ya paying attention to latest Obama scandals? VOL. IRS, Bengahazi, Associated Press hack by Gov

The devil is a liar. 

Obama’s numbers have been collapsing since April. The causes of the decline may be related to his sequester-hyping, multiple scandals, the failure of gun control legislation, international stumbles (in Syria, Russia), the president’s wishy-washy defense of NSA surveillance programs and-or the president’s divisiveness on the George Zimmerman trial. But looming above it all is hobbled Obamacare, arguably the only significant “achievement” of his domestic agenda. Democrats aren’t thrilled; independents have had their suspicions confirmed. The delay in the employer mandate may have galvanized the sentiment that this president simply doesn’t have it together.

get your weight up, rookie.
just read these.



finna read this.


didn't know there was still this much debate about global warming going on honestly
seems like both sides have excellent points and counterpoints.

climate change does seem like a much more accurate way to word it.
well when da temp hasn't gone up since 1998 they really ain't got much of a choice.

**** is a big tax scheme and im glad its falling apart in front of them.
Can someone please Clear this bengazi thing for me?

So Hillary Clinton sends an ambassador to Libya for whatever reason?

While there, an attack (not known whether it's terrorist or not) happens and takes the lives of 4 American citizens, one being an ambassador.

During this attack Obama somehow finds out about it and doesn't send help for whatever reason.

people find out and are outraged, Obama puts it aside and sweeps it under the rug until after he wins reelection.

Obama did what To cover it up?

Also what was the reason for the attack?
Can someone please Clear this bengazi thing for me?

So Hillary Clinton sends an ambassador to Libya for whatever reason?

While there, an attack (not known whether it's terrorist or not) happens and takes the lives of 4 American citizens, one being an ambassador.

During this attack Obama somehow finds out about it and doesn't send help for whatever reason.

people find out and are outraged, Obama puts it aside and sweeps it under the rug until after he wins reelection.

Obama did what To cover it up?

Also what was the reason for the attack?

rundowns I found.



hoping everything is accurate. someone correct anything that is wrong please.
Can someone please Clear this bengazi thing for me?

So Hillary Clinton sends an ambassador to Libya for whatever reason?

While there, an attack (not known whether it's terrorist or not) happens and takes the lives of 4 American citizens, one being an ambassador.

During this attack Obama somehow finds out about it and doesn't send help for whatever reason.

people find out and are outraged, Obama puts it aside and sweeps it under the rug until after he wins reelection.

Obama did what To cover it up?

Also what was the reason for the attack?
9/11 anniversary strike.

and Obama/Hillary blamed it on a video.

someone told them to stand down instead of backing up da embassy, plus da president's whereabouts are still unknown while da US was

under attack, etc.

edit. that list from factcheck = pifffff.
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Can someone please Clear this bengazi thing for me?

So Hillary Clinton sends an ambassador to Libya for whatever reason?

While there, an attack (not known whether it's terrorist or not) happens and takes the lives of 4 American citizens, one being an ambassador.

During this attack Obama somehow finds out about it and doesn't send help for whatever reason.

people find out and are outraged, Obama puts it aside and sweeps it under the rug until after he wins reelection.

Obama did what To cover it up?

Also what was the reason for the attack?
No.  President Obama spoke about this on September 12 2012 in the Rose Garden at the White House, video below.  It was a terrorist attack.  The closet fighter jets and back up was about 8 hours away.  The attack was well over by then.  From what is know as of now President Obama did nothing to cover it up.  Republicans and wanna be Republicans like ninjahood just want to try and point the finger for anything wrong that happens in the government or about the government to President Obama.   

Can someone please Clear this bengazi thing for me?

So Hillary Clinton sends an ambassador to Libya for whatever reason?

While there, an attack (not known whether it's terrorist or not) happens and takes the lives of 4 American citizens, one being an ambassador.

During this attack Obama somehow finds out about it and doesn't send help for whatever reason.

people find out and are outraged, Obama puts it aside and sweeps it under the rug until after he wins reelection.

Obama did what To cover it up?

