XBOX 360 Call of Duty: Black Ops - VOL. MrONegative DOUBLE XP WEEKEND!! NEW MAPS OUT NOW!!!

Originally Posted by bittersweet


Just play Barebones, you won't have to go through all this.
, not a high enough level yet.

they got barebones hardcore?

i like hardcore because the skill in aiming i have is negated in normal games, because, not only do i have to shoot you first, i have to shoot you like 14 times....whereas, in hardcore, whoever lands a shot first, wins.....and more often than not, that's me living.....

i dont have a problem with ANY killstreaks....i just think BO killstreaks are obviously more cheesy than mw2s....EVEN THOUGH they don't count toward your killstreaks....that fact aside....when comparing the killstreaks....BO ones are cheesier.

i mean, even the UAV to helicopter thing change is cheesy....



Originally Posted by bittersweet


Just play Barebones, you won't have to go through all this.
, not a high enough level yet.

they got barebones hardcore?

i like hardcore because the skill in aiming i have is negated in normal games, because, not only do i have to shoot you first, i have to shoot you like 14 times....whereas, in hardcore, whoever lands a shot first, wins.....and more often than not, that's me living.....

i dont have a problem with ANY killstreaks....i just think BO killstreaks are obviously more cheesy than mw2s....EVEN THOUGH they don't count toward your killstreaks....that fact aside....when comparing the killstreaks....BO ones are cheesier.

i mean, even the UAV to helicopter thing change is cheesy....



That's just how it is man, get accustomed to it.

Add RapidFire & Fast Reloading to your weapons. You'll be straight
That's just how it is man, get accustomed to it.

Add RapidFire & Fast Reloading to your weapons. You'll be straight
Man lets do this... these are approximates (cant remember)

GT: LiquidPhilly
K/D: 2.11 (combat record)
W/L: 2.24
Accuracy: 22.34 (approx)
Highest killstreak with gun: 21
Highest win streak: 47

Most used gun: M16 (no ak74u noob over here, although i do use it to fight fire against fire)

4th prestige I think.

Lets get a tourney goin or somethin
Man lets do this... these are approximates (cant remember)

GT: LiquidPhilly
K/D: 2.11 (combat record)
W/L: 2.24
Accuracy: 22.34 (approx)
Highest killstreak with gun: 21
Highest win streak: 47

Most used gun: M16 (no ak74u noob over here, although i do use it to fight fire against fire)

4th prestige I think.

Lets get a tourney goin or somethin
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


a.) you can reload EVERYTHING using scav in MW2....the way it should be.

b.) scav pro gives you grenades? no wonder there are 5-10 of them live at any moment in BO
Stop it. You're obviously a camper if you're complaining about not having claymores resupplied. Scavenger is fine the way it it. Resupply ammo and lethal grenades, pro gets you tactical grenades and starts you off with max ammo. It doesn't need to resupply ANY equipment or else we would have a cluster of claymores/c4 all over the maps like in MW2. Not to forget that Scavenger shouldn't reload grenade launchers either. If you're worried about covering you're @+% while "not camping" then use the motion sensor.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN


a.) you can reload EVERYTHING using scav in MW2....the way it should be.

b.) scav pro gives you grenades? no wonder there are 5-10 of them live at any moment in BO
Stop it. You're obviously a camper if you're complaining about not having claymores resupplied. Scavenger is fine the way it it. Resupply ammo and lethal grenades, pro gets you tactical grenades and starts you off with max ammo. It doesn't need to resupply ANY equipment or else we would have a cluster of claymores/c4 all over the maps like in MW2. Not to forget that Scavenger shouldn't reload grenade launchers either. If you're worried about covering you're @+% while "not camping" then use the motion sensor.
I have no problems doing well in either game but both games had/have their flaws but MW2 got away with a lot of pathetic flaws.
I have no problems doing well in either game but both games had/have their flaws but MW2 got away with a lot of pathetic flaws.
Ok guy.
MW2 was so noob friendly because you needed no skill to kill someone. The fact that 2 bullets from a UMP with FMJ downed a guy from even medium-long range was quite ridiculous. Plus when it takes more bullets to kill someone like it does in Black Ops , not to mention the recoil. This means it takes more skill to get kills rather than getting 7 gun kills and raping face from then on. MW2 is the most broken game ever and NOTHING ever got fixed. They couldn't even take Tac Insertions out of FFA like 3arc did so what does that tell you about IW?
Ok guy.
MW2 was so noob friendly because you needed no skill to kill someone. The fact that 2 bullets from a UMP with FMJ downed a guy from even medium-long range was quite ridiculous. Plus when it takes more bullets to kill someone like it does in Black Ops , not to mention the recoil. This means it takes more skill to get kills rather than getting 7 gun kills and raping face from then on. MW2 is the most broken game ever and NOTHING ever got fixed. They couldn't even take Tac Insertions out of FFA like 3arc did so what does that tell you about IW?
Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Ok guy.
MW2 was so noob friendly because you needed no skill to kill someone. The fact that 2 bullets from a UMP with FMJ downed a guy from even medium-long range was quite ridiculous. Plus when it takes more bullets to kill someone like it does in Black Ops , not to mention the recoil. This means it takes more skill to get kills rather than getting 7 gun kills and raping face from then on. MW2 is the most broken game ever and NOTHING ever got fixed. They couldn't even take Tac Insertions out of FFA like 3arc did so what does that tell you about IW?
If someone has a problem with needing multiple bullets to down somone they should just play hardcore. I have friends that think they're doing their "thing" because all they play is hardcore. I don't mind it and all but I just have ADD waiting for re-spawns. And I can really care less about K/D, I just want to play!

