ya paying attention to latest Obama scandals? VOL. IRS, Bengahazi, Associated Press hack by Gov

in 2010 (a non presidential midterm election cycle) democrats LOST congress and NEARLY lost da senate as well.
Bless your heart.  Your trying to the best of your ability ninjahood but it simply is not enough........for a number of reasons.  You keep proving me right by trying to prove me wrong.  Your actually working for me and in my favor if you haven't noticed already.  You said "Democrats NEARLY lost da senate"  With NEARLY meaning that it was close, but the Democrats still prevailed with you and the Republicans just a few yards short of the goal line, thus dropping the ball and coming up short just like I said.  I don't care if the Democrats won the Senate by alot or a little, cause at the end of the day the Democrats won the Senate. 

by your logic you're claiming victory in a fight because da person who knocked you out ONLY broke one eye socket instead of two


Duece king = Bloviator of American politics
My poor misguided child, SMH.  You have shown yourself to be unable to stand by your direct quote which was.............
its a KNOWN FACT, not a prediction that da opposite

party gains power in non presidential mid-cycle elections.
The Republican party gained power in the House, but NOT in the Senate in 2010.  They only gained seats in the Senate, but not POWER as you attempted to illustrate in your direct quote up above earlier.  With that being said Democrats have control and power of the White House, and Senate, while the Republicans just have power in the House of Representatives.  That's 2 to 1 muchacho in favor of the Democrats.  

You are taking steps backwards in your attempt to get your Republican stripes.  Your not doing your Republican brethren any favors with your lack of understanding.  If you keep this up, they're going to put you back on mop duty champ and then your going to be just like Martin in that DMV episode...........right back at scratch.  

now that you recognized that democrats NEARLY LOST da senate AND LOST CONGRESS in 2010, understand that when obama was

sworn into office in 2008 he went in with a SUPER MAJORITY and he almost lost both houses 2 years later. there is NO KINDA

SPIN that makes that sound good b, you sound like a idiot boasting about that tremendous L

2014 is looking to repeat da 2010 slaughter, and its not gonna matter that obama is president from 2015-2016 because he'll have

da amazing powers of a lame duck.
Ninjahood, just let me know if and when the Republicans lead the charge on the Immigration Bill.  That is what is going to determine the 2014 outcome champ.  As it currently stands, your party is about to have a self-imposed meltdown just trying to come up with a solution or resolution to the matter.  You and the rest of the Republican party are about to self-destruct on that one issue alone..............."SELF-DESTRUCTION..............YA HEADED FOR SELF-DESTRUCTION!!"
President Obama is also dealing with THE worst economy handed down to a President since the Great Depression so you have to/should take things into context champ. 

No matter how many times Obama repeats this line, it's simply not true. Ronald Reagan was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression from Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was much higher, etc. And he turned it around in about 2 years. It's been 5 years with Obama and things are only getting worse. This big government liberalism just isn't working guys.
President Obama is also dealing with THE worst economy handed down to a President since the Great Depression so you have to/should take things into context champ. 

No matter how many times Obama repeats this line, it's simply not true. Ronald Reagan was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression from Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was much higher, etc. And he turned it around in about 2 years. It's been 5 years with Obama and things are only getting worse. This big government liberalism just isn't working guys.
You forgot to throw in a dismal housing market into your statement which President Obama is dealing with Reagan didn't have to.  Which is the main reason why this economy is still in a recovering phase.  Housing naturally is going to take longer to deal with then all those factors. 
Ninjahood, just let me know if and when the Republicans lead the charge on the Immigration Bill.  That is what is going to determine the 2014 outcome champ.  As it currently stands, your party is about to have a self-imposed meltdown just trying to come up with a solution or resolution to the matter.  You and the rest of the Republican party are about to self-destruct on that one issue alone..............."SELF-DESTRUCTION..............YA HEADED FOR SELF-DESTRUCTION!!"
gee, last time i checked obama launched a warfare on da coal industry..lets see how his democratic senators he just left

out in da cold with a thin sweater who represents coal rich states that depened

on coal for da majority of their power and employment deal with da midterm elections

immigration (which i care about) isn't even cracking top 5 things americans care about..they care about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, and da wait for it...