Also what was the reason for the attack?
No.  President Obama spoke about this on September 12 2012 in the Rose Garden at the White House, video below.  It was a terrorist attack.  The closet fighter jets and back up was about 8 hours away.  The attack was well over by then.  From what is know as of now President Obama did nothing to cover it up.  Republicans and wanna be Republicans like ninjahood just want to try and point the finger for anything wrong that happens in the government or about the government to President Obama.   


hush sir, you've been offically slumped on this with this chart.
Nothing posted in that article disputes anything that I said, try again muchacho.

obama fundraiser trips RIGHT AFTER da attack?

da press secretary blaming da internet video da day after?

obama doubling down on da video theory?

susan rice going around freestlying to da media about what happen...

this administration failed this situation miserably.....
not even worth arguing with these fools ninja. deuce king is one of the biggest idiots on this site. if barry soetoro asked deuce to hold his nuts for him he would.

a militant black guy who thinks the government is looking out for his best interests :lol: oh the irony

I don't even know who or what you are, so stay in your lane. Just be happy I'm even responding to you in this manner and leave it at that. Clowns.
per CNN today : Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack

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I'll say this one more time..................

It's not even that much about the messenger as I and others know when it comes to politics and political issues ninjahood is dead wrong a majority of the time.  With certain people you just know what to expect, and most expect the worse when it comes to our fine feathered friend ninjahood, so that's not even a concern for me
per CNN today : Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack


It keeps on getting worse :lol:

And me wrong most of da time? :lol: all i hear up in

Here is "i dont even like Ninjahood but he's got a point"

I do my due diligence wit da fact checkin here unlike

A certain Obama bundler here masquerading as a NT

So what I'm Getting from this is, Obama knew exactly what happened and put off the truth for as long as possible or at least until after the election, so he could win, again.

that sounds like a smart man.
So what I'm Getting from this is, Obama knew exactly what happened and put off the truth for as long as possible or at least until after the election, so he could win, again.

that sounds like a smart man.
its extremely vile putting your career and politics ahead of da American people and lives.

this is why da opposition is relentless in pursuing da bottom of what exactly happened.
Well what do you know muchacho, fresh off the wire...........162,000 jobs were added in the month of July 2013 bringing the unemployment rate to 7.4, the lowest since December 2008.  What say you champ??
per CNN today : Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack


It's pretty clear that this whole Benghazi thing has been dealt with so poorly (in terms of information released to the public, sequence of events, etc.) because the embassy/annex there is a CIA field office. The government, and the CIA itself, do not want to compromise their clandestine presence and operations in that area. Like I said before, intelligence and national security are messy, and a deep investigation into what happened in Benghazi surely will compromise what the CIA is doing there.
Well what do you know muchacho, fresh off the wire...........162,000 jobs were added in the month of July 2013 bringing the unemployment rate to 7.4, the lowest since December 2008.  What say you champ??

do you know what KIND of jobs being added? here's a hint: its not career full time jobs, its bull **** part time jobs with no

benefits, and lets not even talk about da fact that those numbers dont reflect da people who been so discourged they stopped looking for work.


The Labor Department says the rate fell from 7.6 percent in June. But that was one of the few good signs in an otherwise lackluster report.

Fewer jobs were added in the previous two months than earlier estimated. Americans worked fewer hours and their pay dipped. The figures suggest weak economic growth may be making businesses cautious about hiring.


America's Part-Time Recovery, in which the regular jobs that were vaporized in the Great Recession are replaced with ****** part-time jobs, is working out beautifully for the noble job creators. Thanks to a combination of high unemployment, the looming Obamacare law, and greed, it appears that for many workers, part-time status is the new normal.


There was a piece in the Wall Street Journal on how some full time jobs are being changed to part time jobs. I braced myself for the usual blame on the ACA. And it was right there in the beginning:
Ken Adams has been turning to more part-time workers at his 10 Subway sandwich shops in Michigan to avoid possibly incurring higher health-care costs under the new federal insurance law.
He added approximately 25 part-time workers in May and June as he reduced some employees’ hours and replaced other workers who left. The move showed how efforts by some restaurant owners and other businesses to remake their workforces because of the Affordable Care Act may be turning the country’s labor market into a more part-time workforce
In March, 7.6 million Americans who want more hours were stuck in part-time jobs, about the same as a year earlier and three million more than there were when the recession began at the end of 2007.

These almost invisible underemployed workers do not count toward the standard jobless rate of 7.6 percent. A broader measure, which includes the involuntary part-timers as well as people who want to work but have stopped looking, stands at 13.8 percent.
get your weight up when it comes to talking to me bout fact b, this economy thanks to obama da bumbler is gonna be in da crapper for a LONG time..
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^ haven't been keeping up with this thread but this is very true

Been looking for a new job an practically everything is part time
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