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I'm surprised the E hasn't signed Scarlett yet just based on looks.
With regards to Brian James’ future in WWE, he said to be someone who will be a big backstage power broker when Triple H eventually takes over control of WWE, and will be somewhat of Triple H’s envoy in the company.

I hope H sends that fool to the Impact Zone when he takes over.

Lmao damn

As firs reported by Top Rope Press, rumors of Ryan Ward replacing Brian “Road Dogg” James as the head writer of WWE Smackdown are not exactly true, as James was actually given a recent promotion in the company. James’ new roll in WWE is something along the lines of head consultant, although the exact job title has yet to be confirmed.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter has since confirmed the above report, adding James and Ryan Ward are responsible for pitching scripts to Vince McMahon for his approval, at which point Vince re-writes the shows as he sees fit. James is also the person who reads the scripts to the other creative team members, a job that he has been doing for quite sometime now.

With James’ recent promotion, he is technically above Ryan Ward now, however Ward retains the title of Smackdown head writer, and him and James basically share co-head writing responsibilities.

With regards to Brian James’ future in WWE, he said to be someone who will be a big backstage power broker when Triple H eventually takes over control of WWE, and will be somewhat of Triple H’s envoy in the company.

They should've just wrote "Yes, Brian James has taken over for Ryan Ward", cause it's pretty clear
How are you treated on the wrestling scene?

had nothing but the best experiences so far...I was afraid I was gonna have to jam my thumb in somebody's eye for some stupid hazing ******** but people are cool, I'm not to the point where I can even have an ego yet and everybody likes the guy who shows up with party favors so I do fine.

as it relates to the general public, my "gimmick" (if you wanna call it that) is pretty much just me, and people respond well to it...which is good because it's not something I turn on and off.

I'm a colorful stonery writer who can throw and take a punch, I don't see how you hate that guy.

I been telling fools that society itself is kayfabe, I laugh when people laugh at our sport.

Good stuff. I'm in Houston, and might head out that way next year for the weekend (about a 5 hour drive). Maybe we can get something where we work each other. Funny thing is I don't have the Magistral Cradle down pat, but I can do a Hurricanrana. Not that I use it, but it's something I learned a year or so ago. Have fun in Mexico brother. Planning to hit Canada in the coming year.

oh bruh we already agreed to throw hands in the squared circle at some point and I'm looking forward to it. that's gonna be history for this little group of ours. I love fancy pin combinations so don't be surprised if you get Drago'd up. :lol:

actually I was thinking about spending some time down in Houston in the next year or so, I crossed paths with Booker T last week at George Bush Airport (lol) and found out he had a federation and a wrestling school down there, I def wanna get some guidance from the man himself since I'm pretty much jacking his moveset and adding some judo/lucha stuff.

nice tho, you're gonna train up in Canada? that's big credentials man.
Always hated this, made Booker look like a doofus too hit his finisher and celebrate for 30 seconds only to walk into a Rock Bottom






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