2014 looking like 2010 part 2 and all duece king can tout is immigration? with this piss poor economy?
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with this piss poor economy?
Let me ask you something champ, if this economy is piss poor like you say it is and Obama was in office 4 years prior to the 2012 election, why did Americans re-elect President Obama in 2012??  He must be doing something right.  You wanna talk about jobs, jobs, jobs muchacho...........well I got one for you.  Your JOB is to just sit back and enjoy the show, that and to grab that bucket and mop you get when you enter into Republican meetings and get to work. 
with this piss poor economy?
Let me ask you something champ, if this economy is piss poor like you say it is and Obama was in office 4 years prior to the 2012 election, why did Americans re-elect President Obama in 2012??  He must be doing something right.  You wanna talk about jobs, jobs, jobs muchacho...........well I got one for you.  Your JOB is to just sit back and enjoy the show, that and to grab that bucket and mop you get when you enter into Republican meetings and get to work
aka i have no answer to da midterm elections of 2014
No matter how many times Obama repeats this line, it's simply not true. Ronald Reagan was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression from Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was much higher, etc. And he turned it around in about 2 years. It's been 5 years with Obama and things are only getting worse. This big government liberalism just isn't working guys.
Anyone who is guaranteeing the outcome of the 2014 elections now is basically just taking a side.  And if you happen to be right, all you did was guess right. 

The truth of the matter is that as it stands right now, it really is a complete tossup.  Ask the unbiased political experts and they'll tell you the same.

There are a lot of factors that go into how those 2014 midterm elections will go and there is A LOT of time between now and then.  It isn't just "President Obama is doing a sucky job so surely the Republicans will knock it out of the park".  There are so many little details that go into the individual races of each state that basing it solely on the job the President is doing is pretty idiotic and uninformed.  
No matter how many times Obama repeats this line, it's simply not true. Ronald Reagan was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression from Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was much higher, etc. And he turned it around in about 2 years. It's been 5 years with Obama and things are only getting worse. This big government liberalism just isn't working guys.

View media item 507614

*waits for dueceking to gloat over nothing again*

Whoever said its too early for 2014 predictions

Never realized that da party not in da whitehouse

almost ALWAYS gains powers during da midterm

Non Presidential elections.

How do democrats expect to retain da senate with

Job killer known as obama care looming next year?

Good luck on that :lol:
Im just waiting for 2017 I believe when the "tax credit" goes away and everyone gets slammed with the oBo health care tax....

Most people will just blame Bush.....
It's never too early for predictions, ninja. But nothing is written in stone, hence the "almost always" part of your last post.

If you can acknowledge that something doesn't happen 100% of the time, I'm not sure how you can't see that predictions at this point in time don't mean a whole lot. Especially when they're based solely on the President, ignoring all the nuances of the individual races in critical states.

That's all I'm saying. Predictions at this point in time are basically people interjecting their personal opinions in choosing a side. The race for the majority is pretty close right now, so it really is a toss up at this point in time. People swore up and down that Romney was going to win by a landslide and well, we see how that went. Granted, presidential races are different from midterm elections, but the point remains: we won't be anywhere near certain of the outcome until much closer to the elections. Anyone saying otherwise at this point is simply putting their money on who they want to win.
Ninjahood is ducking and dodging my question because he knows he's on the wrong side of the equation on that one. 
People ninjahood swore up and down that Romney was going to win by a landslide and well, we see how that went.
Fixed just to be more specific. 
Ninjahood is ducking and dodging my question because he knows he's on the wrong side of the equation on that one. 

People ninjahood swore up and down that Romney was going to win by a landslide and well, we see how that went.

Fixed just to be more specific. 

Excuse me? :lol:

Da only advantage obama had in 2012 was da fact

That he was a incumbent, & that in itself is hard to

Beat, word to bush in 2004.

Obama got no business behind united states

economics, obamacare bout to help clean da senate

Like it did congress in 2010.
I understand ninja is on the side of the Republicans and won't really give much credit to the president for anything.

But how is that any better than the people who will NEVER say a bad word about Obama or acknowledge any of his missteps?
I understand ninja is on the side of the Republicans and won't really give much credit to the president for anything.

But how is that any better than the people who will NEVER say a bad word about Obama or acknowledge any of his missteps?

Thats da thing about it, im a independent, but

because OPENLY criticize Obama's wack Presidency

Thus far im deem a "GOP advocate" or w/e cute

Pejorative Dueceking decides to cook up to defend

Obama's shrine.
Ninjahood is independent, but all his talking points are straight from the GOP with the exception of private prisons I believe.
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