ya paying attention to latest Obama scandals? VOL. IRS, Bengahazi, Associated Press hack by Gov

Well what do you know muchacho, fresh off the wire...........162,000 jobs were added in the month of July 2013 bringing the unemployment rate to 7.4, the lowest since December 2008.  What say you champ??

do you know what KIND of jobs being added? here's a hint: its not career full time jobs, its bull **** part time jobs with no

get your weight up when it comes to talking to me bout fact b, this economy thanks to obama da bumbler is gonna be in da crapper for a LONG time..
I never said that the jobs added were anything like CEO jobs or anything of the sort, but it's a start in the right direction.  For someone who is critical and complains of just about any and everything President Obama does (which is okay if the blame is properly directed) you offer no real suggestions on what specifically should be done in place of his plans.  You really think you know how to create jobs, well my friend please offer a plan here on Niketalk champ and lets see if it makes it's way to the White House, it just might happen.  Also, when it comes to jobs, President Obama has created a job bill that your buddies the Republicans refuse to vote on and pass. 


Also, I know your not aware of the housing market for varies reasons but home prices are currently on the rise which is the biggest for any 12 month period in more than 7 years.  The housing market is a big reason why the economy is the way it is now.  Once the housing market improves, that will be a tremendous boost to our economy.


All signs currently point to an IMPROVING economy whether you want to admit to the facts or not.  This economy was in the "crapper" as you indicated well before President Obama was even in office.  Thanks in large part to your Republican brethren.  If you would pick your head up from that mop and bucket they have you pushing you would see that. 
^ haven't been keeping up with this thread but this is very true

Been looking for a new job an practically everything is part time
Sorry to hear that, what is your background in??  Also, have you thought about possibly changing career paths??
@ right direction...this is da NEW normal...

“The composition of job growth has not been particularly great,” Mr. Shapiro said. “It’s a lot of temp services, retail, food services, health care. With low-end jobs contributing more than half the growth, the income generated would be not that great, and you wouldn’t be expecting it to drive strong consumer spending.”


obama's a wack president b..period, 5 1/2 years of this...can't blame bush anymore either.
chill with that whole muchacho thing deuce... your comin off hella salty and racist
I only address ninjahood as muchacho, and HE knows I'm not racist..............I can't say that same for him but it is what it is.  Thanks for your concern though, feel free to go back doing what you were doing before. 
But shuckin and jivin is cool right?
Exactly. These dudes don't even know who or what they are trying to defend.  Got these dudes just jumping the conversation just to jump in. 
@ right direction...this is da NEW normal...
What's your suggestion or jobs plan muchacho??
umm you know if a white man called you boy it would be racist, so you calling me a muchacho flies? im older then you,

and im willing to bet im alot taller then you too.

as far as obama da bumbler? da idiot would be wise to stop sucking off is fringe eco lefty anarchist supporters and stop trying to **** block

fracking, and shale oil exploration since we're on da cusp of a new energy Renaissance word to north dakota's low unemployment/ HIGH wage jobs.
Yo deuce, I ain't jumping in just to jump in. I enjoy learning about things such as this bengazi scandal, and peoples views on the government and it's actions.

just attempting to expand my knowledge here.
Yo deuce, I ain't jumping in just to jump in. I enjoy learning about things such as this bengazi scandal, and peoples views on the government and it's actions.

just attempting to expand my knowledge here.
That comment by me was not directed at you.  Nothing wrong with what you have spoken or inquired about. 
[h1]Revealed: CIA had 21 agents on the ground during Benghazi attack and mounted 'unprecedented attempt' to keep what was going on underwraps'[/h1]
  • Since January, several CIA operatives involved in the missions in Libya have been forced to submit to multiple polygraph tests - in some cases, operatives were given a test on a monthly basis, sources said
  • According to sources with direct knowledge of the situation, the agency is questioning operatives to find out whether they are talking about Benghazi with the media or with members of Congress
  • The tactics have been described as 'pure intimidation'
By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 00:54 EST, 2 August 2013 | UPDATED: 05:21 EST, 2 August 2013




The night four Americans - including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens - were killed during a terrorist in Benghazi, Libya, last year, there reportedly were dozens of CIA operatives on the ground near the scene that night - and now the spy agency is going to great lengths to keep whatever they were doing there a secret.

According to published reports, since January, several CIA operatives involved in the missions in Libya have been forced to submit to multiple polygraph tests - in some cases, operatives were given a test on a monthly basis.

According to sources with direct knowledge of the situation, the agency is questioning operatives to find out whether they are talking about Benghazi with the media or with members of Congress, which just demanded that an investigation into the terrorist attack be a priority of the FBI's new director, James Comey.


What Happened? Nobody seems to know exactly what happened during the Benghazi attack - and the CIA seems to want to keep it that way

According to CNN - which broke the story about the number of operatives on the ground the night of the attack, and the CIA's frequent use of polygraphs - a CNN operative who passes information on to Congress or the media faces career-ending consequences.

One of CNN's sources described the CIA's attempts to keep elements of the Benghazi attack as 'unprecendented.'

'You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation,' one source said.

Another source described the CIA's tactics as 'pure intimidation.'

In internal communications obtained by the network, one insider writes, 'You don't jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.'


Tragedy: U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in the terrorist attack on the embassy in Benghazi


Terror: The Obama Administration refused to call the Benghazi attack 'terror' for several weeks after the assault

According to former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer, agents are generally questioned once every three to four years, 'never more than that.'

