WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

They went Head to Head?!

Can't wait to see what comes out on Cena. Wrestlers shouldn't even get married period.
[h1]The Rock is Kicking @$# and Saving Franchises[/h1]

Johnson debuts on our Celebrity 100 this year.

Dwayne “The Rock†Johnson’s formula for box office success is twofold: “I can kick @$# better than anyone on the planet,†he says. “And I have a decent smile.â€

He flashes his teeth winningly to try to underscore his point. But the numbers are more impressive: This 6-foot-5 wrestler’s 15 movies have grossed more than $2.3 billion at the global box office. Then there’s how he’s done it. Rather than launch franchises, Johnson saves them. Last year he climbed onboard the tired Fast and Furious series and turned Fast Five into the franchise’s highest-grossing film ($626 million). Then he took over Journey to the Center of the Earth from Brendan Fraser, and Journey 2 brought in $81 million more than its predecessor. Next up: the second installment of G.I. Joe.

Producers have taken note: We estimate The Rock earned $36 million in the last 12 months, and his first spot on The FORBES Celebrity 100 seems to be a floor, not a ceiling.

“The second you see Dwayne on screen,†says Paramount Film Group President Adam Goodman, “it’s like everything you ever imagined in an action hero and then some.â€

A college football star, Johnson broke into entertainment as a pro wrestler in 1996, following in the footsteps of his father and ­grandfather (his wrestling moniker, Rocky Maivia, combined their names). While his dad was upset—he had spent years getting pounded in high school gyms nationwide and struggled to support young Dwayne and the family—Johnson recognized that pro wrestling in the 1990s offered more upside than it did for generations past.

Still, cast in the role of a good guy, fans quickly tired of his nonstop smiling attitude and began to chant, “Rocky sucks!†Faced with the prospect of failing, Johnson implored World Wrestling Entertainment head Vince McMahon to give him 30 seconds on live TV to respond to the fans.

Throwing off the sunny, third-generation Rocky character dreamed up by the WWE, he became The Rock, and he antagonized the crowd right back. They ate it up. Now a funny bad guy with a penchant for catchphrases, a star was born. When fans would try to join in on a chorus of “Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?†He would cut them off and yell, “This ain’t sing-a-long with The Rock!†And they loved him for it.

Hollywood came calling in 2001. Johnson took a small part in The Mummy Returns and was immediately bitten by the acting bug. The next year he starred in a Mummy spinoff, The Scorpion King, which earned $165 million worldwide. Johnson continued to wrestle, playing up his new movie fame by pretending to be too big for the WWE and singing songs mocking whatever city he was performing in. And eventually he did get too big: By 2006 he had basically retired from the ring.

Around that time Johnson’s movie career took a strange turn. The Rock found himself at the center of family films like Gridiron Gang, The Game Plan and Race to Witch Mountain.

“When he was wrestling, he was at 270 pounds and the ruler of the world,†says Dany Garcia, his manager and ex-wife. “When he went into movies he dropped to 230 pounds and they told him to stop talking about wrestling.â€

To Johnson and Garcia, who’s been an integral part of Johnson’s ­career since they met as teens, it felt very much like the early days with the WWE when Johnson was encouraged to play a character that didn’t quite fit. “It reached a point where I felt that ­instead of me trying to conform to Hollywood, I needed to have ­Hollywood conform to me and ­embrace my past,†says Johnson.

So last year Johnson took matters into his own hands. He ditched his agents at CAA in favor of Ari Emanuel’s WME, decided to focus mostly on action movies—and decided to start wrestling again. “People love him as a wrestler,â€Ã¢€ˆsays WME’s Brad Slater, “and because he left seven years ago, there’s a whole generation of young fans who never saw him.†In April The Rock fought John Cena in a Wrestlemania battle, the most-watched in the history of the 27-year event, which raked in $67 million, thanks to 1.3 million pay-per-view downloads in 105 countries.

