WWE Night of Champions PPV 9/15 | Prediction Contest Open! | Orton v Bryan | Punk v AXEL/Heyman

Ziggler doesn't even get an entrance anymore 

He's never going to amount to anything in WWE
randy orton is poo poo this is so boring, so glad i recorded this and got to fast forward the boring stuff
Right now the plan is for Sandow to be unsuccessful cashing in.  Not that anyone should be surprised with how Sandow has been booked since winning the MITB briefcase.
JBL burying Crockett Promotions.  All the WCW marks in this thread are probably throwing things at their TV.

Though Dusty was the biggest star during his days in Florida, not in Mid-Atlantic.
Good match but Randy Orton should not be selling nearly this much.

I give Rhodes major props on his stamina.
Watching these AE Raw episodes you could see how much of a douche Shawn Michaels was. Is there any truth about the Rock never being interested in working with Shawn because he was rude to his mom?
So Ryback isn't on the PPV.  RVD is challenging for the World Title.  Ryback squashes RVD.  Makes perfect sense.

I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hoping Edge was going to bring up Sin Cara when saying HHH didn't have an eye for talent 

In storyline, what the hell does HHH's eye for talent matter with guys like Edge, Jericho, and Cena.  HHH was an active wrestler at the time.
HHH needs to be protected. You can't bury guys like that
true, can't bury your WrestleMania 30 main eventer....
Decent closing segment but Orton comes off as such a secondary character to HHH.  He may be WWE Champion and "The Face of the WWE" but he doesn't feel all that important to me.  This whole thing is built around HHH.

Nice to see Bryan actually get some revenge.  It was briefly mentioned tonight when he hit the running knee on Orton, but it really annoys me that WWE has basically ignored Bryan beating Cena clean at Summerslam.
I knew something was up with Lawler....

-- Several performers had their luggage lost on the flight to Toronto for tonight's show. That's the reason Jerry Lawler is wearing the WWE shirt, because the airlines lost his luggage.
Maybe a nitpick, but maybe not.  Night of Champions is supposed to be that every title is on the line.  CURTIS AXEL isn't defending the IC Title, and Dean Ambrose as of right now has no match for the US Title.
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