ya paying attention to latest Obama scandals? VOL. IRS, Bengahazi, Associated Press hack by Gov

Ninjahood is independent, but all his talking points are straight from the GOP with the exception of private prisons I believe.

GOP been **** heads with immigration reform

they've got WILD evangelical nut jobs on da far right that wanna hijack Roe V wade


NOBODY on NT except for a select few criticizes democrats for, da HUGE debt, AWFUL jobs record, atrocious with obamacare

big brother/big government policies, destructive tax policies, irresponsible spending, and their WILD environmental nut jobs on da FAR

left trying to highjack da energy sector and have us deindustrialize and have us on a riding horses again...

GOP been **** heads with immigration reform

they've got WILD evangelical nut jobs on da far right that wanna hijack Roe V wade


NOBODY on NT except for a select few criticizes democrats for, da HUGE debt, AWFUL jobs record, atrocious with obamacare

big brother/big government policies, destructive tax policies, irresponsible spending, and their WILD environmental nut jobs on da FAR

left trying to highjack da energy sector and have us deindustrialize and have us on a riding horses again...

We can agree to disagree on a lot of this but please tell me what tax policies have changed under Obama? Corporate tax is one of the lowest in the world, and profits are at a all time high.

There's nutjobs on both ends, so that cancels out. I voted for Obama but I'm far from a supporter but this myth that's he's bad for business is just nonsense. Nothing has changed for corporations and Wall St. in fact, you can argue that those entities have merged with the government. Look at some of the people this administration has hired.

Also, just check Obama's latest 'grand bargain' that he's touting, it's a joke and laughs in the face of that myth
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Doesnt mean squat when none of that money comes

Back home to da states to be reinvested because

Of da massive tax burden.

Huh? So this has been only happening under Obama?


The effective tax rate -- the share of corporate profits actually paid in taxes -- averaged 19 percent over the past three decades. That is much lower than the top corporate statutory rate, currently 35 percent, because of the various deductions and exclusions that corporations claim.
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US Corporate tax..lowest in da world? :lol: might

Wanna double check that.

ur gonna need to do some research if u don't understand that the corporate tax is damn near non existent.

the tax code is beyond you or me and was designed to be complicated so the rich can loophole out of paying it altogether. why else do so many of these corporations keep their capital overseas?


oh and that legislation that states corporations are people doesn't help either.

and u are def not independent. u are as republican as they come. on some michael steele, marco rubio, allen west type steez. foh.

obama has done good things but he's done disappointing work imo. but republicans would've done A LOT worse.
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We can agree to disagree on a lot of this but please tell me what tax policies have changed under Obama? Corporate tax is one of the lowest in the world, and profits are at a all time high.

There's nutjobs on both ends, so that cancels out. I voted for Obama but I'm far from a supporter but this myth that's he's bad for business is just nonsense. Nothing has changed for corporations and Wall St. in fact, you can argue that those entities have merged with the government. Look at some of the people this administration has hired.

Also, just check Obama's latest 'grand bargain' that he's touting, it's a joke and laughs in the face of that myth
US Corporate tax..lowest in da world?

Wanna double check that.
ur gonna need to do some research if u don't understand that the corporate tax is damn near non existent.

the tax code is beyond you or me and was designed to be complicated so the rich can loophole out of paying it altogether. why else do so many of these corporations keep their capital overseas?


oh and that legislation that states corporations are people doesn't help either.

and u are def not independent. u are as republican as they come. on some michael steele, marco rubio, allen west type steez. foh.

obama has done good things but he's done disappointing work imo. but republicans would've done A LOT worse.
Ninjahood out here still tap dancing trying to get in the door.
US Corporate tax..lowest in da world? :lol: might

Wanna double check that.

ur gonna need to do some research if u don't understand that the corporate tax is damn near non existent.

the tax code is beyond you or me and was designed to be complicated so the rich can loophole out of paying it altogether. why else do so many of these corporations keep their capital overseas?


oh and that legislation that states corporations are people doesn't help either.

and u are def not independent. u are as republican as they come. on some michael steele, marco rubio, allen west type steez. foh.

obama has done good things but he's done disappointing work imo. but republicans would've done A LOT worse.

:rofl: :rofl: Ninjahood out here still tap dancing trying to get in the door.

