WWE Night of Champions PPV 7/26 - Punk vs Hardy, Orton vs Cena vs HHH (p31)

i told yall...i done told yall
lol. but here are my predictions.

1- Jericho. Dude could just be like "I'm the best in the world at what I do, and my skills are unparalleled to all the other jackoffs in the back, somy partner will be.. Myself". something like. It would make Jericho look strong even if he loses the title b/c he defended it by himself. And it will alsogive Legacy the titles and have them feud with tag teams from all three brands.

2- Ted Dibiase. As seen in recent weeks, Ted and Orton has had their share of problems. This would be a great way to break up Legacy and still make Dibiaselook good by having gold around his waist. And they did plan on having Ted leave Legacy turn face, so could be the thing that starts it.

3- Ziggler. If the I.C. title is the first match, then i think Dolph will be the partner. Ziggler did team with Jericho last week in a tag match, and they alsohave hatred toward similar enemies (Mysterio). Just like what happened last month with jericho, Ziggler could lose against Mysterio and then go team withJericho and still capture gold.

4- Chris Masters. WWE could surprise us and have Masters return this Sunday. Since WWE is in need of needing to restock their roster, and being that Masters isalready established and known with the fans, this could be a smart move. It will elevate Masters as a top heel by having the belt. And Masters and Jericho bothhave huge egos, so that could be the thing that unites them.

5- Kane. I personally don't think so, but after seeing Smackdown, who knows???
i like all of the above EXCEPT dibiase. i don't see him turning on cody and he was suppose to turn face so teamin with jericho will just make him a heelall over again.
Originally Posted by 22stylez

i like all of the above EXCEPT dibiase. i don't see him turning on cody and he was suppose to turn face so teamin with jericho will just make him a heel all over again.
yea your right. i guess i typed that just because i rather see him team with jericho instead of keep teaming with Cody having to job to HHH andCena.
Originally Posted by Mister916

CM Punk needs to start using the anaconda vise again. That with the Ura-nage side slam was

When/Why did he stop using it?
Originally Posted by gstbmn

Originally Posted by Mister916

CM Punk needs to start using the anaconda vise again. That with the Ura-nage side slam was

When/Why did he stop using it?
He stopped using it since he moved from ECW to Raw.

I guess he changed it because it actually causes strains on a persons neck.

It's probably my favorite submission holds though.
Originally Posted by Mister916

He stopped using it since he moved from ECW to Raw.

I guess he changed it because it actually causes strains on a persons neck.

It's probably my favorite submission holds though.
It is a pretty sick move.

While watching Smackdown and some of CM Punks recent matches, I've come to notice something. I dont know why they keep on doing this to him. I reallydon't think it takes as much as I think it does away from him, but it still bothers me how if it weren't for a certain distraction or run in, hewouldn't have won the match he was in. Take this match with Ziggler's interference for example. Rey would most likely have won, as he cleanly hit hisfinishers, but only as a result of Ziggler's interference CM punk won. I can't remember who else its happened with, but I know its happened a few timesrecently.
What else does it show that the Intercontinental champ could have cleanly pinned the World Heavyweight Champ?
It just makes him look slightly weaker.
Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by gstbmn

Originally Posted by Mister916

CM Punk needs to start using the anaconda vise again. That with the Ura-nage side slam was

When/Why did he stop using it?
He stopped using it since he moved from ECW to Raw.

I guess he changed it because it actually causes strains on a persons neck.

It's probably my favorite submission holds though.
I remember reading 2-3 years ago management wanted to lessen the use of submission finishers

