WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

It has been announced that WWE RAW will be permanently moving to three hours.

This will begin with the July 23rd edition of the broadcast, which will also be the 1000th episode of RAW.

Below is the article from WWE.com:

"NEW YORK – At a USA Network season premiere event in New York City, John Cena revealed on Twitter that Monday Night Raw will expand to a three-hour show, starting with the 1,000th episode on July 23 at 8/7 CT on USA Network.

'WWE is proud to celebrate this historic milestone with our partners at USA Network,' WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon said. “'Our new three-hour Raw represents the next generation in interactive television where our fans won’t just watch the show, they will help create it.'

Starting with the historic 1,000th episode of Raw on July 23, The WWE Universe will have new ways to get involved in the show through WWE.com and social media by deciding matches, stipulations, Superstar development and more.

'The WWE Universe is one of the most socially active and passionate fan bases in all of television," Chris McCumber and Jeff Wachtel, co-presidents USA Network, said. "The powerful three-hour block of live TV truly makes USA the year-round destination for young male viewers on Monday nights.'

Stay with WWE.com for more on this breaking news surrounding Monday Night Raw.

What do you think about Raw expanding to a three-hour show? Sound off now on Twitter using#3hourRAW."

NASHVILLE, TN - (May 17, 2012) --  TNA IMPACT WRESTLING President Dixie Carter and SPIKE TV President Kevin Kay announce today that the highly-rated “IMPACT WRESTLING
Originally Posted by ROBPZEE612

WWE need to revamp the lower and mid-card if Raw is going to be 3 hours.
This. But since that won't happen anytime soon (if at all), get ready for even more squashes, predictable matches, and pointless segments.
I mean, if thinking like the WWE, could the move be for this proposed "pre-show" and maybe during this show, the cruiserweight division is presented to us. I understand USA's standpoint (Cause Who can not have enough Mark Harmon before Raw begins........) But I think the WWE would really should try to eliminate the brand recognition as well. Ace is already "running" both ships. Make No Way Out some sort of Unification show to draw some interest and eliminate multiples, introduce a new WWE World Title. and to replace the titles you get rid of (Since you made a joke of the US and Intercontinental titles, not getting started on tag team titles either) with the Cruiserweight title and go from there.

WWE World Champ, Intercontinental Champ, Tag, divas, and Cruiserweight, Makes the competition that much better without the overcrowding of titles. And then, maybe guys can be developed by holding the intercontinental title or tag titles like in the good old days.

Kristal x Layla >>> ___(insert whoever)___
Spoiler [+]
If the only thing that comes out of a 3 hr. show is a new title belt design and only world champion, then thats fine with me..

Personal update-This recovery is crazy painful..Definately hurts worse the 4th time around..It's gonna be a long, slow, uphill rehab that Im not looking forward to..Need to hit the lotto and get DDP to come be my personal phys. therapist..And speaking of ddp, did yall know that Kimberly was the chick whose boob falls out during the speed dating scene in 40 yr. Old Virgin?..I'm high right now..
Hogan threatened to send his lawyers on Steiner.

Steiner's response?

OMG..hogan i cant believe you admitted you got a lawyer like I said,I expected you to lie and deny
It,bcuz dont you realize that when you admitted that you proved to the world that what i was saying about
You was true! Calling you a *%*$% n a *#+$* etc..is my opinion but you admitting you got a lawyer proves
That you are,and since you admitted to getting a lawyer can you tell everybody exactly what
Tweet scared you..LOL..instead of wasting your money on a lawyer you should hire a P.R. firm bcuz
Like ive been saying all along,if you ain't saying your catchphrases you sound like a complete idiot
And maybe that P.R. firm can help your daughter too! Bcuz she admitted she could be a great
$%%#@,when she tweeted that she could make more money on her back than I did in my wrestling career
LOL.. Well i accept that challenge,bcuz i dont think she can,Good Luck Brooke,maybe you could do
A porn flick like your dad did,or do one with him,
U need to go to Rent-a-Center and rent a brain,bcuz if you check out the websites im not the only one
Who thinks your a idiot


Also, new NXT set up..

I don't think these are good moves for either company, though TNA's move is just a temporary test to see if it will help the product/ratings.
It has been shown over the past few years that live or taped, Impact Zone or on the road, Impact does basically the same rating every single week.  The fact is that most fans have no idea if a show is live or taped.  The thing that will grow the rating from a 1.1 to a 1.5 is putting on a consistently good product.  You can't have a good show for a week or two and expect your audience to multiply immediately.  It's something that takes time.  Maybe going live will motivate everyone within TNA to put on a better show (like this past Sunday's Sacrifice), but just the point of being live isn't going to increase viewership.