Originally Posted by Adidas Freak

Ok guy.
MW2 was so noob friendly because you needed no skill to kill someone. The fact that 2 bullets from a UMP with FMJ downed a guy from even medium-long range was quite ridiculous. Plus when it takes more bullets to kill someone like it does in Black Ops , not to mention the recoil. This means it takes more skill to get kills rather than getting 7 gun kills and raping face from then on. MW2 is the most broken game ever and NOTHING ever got fixed. They couldn't even take Tac Insertions out of FFA like 3arc did so what does that tell you about IW?
If someone has a problem with needing multiple bullets to down somone they should just play hardcore. I have friends that think they're doing their "thing" because all they play is hardcore. I don't mind it and all but I just have ADD waiting for re-spawns. And I can really care less about K/D, I just want to play!

This dude eNPHAN just argues for the @#$@##$ sake of arguing 

Your points on how MW2 is better than BO are VERY weak. 

the killstreaks are WAY MORE CHEESE on BO than on MW2...did yall suck at MW2?

This is my biggest problem with your argument. How in the HELL are the killstreaks worse on this game than in MW2? In MW2 ALL everyone did was get one killstreak, camp, and let that killstreak attain the other killstreaks. Chopper Gunner/AC130 in MW2 more cheese than dogs? Word? You've got to be kidding me. And the harrier was cheap as hell, @#$# would get you AT LEAST 3-4 kills. 
MW2 was an incredibly noob friendly game with the noob-tubes, danger close, scavenger camping, etc. I could go on forever. 

BO > MW2 and it's not even close. BO takes skill to play, MW2 simply did not.
This dude eNPHAN just argues for the @#$@##$ sake of arguing 

Your points on how MW2 is better than BO are VERY weak. 

the killstreaks are WAY MORE CHEESE on BO than on MW2...did yall suck at MW2?

This is my biggest problem with your argument. How in the HELL are the killstreaks worse on this game than in MW2? In MW2 ALL everyone did was get one killstreak, camp, and let that killstreak attain the other killstreaks. Chopper Gunner/AC130 in MW2 more cheese than dogs? Word? You've got to be kidding me. And the harrier was cheap as hell, @#$# would get you AT LEAST 3-4 kills. 
MW2 was an incredibly noob friendly game with the noob-tubes, danger close, scavenger camping, etc. I could go on forever. 

BO > MW2 and it's not even close. BO takes skill to play, MW2 simply did not.
Yo Certified, don't even bother dude...he not gonna listen to you about killstreaks...but I'm glad people are on my side about balance on BO vs. MW2.
Yo Certified, don't even bother dude...he not gonna listen to you about killstreaks...but I'm glad people are on my side about balance on BO vs. MW2.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

scavenger is #%%#@!@ gay. you cant get secondary grenades, flash, claymore, or grenades back....

what does ninja pro do? cause so far, its gay too...

the killstreaks are WAY MORE CHEESE on BO than on MW2...did yall suck at MW2?

the killstreaks werent OD on there at all...i barely ever ran with cold blooded and prolly only died to killstreaks 1% of overall deaths...

the game is more concrete....the environment seems more 3d.....

granted, i played Hardcore on BO like 3 times, loved it, then realized i had to go through 24 more levels to play hardcore by myself.....

the regular version of black ops is garbo...forreal...i shouldnt have to shoot a !%+#% 8 times...8 separate hit markers, no last stand, and he's still alive....that's ridiculous.

especially when, in hardcore, i hit a dude with two as soon as he shows himself...