Such wrestling cred only burnishes his action hero status, allowing him to become, as Goodman of Paramount says, “toyetic.†And there are many more ­merchandise-friendly roles lined up in his immediate future. After G.I. Joe there’s Snitch, about a father who goes undercover to try to free his imprisoned son. Then Michael Bay’s Pain & Gain, where Johnson costars with Mark Wahlberg as a couple of former bodybuilders who kidnap a rich man and try to steal his life. After that he’ll hit Fast and Furious 6, and he’s just attached himself to Lore, based on a graphic novel about a man fighting legendary beasts.

The studios are falling over one another not just because of his ­newfound box office power but also because of his unwavering ­enthusiasm when it comes to ­promoting his films. Most stars negotiate how few days they’ll have to be on the road promoting their films. Johnson is happy to talk about how he can help ­promote the film from day one.

“That’s the wonderful part about being in this business,†says Johnson. “I love knowing the audience and listening to the audience.†Oh, and kicking a little @$#, too.

Follow me on Twitter at DorothyatForbes.

Originally Posted by ESyDC

Can't wait to see what comes out on Cena. Wrestlers shouldn't even get married period.
Imagine not breaking kayfabe at home with their wife and children?
Guys, SmackDown is really good this week.

Punk's match was good and so was Sheamus'.

Great stuff from Bryan and Sandow, too.
I didn't even think about three hour Raws when they are on the west coast. Shows are going to start at 4:30pm (live at 5) on a Monday. That's insane. The arena is going to be empty for the start of shows.
Lobo, yea i heard about the batista rumor.

rumor started because he shaved his head
So all it takes nowadays is to buy some $30 Wahl's, then cut your hair and that means you're back to being a professional wrestler?..

"Devon!..Get the clippers!"..
..See what I did there..Ignore me, I haven't slept in 30+ hours..
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I've heard rumblings of Batista returning Sunday. WAT.


I'd mark out for that 10x more than the Brock or Big Show option.  
At how they had Ryback squash CM Punk.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]say what? 
Ok, got confused for a sec...didn't watch SD.

Saw the spoilers for the new NXT though...and it's already sounding 10x better than SD and Raw.

I saw pics of the new set too...it looks JUST like the Impact Zone, but with the new NXT logo all over.
Three-Hour Time Slot News

Interestingly, on today's daily update at F4wonline.com, Bryan Alvarez reports that various people inside WWE doubt this will be a permanent move and that, sooner or later, the company will be switching back to a two-hour format.

While WWE is claiming the three-hour Raw switch is "permanent", there are people within the company who believe things will be back to normal by the end of the year, whether that be because the first hour is dropped or it moves to the proposed WWE Network, or it becomes simply a recap pre-show to build to the 9 p.m. hour. All of this, obviously, is subject to constant change.

Alvarez also gives a gloomy insight into how people in WWE are taking the recent announcement of an extra hour: "Pretty much every single person we talked to in WWE over the last day or so has expressed complete dread at this move."
Even though WWE superstar John Cena was probably looking to get through his divorce proceedings without a lot of drama, his estranged wife Elizabeth is not letting him out the door that easily, according to a report from TMZ. 

The gossip website reports that Cena's wife has recently filed documents to get his divorce petition thrown out because it's "riddled with errors."

According to Elizabeth, John inaccurately refers to her by her maiden name (Huberdeau) instead of her legal name (Cena). As a result, Elizabeth says John fails to bring "a proper dissolution of marriage action" against her.

Elizabeth also claims John failed to attach the prenup he references in his initial divorce filing -- a copy of which MUST be attached in order for the filing to be valid.

Elizabeth also takes issues with John's claim that there's no marital property -- Elizabeth insists there is ... and she wants her share.

