a good match with Shane.
Look at Cena's US Open Challenge, besides Del Rio, he had great matches with everyone. Stardust, Zack Ryder, Xavier Woods, etc.
Other than the match against Zayn at Takeover, Nakamura had been as boring as one could possibly be in-ring in the WWE. Then he has a match with Cena and it's arguably the best Smackdown match of the year. Is Nakamura on your list of best wrestlers in the company too even though his matches have been garbage for the most part? Are you going to tell me that Cena was somehow "carried" in this?

Look at Cena's US Open Challenge, besides Del Rio, he had great matches with everyone. Stardust, Zack Ryder, Xavier Woods, etc.

Post one. I only remember Sami, Cesaro, and KO. I don't think I paid any attention to the other matches.

Honestly, I don't even know why we're having this discussion. I'm not trying to convince y'all either way.
Post one. I only remember Sami, Cesaro, and KO. I don't think I paid any attention to the other matches.

Honestly, I don't even know why we're having this discussion. I'm not trying to convince y'all either way.

They were all pretty much the same match. 5-7 minutes of good wrestling then 10 minutes of finishers and attempted finishers.
Is that something we would consider ABILITY though?

I am sure any no selling of finisher is a given order to Cena.

Oh nevermind, I forgot yall think Cena calls owns the company

He does you think anybody including Vince is gonna can make Cena do anything he really doesnt wanna do? The same company that HBK held hostage multiple times and bragged about not doing jobs and legit didnt do a job for over a year?
Maybe I shouldn't have included the ones against Neville and Stardust. They are probably on Degenerate's list of wresters in which I can't judge Cena's work against.
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