WWE WrestleMania XXVI 3.28 7PM | Taker vs HBK, Hart vs McMahon, Batista vs Cena, Jericho vs Edge

Trips won 2 WM matches in the last 9 years why yall always hating?
This was a better match than I expected.

HHH went for the Pedigree twice, but once Sheamus grabbed his legs to counter, and the other he back body dropped him. Sheamus went for the Razors Edge out of the corner, but HHH got out. Sheamus hit the running yakuza kick but HHH kicked out. Both men were dazed. Then out of nowhere, HHH hit a spinebuster for a near fall. A little more back and forth, and eventually HHH hit the Pedigree and got the pin on Sheamus.

Sheamus looked good and performed well, but he didn't get the win.
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