Says barry's water boy...da GOP BEEN wanna do

away wit da complicated tax system & provide a flat

Tax. You out actin like Obama did your first

Looks like there is some internal fighting within the GOP leaders(Paul/Christie) these days ninjahood.  Not to mention a split on the Immigration Bill and how to handle immigration overall.  You might want to get your boys focused and on the same page before the 2014 mid-term rolls around champ. 
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.
You just posted a whole lot of nothing just now.  Nobody cares about any of that, get with the program champ. 
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.

You just posted a whole lot of nothing just now.  Nobody cares about any of that, get with the program champ. 

No one cares we're broke and any noney spent now

Comes from China? :lol: stop smokin that ****..

Obama bout to do a dog and pony show to jack up

Spending for da new fiscal year and ask for more

Taxes from da wealthy when we already have

sequestration in place.
Taxes from the wealthy? He's offering to cut more taxes from the "job creators" which we already know that's a failure.
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.
You just posted a whole lot of nothing just now.  Nobody cares about any of that, get with the program champ. 
No one cares we're broke and any noney spent now

Comes from China?
stop smokin that ****..

Obama bout to do a dog and pony show to jack up

Spending for da new fiscal year and ask for more

Taxes from da wealthy when we already have

sequestration in place.
Never mind all that for now muchacho.  What's the status on those care packages to be sent to the family of the victims of the Benghazi attacks??  Did you send them out yet and what did you place inside of them??
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.

You just posted a whole lot of nothing just now.  Nobody cares about any of that, get with the program champ. 

No one cares we're broke and any noney spent now

Comes from China? :lol: stop smokin that ****..

Obama bout to do a dog and pony show to jack up

Spending for da new fiscal year and ask for more

Taxes from da wealthy when we already have

sequestration in place.

Never mind all that for now muchacho.  What's the status on those care packages to be sent to the family of the victims of the Benghazi attacks??  Did you send them out yet and what did you place inside of them??

Im still waiting on your Trayvon Martin phone drive

With al sharpton >D

You outta your league talking bout politics with me

B :lol: go be a good lil squrt and google how many

Seats da dems have left to cling to power in da

senate. Its lookin grim on those coal states :lol:
How about Obama learns not to ask for another owed

dollar from China to find his pet projects

So that his left wing eco nuts can fap at da thought

Driving cars with unicorn sweat.

You just posted a whole lot of nothing just now.  Nobody cares about any of that, get with the program champ. 

No one cares we're broke and any noney spent now

Comes from China?
stop smokin that ****..

Obama bout to do a dog and pony show to jack up

Spending for da new fiscal year and ask for more

Taxes from da wealthy when we already have

sequestration in place.
Never mind all that for now muchacho.  What's the status on those care packages to be sent to the family of the victims of the Benghazi attacks??  Did you send them out yet and what did you place inside of them??
Im still waiting on your Trayvon Martin phone drive

With al sharpton

You outta your league talking bout politics with me

go be a good lil squrt and google how many

Seats da dems have left to cling to power in da

senate. Its lookin grim on those coal states
Never said I would be doing a phone drive, but I did participate in a rally.  You however told me you would be providing care packages..............and you didn't come threw with your promise.  That makes you a FRAUD in my eyes, as well as a FRAUD in the eyes of many others. 

When you say I'm "outta your league talking about politics" I definitely agree with you in that regard.  Remember champ, I already got my degree...............you my fine feathered friend are still working on your associates degree, which means your a step behind.........."look behind you ninjahood I'm bout to pass you twice!!"
I haven't been in this thread long but it seems both sides are just repeating talking points they heard on the news and don't have actual facts to back up what they are saying.
Aww cute, dueceking was shuckin' & jivin w/ race

Hustlers meanwhile that trayvon thread is in da

abyss cuz fake outrage only last so long, meanwhile

As we speak there is a Benghazi meeting happenng

Right now, got obama & company squirming to talk

About da bull **** economy he has no clue how to

Run :lol:
No matter how many times Obama repeats this line, it's simply not true. Ronald Reagan was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression from Jimmy Carter. Unemployment was higher, inflation was much higher, etc. And he turned it around in about 2 years. It's been 5 years with Obama and things are only getting worse. This big government liberalism just isn't working guys.

Rather than spewing out generalities (that are untrue), why don't we actually compare the two economies with some nuance?

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