Not as exciting as a finisher like the GTS or something like that was the reason.
The Anaconda Vise is seriously an awesome submission. I almost always finish my matches on SvR09 with that.
I mentioned that about the Anaconda Vice a while ago. I loved his finisher when he started in ECW, but it was phased out during his time there. I wish he'dbring in his Pepsi Plunge too. I'm just not a big fan of the GTS, I guess even though it's not bad
Originally Posted by chino905

why did CM Punk name a lot of his moves "Pepsi"??
Cause of his tattoo on his upper left arm. Which he got when he was in his fraternity.
[font=Helvetica, Verdana, Arial]He got the tattoo as a joke, as many fraternity members in his school were getting beer logos tattooed on their body, so Punk, a keen Pepsi drinker, chose to receive a Pepsi tattoo to emphasize his straight edge beliefs. The tattoo is also a reference to former Minor Threat guitarist Brian Baker , who had a Coca-Cola tattoo and explained this by saying "I like Coca-Cola". When people inquire about Punk's Pepsi tattoo, he often replies "I like Pepsi" in a similar fashion.[/font]

damn, i guess Punk really is Straight Edge from wayyy backkk.

lol he should get paid from Pepsi for free advertising
are they FINALLY givin my man Truth a push?! but then he comes with that corny @%% gimmick...oh well whatever that will get him a push


Sorry again for being brief guys. It's been a crazy summer, and I've been on the road a lot. However, I will do my best here to get a pretty goodpreview for Sunday's show. I don't know if I'll actually be able to see the show. 1) I may not be in the house, and 2) I will be tethering aninternet connection from my cell phone. I was able to stream UFC 100 with it, but you never know.

Anyway, this Sunday night is The Night of Champions PPV from The Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, PA. Conspicuous by his absence will be none other than yourown 4wrestling. I decided a while back not to go to this show, and I'm glad I made the right decision. The main events on this card are incredibly stale,especially on the Raw side. With the exception of the Mysterio/Ziggler match and seeing who Jericho's partner is, I don't have much interest in thisPPV. There is no way I can justify paying $300+ for a seat to this show. No more rambling. Let's get to the card:


Kofi Kingston (c) vs MVP vs Carlito vs The Miz vs Jack Swagger vs The Big Show - United States Championship Match

I hate this match, especially since Show is involved and Bourne isn't. I will guarantee it is sloppy. The match doesn't have a ring general likeFinlay or Regal to keep things moving and organized. I don't see any real reason to take the title off Kofi yet. It makes him stronger by winning a matchwhere the odds are so stacked against him. And if someone else were to win, it doesn't do anything for them because they most likely won the title withoutpinning the champion. If Show stays out of the way, it could be a fun match, but like I said, it will probably be a mess.

Prediction: Kofi Kingston - Retains United States Title


Melina vs Michele McCool (c) - Women's Championship Match

I don't care for either of these women. Melina did not work as champion last time, so I don't think she should get the title here.

Prediction: Michele McCool - Retains Women's Title


Tommy Dreamer (c) vs Christian - ECW Championship Match

Dreamer will have the hometown fans (even though he's from New York, and there aren't many ECW fans left). And we know how Vince likes to treat talentin front of their hometown. He makes them lose. And usually get embarrassed. Dreamer has had a nice little token title run, but I think it's time forhim to drop the title to Christian. I don't expect a lot from this match. Typical spots. It will be interesting to see if they have any"extreme" spots. Anyway, Christian should get the win here, and probably go on to feud with ... whoever they decide to call up from OVW next. Wellactually, hopefully it's Shelton.

Prediction: Christian - New ECW Champion


Mickie James vs Maryse (c) - Divas Championship Match

I'm actually looking forward to this match. I think Maryse is the best diva since Trish Stratus, and not just for her looks. The heel character she playsis absolutely perfect (just like her). She's also evolved as a wrestler which is always nice. I'm a huge Mickie James fan, and I'm glad she'sfinally being pushed again, but I don't think it's the time to take the title off Maryse. She's has legitimate superstar and crossover potential. If the WWE is smart, they will milk her for everything she's worth, and that means keeping the title on her this weekend. The match itself should bepretty good. It will be interested to see if The Miz gets involved.