As for Raw, every few months there was something I dreaded from WWE, and that was the three hour Raw "specials".  Three hour Raws rarely if ever meant that we got shows that felt special, with multiple 10-20 minute matches and well thought out talking segments.  It meant the extra hour was filled with bad comedy, and extra divas match, and multiple replay segments.  And that was when they were only doing three hour Raws a few times a year.  Now it's going to be every single week.  And it's not just three hours, because WWE isn't going to do away with the overrun.  So now Raw is longer than a PPV.  That's crazy.  The current WWE roster cannot support this, nor can the writing staff.  I understand WWE will get more money because of extra rights fees, but overall ratings are going to go down.  There is no way WWE can hold an audience for 3+ hours every single Monday night.  then you throw in 2 hours of Smackdown, 1 hour of NXT, 1 hour of Superstars, and 3 hours of PPV 13 times a year, and you are looking at complete product over saturation.  For me, it just means I will still sit down to watch Raw at 9pm, but will watch the entire show on DVR, so it may actually may make it a bit more enjoyable for me since I can now fast forward through the crap.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I mean, if thinking like the WWE, could the move be for this proposed "pre-show" and maybe during this show, the cruiserweight division is presented to us. I understand USA's standpoint (Cause Who can not have enough Mark Harmon before Raw begins........) But I think the WWE would really should try to eliminate the brand recognition as well. Ace is already "running" both ships. Make No Way Out some sort of Unification show to draw some interest and eliminate multiples, introduce a new WWE World Title. and to replace the titles you get rid of (Since you made a joke of the US and Intercontinental titles, not getting started on tag team titles either) with the Cruiserweight title and go from there.

WWE World Champ, Intercontinental Champ, Tag, divas, and Cruiserweight, Makes the competition that much better without the overcrowding of titles. And then, maybe guys can be developed by holding the intercontinental title or tag titles like in the good old days.
In regards to the NCIS reference, during 3 hour Raws, hour 1 normally gets in the 3.5 million viewer range.  NCIS averages mid to high 2 million range (sometimes even higher).  The difference is, NCIS is far, far, far cheaper to air for USA.  It seems like a question move on USA's part.
USA mixes pleasure 4w with there parent stations. WWE and NBC's partnership (I think at this point we can call it that) has been for the most part iron clad. the moving of NCIS is something that would be easy to do. I think the WWE's influence does play into it which makes this move questionable 4w. My reference was just more of a joke if any.

i think If they really wanted to make waves, move Raw to the Universal Network. I think it will be interesting to see how NBC Universal handles certain things in the future. there are strong rumors where I work (NBC Universal) that they will make a bid for the NBA again. both NBA TV and ABC'/Disney's contract is up in the next few years (2015/2016). NHL ratings have been through the roof.

It is also interesting that they are making a three hour jump with the Summer Olympics coming. USA will be used for coverage. so will raw be moved to a tuesday if something is schedule for that night????? Should be an interesting move for all involved.
Brooke Hogan has been hired by TNA and will be the head of the Knockouts Division (Karen Jarrett's old role).  Ugh.  There were many people at the TV tapings very unhappy about this.
Madison Rayne looks so good as a brunette now 
I like her move where she pelvic thrusts their face into the mat,
Here's some NXT spoilers from that new show they're doing. Seems like this new NXT is gonna basically be another brand
full of FCW, current NXT, and lower card guys. No silly challenges and stuff at all.

Spoiler [+]
Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.

Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)

Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.

(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.

(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.

Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.

(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.

After a brief intermission, a video aired and they shot the crowd to lead into what can be assumed to be the second episode.


(1) Seth Rollins (formerly Tyler Black) beat Jiro. This was essentially a squash. Rollins cut a promo promising to take NXT, WWE, and the world by storm.

(2) Jinder Mahal beat Jason Jordan via submission with the Camel Clutch. Boring match as indicated by the crowd chants.

(3) Leo Kruger beat Aiden English. Quick and effective establishing Aiden as a face and Kruger as a heel. Post-match, Leo talked about himself on the mic, calling himself the LEO (Lion) of NXT. So, watch out.

(4) Richie Steamboat beat Rick Victor with a big lariat. Richie wrestles a lot like his dad, Ricky Steamboat, who was ringside watching. Richie gave him a shout-out after the match.

(5) Antonio Cesaro beat Dante Dash. Afterward, Aksana declared, "Antonio is my lover!"
wwe has no depth in their roster to pull a monday nitro.

wont last long

stop calling it a supershow, sounds dumb
USA probably makes more money off running NCIS reruns then they do live WWE programming.
x-pac said that tna will be wwe property before this decade is over.

i give it by summer 2014
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