my 3rd time playing black ops was on hardcore and i went 22-5-7....

im barely breaking even in the normal server.....lame.

im still getting hit with a ******ed amount of random still getting shot up with SMGs when i clearly have an assult rifle...

people are still running around like !+$$% with lightweight and marathon

those RC cars and dogs are BEYOND lame

the animation/environment/models just look old school EA FPS, all them trash +@* james bond games....

i mean, all the customization and stuff they added is amazing...the only reason im still playing

but i think the actual gameplay is severely worse than MW2...

i do like the new "explosion" animations

i hate how the guns ALL sound

im mw2 you could hear gunshots ringing off im standing next to a dude shooting and it sounds suppressed...

exploding knifes? bow and exploding arrows? shoot a dude, and he goes into last stand by bouncing up, then down, then going into last stand? all the while you're unloading an entire clip in him from standing, to airborne, to ground, to last stand, and he pistols you up.....thats so fun.

oh, putting a claymore down, the only claymore you can get until you die again, and someone walks over it slowly, it explodes and he doesnt die? that $+*+ is so dope and fun to have happen to you.....

and don't get me started on how great not having a shotgun for a secondary is....

eh, madd people play it, my roomate copped so i can play for free, and the customization aspect....only reason im still #%%#@!@ with BO

come on man.....forreal.

I've died from claymores so many times in BO it's not even funny. The claymores in this game are super powerful so that's bs. You don't need an unlimited amount of claymores so you can spam them around the entire map and entrances to your camp spot.

And the shotgun secondary is probably the worst idea IW had since the OMA noob tube. Giving a player the ability to do anything they want in any given situation just proves that you don't need any skill to play MW2. I ran around with a Spas 12 and used it as a primary gun in tons of games in MW2 and had a KD of at least 2.5+. BO isn't bad, you just need crutches.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

scavenger is #%%#@!@ gay. you cant get secondary grenades, flash, claymore, or grenades back....

what does ninja pro do? cause so far, its gay too...

the killstreaks are WAY MORE CHEESE on BO than on MW2...did yall suck at MW2?

the killstreaks werent OD on there at all...i barely ever ran with cold blooded and prolly only died to killstreaks 1% of overall deaths...

the game is more concrete....the environment seems more 3d.....

granted, i played Hardcore on BO like 3 times, loved it, then realized i had to go through 24 more levels to play hardcore by myself.....

the regular version of black ops is garbo...forreal...i shouldnt have to shoot a !%+#% 8 times...8 separate hit markers, no last stand, and he's still alive....that's ridiculous.

especially when, in hardcore, i hit a dude with two as soon as he shows himself...

my 3rd time playing black ops was on hardcore and i went 22-5-7....

im barely breaking even in the normal server.....lame.

im still getting hit with a ******ed amount of random still getting shot up with SMGs when i clearly have an assult rifle...

people are still running around like !+$$% with lightweight and marathon

those RC cars and dogs are BEYOND lame

the animation/environment/models just look old school EA FPS, all them trash +@* james bond games....

i mean, all the customization and stuff they added is amazing...the only reason im still playing

but i think the actual gameplay is severely worse than MW2...

i do like the new "explosion" animations

i hate how the guns ALL sound

im mw2 you could hear gunshots ringing off im standing next to a dude shooting and it sounds suppressed...

exploding knifes? bow and exploding arrows? shoot a dude, and he goes into last stand by bouncing up, then down, then going into last stand? all the while you're unloading an entire clip in him from standing, to airborne, to ground, to last stand, and he pistols you up.....thats so fun.

oh, putting a claymore down, the only claymore you can get until you die again, and someone walks over it slowly, it explodes and he doesnt die? that $+*+ is so dope and fun to have happen to you.....

and don't get me started on how great not having a shotgun for a secondary is....

eh, madd people play it, my roomate copped so i can play for free, and the customization aspect....only reason im still #%%#@!@ with BO

come on man.....forreal.

I've died from claymores so many times in BO it's not even funny. The claymores in this game are super powerful so that's bs. You don't need an unlimited amount of claymores so you can spam them around the entire map and entrances to your camp spot.

And the shotgun secondary is probably the worst idea IW had since the OMA noob tube. Giving a player the ability to do anything they want in any given situation just proves that you don't need any skill to play MW2. I ran around with a Spas 12 and used it as a primary gun in tons of games in MW2 and had a KD of at least 2.5+. BO isn't bad, you just need crutches.
People still denying how this game isn't balance,
? Don't get me wrong, MW2 was a great game, but like what people said, it's too noob friendly. 
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