Prediction: Maryse - Retains Divas Title


Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio Jr (c) - Intercontinental Championship Match

If you would have told me a few months ago that I would be a huge Dolph Ziggler fan, I would have called you insane. However, Ziggler has overcome his stupidname and original gimmick to become one of the best young talents in the WWE. He's got charisma, ring skills, mic skills, and a good look. Everythingthat should get him over and become a mainstay in the WWE. I've very excited to see his first legitimate big match in the WWE and how he handles thesituation. Mysterio may not be what he once was, but he's still a great opponent for Ziggler to work with here. I'm going with Ziggler to win thismatch. It's just a matter of how it happens. I expect a back and forth match the whole way. However, I hope that Ziggler gets a clean, decisive victoryin the end. Having him win on a fluke rollup does nothing for him, but that seems to be the current booking style for young talent victories over veterans. Regardless, the Intercontinental Title does a hell of a lot more for Ziggler than it does for Mysterio.

Prediction: Dolph Ziggler - New Intercontinental Champion


Chris Jericho and ? (c) vs Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase - Unified Tag Team Championship Match

I'm not going to spend a ton of time on this one. However, I will say that I think Jericho's team will win. And here's my prediction on hispartner. Jericho will come to the ring alone. He will say he doesn't need a partner or make an excuse about his partner not being there. The match willstart, and bam, CODY RHODES will turn on Ted Dibiase to join Jericho become the other half of the Tag Team Champions. Here's why. Dibiase is more overthan Rhodes. Dibiase can get over on his own, especially after having teased a face turn coming. Rhodes is no where close to being over, especially on hisown. Rhodes can join Jericho and continue to learn under him while they hold the tag team titles.

Prediction: Chris Jericho and Cody Rhodes - Retain Tag Team Titles


CM Punk (c) vs Jeff Hardy - World Championship Match

Maybe it's because I don't watch Smackdown every week, but I'm just not into this match. I liked the promo that the two had tonight comparingtheir life styles, but we've seen this match multiple times, and I don't feel like it has ever really clicked like you thought it should. The problemis my growing belief that Jeff Hardy really isn't a main eventer. In watching him over the past year, my opinion has changed from believing he was a mainevent talent and deserved that spot to now believing he really is nothing more than a spotfest monkey. His promos are still horrible. He has no ringpsychology. All he does is dress like a fool and hit a few crazy spots per match. I didn't think I'd ever say that Jeff Hardy's matches areboring, but I think they are. CM Punk should retain the title here. He's the better man, and Smackdown is desperately hurting for top level heels. Ireally like the heel "I'm better than you" Punk.

Prediction: CM Punk - Retains World Title


John Cena vs Randy Orton (c) vs HHH - WWE Championship Match

I really don't have much to say about this match. We've basically seen these same three guys wrestle each other in one form or another on PPV forthe past two years. It's so boring and I have absolutely zero interest in this match. I feel like Orton should retain, but I think the WWE is itching fora title change. Cena has not been the champ in some time, so I think he'll take it. However, my hatred of Cena is as strong as ever as he cut another oneof those promos that just forces you to hate him on Monday night. HHH is just as bad, if not worse, with his comedy segments that were completely not funny. And did you see the cover of the new best tag teams in history dvd with DX (HHH and HBK) plastered front and center? Give me a f'n break. I hate Cena. Ihate HHH. And like someone said before, I don't even like Orton that much anymore. He went from a "viper" like heel to just a coward. He'salways running. He gets his @$+ kicked. And he doesn't take anyone out anymore. The WWE blew his character. Anyway, I hate this match. Cena willwin.

Prediction: John Cena - New WWE Champion

So I said I was going to be brief, but that's a pretty full preview. Like I said, I don't know if I'll be around Sunday night, but I'll trymy best.
at how vince always embarrasses talent in front of their hometown...you would think thats the time where they shine in front of their hometown but vincethinks otherwise...especially to JR he ALWAYS embarrasses JR in his hometown its almost funny to me everytime it happens

and i really do like that prediction 4w wonder why i didnt add that to my 10 man possible list
but it makes sense but does that mean legacy is over? wherewill that leave orton? and yes they have KILLED his character...he had sooo much momentum coming out of the rumble but ever since WM he's been nothing buta coward
I have been robbed. I wanted to debut my new avatar that i have been working all day on. But it seems as if Yuku is being a +@%%* as always.

124,999 bytes

Has jumped to


744,511 bytes

Never have i witnessed a avy jumping over 500% of it's original size.
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