Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

Shibata vs Danielson in a Casket Match..

TMZ is reporting that Flair's fiancee is saying he has multiple organ problems..
Ugh this Flair news. :emoji_disappointed:

His condition seems to be worsening each day.
Your name in Finlay and you're a BATHTURD!!!!

I really just don't understand that whole situation with his injury. He says he's good. His independent doctors say he's good. WWE employed doctors say he's not.

WWE never liked him once he got popular...could be their way to sabotage his career?

You know Damn well that's the reason
Ima start bringing my own food to restaurants like BUSHI now just cuz. LIJ doing it lol.

Also, I get the jokes about Dbry, but damn man. I don't want to see another life end because of this sport. With head trauma and studies showing the effects of concussions, why would anyone want to take those chances. He didn't see Shibata, he doesn't know about Benoit? Jesus man.

Also, Kana totally wore it better lol.
I hope Ric Flair doesn't die from his current medical crisis situation, but in the unfortunate event he does...he likely brought it on himself to a degree. You can't live that lifestyle forever.

He lived the gimmick. There wasn't a Ric Flair the character and a Ric Flair the person for many years. That's who he is.
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Roman Reigns on the promo after Wrestlemania 33:

"There’s a different type of appreciation that you have for a really good match, like a 30-minute bout, and taking the crowd on that roller coaster ride. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in a few of those matches to where it was just incredible, the crowd was awesome they were just going nuts the whole time, super into the match, but that [promo] was probably the most gratifying thing I’ve... I enjoyed that segment more than any other segment and I had just wrestled and beaten the Undertaker the night before.

But it was so bittersweet to just be able to have full control. I just felt like everybody was on a string at that point and I was just pulling them. There’s a little thing where you can see I pretty much mouth it, 'I got em in the palm of my hand.' I had thousands of people doing exactly what I wanted them to do and it’s like master plan and it’s unfolding perfectly in front of your eyes.

I could’ve stayed out there for another 20 minutes. We had other segments and other brothers that had to go out there and do their work. But the whole time, I was looking at every different cameraman and they’re all telling me to 'go home' and that signal is just one finger doing a little circle, saying 'wrap it up, take it home, let’s go,' and I sat there and looked at cameramen doing that for five to 10 minutes and I knew we were getting pretty deep into that Seg One and we’re about pretty much cross over into Seg 2 and Seg 3 and I felt bad because there were guys, I think it was one of the Hardy Boyz against Sheamus or Cesar, and I did feel bad because I did eat into their match, but there was that electricity out there and you don’t leave the table when you’re on the heater."
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