TMZ reported a few weeks ago that Cena has been miserable over his marriage for months. 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Alvarez also gives a gloomy insight into how people in WWE are taking the recent announcement of an extra hour: "Pretty much every single person we talked to in WWE over the last day or so has expressed complete dread at this move."
Is that just the non-wrestlers? Cause here's a bunch of hilarious trolling reactions from the a couple wrestlers:John Laurinaitis "After I defeat @JohnCena at #OverTheLimit, I can look forward to another hour of #PeoplePower beginning on July 23. #3HourRaw As many of you have noted, the odds of me actually making it to #3HourRaw are slimmer than ever after the Board's decision Monday. Although I'm a fighter, I'll need the support of the entire WWE Universe to overcome such unfair circumstances at #OverTheLimit. As always, I'm trying to stand tall in the face of adversity. The prospect of #3HourRaw is helping me persevere in these dark times."

David Otunga "RAW is 3 hours! An additional 3,600 secs @WWEUniverse gets to enjoy looking at the greatest physique in @WWE #3HourRAW"

Dolph Ziggler "@JohnCena: STARTING Monday Night July 23 @USA_Network ADDS A 3RD HOUR TO @WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW - PERMANENTLY #3hourRaw" -my time! i challenge ANY @WWE #wwe SUPERSTAR to an #IronManMatch July 23rd! #3hourRaw #ShowStolen #AnyTAKERs?"

Justin Gabriel "#3HourRaw yes! Stoked. I hope that my people in Africa will get more than the Hour of RAW and SD now!"

Road Dogg "Well the cats out of the bag! Soon we go 3 hours on Mondays! More entertainment for your viewing pleasure! #3hourRaw #OUDK"

Titus O'Neil "Well @WWE #RAW goes to 3hrs in July!! Looks like Me& @DarrenYoungWWE will have 2take Over Raw too!! #TagChampsSoon #MillionsofDollars"

Tyson Kidd "Raw moving to 3 hours? I see nothing but great stuff coming from this"

Ricardo Rodriguez "#3hourRAW ?! More time for meeee.. I mean more time for Aaaaalllbbbeeerrrtoooooooo Deeeeeeeeel Rrrrrriooooooooo!"

Wade Barrett "I will shortly furnish you with the thoughts of my client, Mr. Barrett, concerning #3HourRaw. Regards, Peter Lazarou, Esq. I have just got off the line with my client, Mr. Barrett, after discussing his thoughts on #3HourRaw. Regards, Peter Lazarou, Esq."

Ezekiel Jackson "3 hours of Raw..permanently. Domination of Monday Nights by Raw and Zeke...

Cameron "More entertainment! More wrestling starting July 23 where there will now be 3 hrs of raw! More time to get funky! Funk yes! #3HourRaw

Heath Slater "Raw will soon be going 3 hours. Wooo!!! More Heath Slater #3HourRaw"

Howard Finkel "On Monday, July 23....#WWE Raw becomes a 3 hour program on @USA_Network!! To me, great news for everyone!! Interested to know ur thoughts..."

Yoshi Tatsu "#3HourRaw #YoshiRevolution"

Santino Marella "3 hrs of Raw!!!! Is that just one hour more of Santino or everyone else too? #3hourRaw"

Alex Riley "Starting July 23rd Monday Night is #GoinA-Ry! Translation- adding a permanent 3rd Hr! If you got a problem with that u can #SayItToMyFace"

Zack Ryder "#3HourRaw starting July 23...#SSSIIICCCKKK"

Kofi Kingston "What do y'all think about the new #3HourRaw?"

Layla "Whoop whoop!!! So excited for three hour raw on USA #3hourRaw @WWE"

Curt Hawkins "#3HourRaw ...I'm in."

Eve Torres "Spoken like a true leader. RT @WWERawGM As always,trying 2 stand tall in face of adversity.The prospect of #3HourRaw is helping me persevere" 
Alex Riley "Starting July 23rd Monday Night is #GoinA-Ry! Translation- adding a permanent 3rd Hr! If you got a problem with that u can #SayItToMyFace"

Ya hear that 4w? He's talkin to you fam.
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