'If somebody is being polygraphed every month, or every two months it's called an issue polygraph, and that means that the polygraph division suspects something, or they're looking for something, or they're on a fishing expedition. But it's absolutely not routine at all to be polygraphed monthly, or bi-monthly,' Baer continued.

The CIA denies that it is trying to keep things from Congress.

In a statement, CIA spokesman Dean Boyd insists that the agency has 'worked closely with its oversight committees to provide them with an extraordinary amount of information related to the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi.'

'CIA employees are always free to speak to Congress if they want,' the statement continued. 'The CIA enabled all officers involved in Benghazi the opportunity to meet with Congress. We are not aware of any CIA employee who has experienced retaliation, including any non-routine security procedures, or who has been prevented from sharing a concern with Congress about the Benghazi incident.'

According to one CNN source, there were as many as 35 CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on the night of the attack, with up to seven wounded, in some cases seriously. At least 21 were in the building known as the Annex.


Foreign Serviceman Sean Smith also was killed during the attack

The actual number of operatives in Benghazi that night remains a mystery, though, as well as what - exactly - they were doing there.

'We should have the people who were on the scene come in, testify under oath, do it publicly, and lay it out. And there really isn't any national security issue involved with regards to that,' Congressman Frank Wolf - who has been seeking answers about what happened in Benghazi for over a year.

'I think it is a form of a cover-up, and I think it's an attempt to push it under the rug, and I think the American people are feeling the same way,' he continued.


Answers: Congressman Frank Wolf wants people on the ground the night of the attack to testify under oath before Congress

Wolf also says that in the immediate aftermath of the attack, there were several people with close ties to CIA operatives and contractors who contacted him wanting to talk. Now, he said, there is silence.

'Initially they were not afraid to come forward. They wanted the opportunity, and they wanted to be subpoenaed, because if you're subpoenaed, it sort of protects you, you're forced to come before Congress. Now that's all changed,' Wolf said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...raphs-threats-staff-ground.html#ixzz2apXdhQkV
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umm you know if a white man called you boy it would be racist, so you calling me a muchacho flies? im older then you,

and im willing to bet im alot taller then you too.

as far as obama da bumbler? da idiot would be wise to stop sucking off is fringe eco lefty anarchist supporters and stop trying to **** block

fracking, and shale oil exploration since we're on da cusp of a new energy Renaissance word to north dakota's low unemployment/ HIGH wage jobs.

While this may help the economy, I think it will further drive stateside to 3rd world status.

We are already net oil exporters.

Folks drinking water is flammable.

I can only see this getting worse.

And people say new technologies will prevent this, but they forget about economics.

When new stuff comes out, it is expensive and people won't use it unless legislation comes about. Markets are naturally inclined to go the cheaper route which is the dirty and detrimental to the environment way.
We're net exporters of gasoline, not crude oil..BIG

Difference...and that goes away once this

nightmarish recovery is over...
We're net exporters of gasoline, not crude oil..BIG

Difference...and that goes away once this

nightmarish recovery is over...

I see. I remember hearing stories about it last year, but yet another case of mis-leading title.

The U.S. exported more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than it imported in 2011 for the first time since 1949, the Energy Department said.


Doesn't that mean more of the dirty work is done stateside since it's in that form?
We're net exporters of gasoline, not crude oil..BIG

Difference...and that goes away once this

nightmarish recovery is over...

I see. I remember hearing stories about it last year, but yet another case of mis-leading title.

The U.S. exported more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than it imported in 2011 for the first time since 1949, the Energy Department said.


Doesn't that mean more of the dirty work is done stateside since it's in that form?

Means we make money from gettin crude, prepping

It and selling it at a profit.

All US embassys are on alert this weekend.. :smh: :lol:
Check out Iceland, that's a real economic recovery, not what we have going on over here.

They have like 10% of our total population though and that helped a lot with their recovery. I don't think anything we could do in this country could show the same 4-5 year turnaround that they did.

Well short of arresting every bankster and giving us back our country. But that is somehow super unrealistic to most people.
I understand that; however, QE has not worked other than raking up all time corporate profits, while cutting the work force down. Every time Bernanke cock teases about tapering the market drops, which tells you something in my opinion. What's better 4-5 years of "recovery" then the bubble bursts and more turmoil or 4-5 years of struggle then real GDP growth? Obviously, we can't no for sure since this was not done with our jerk off government (this includes Bush and Obama), but this must be a better option than what we have going now. I mean Geithner is advising Obama on the next Fed Chair :rofl:, it's a joke.


Also, in 2013 there have been 953k jobs added, 731k are part time. Great recovery :smokin
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Ok. So let me summarize that CNN bengazi entry according to what I understood.

An attack occurred at the US embassy in Libya.

Obama doesn't send help because there was no one or anything anywhere nearby.

Days later people are willing to speak on what happened.

Obama wins reelection.

Months later all sorts of info regarding the Bengazi attack come about.

We now discover there was in fact dozens of CIA operatives in the area doing something we aren't supposed to know about.

people involved in the attack are scared to talk.

so basically were mad at Obama for hiding the ENTIRE truth during the election months.

Government is doing something in Libya we don't know about. Anybody care to inform me what it could possibly be?
Ok. So let me summarize that CNN bengazi entry according to what I understood.

An attack occurred at the US embassy in Libya.

Obama doesn't send help because there was no one or anything anywhere nearby.

Days later people are willing to speak on what happened.

Obama wins reelection.

Months later all sorts of info regarding the Bengazi attack come about.

We now discover there was in fact dozens of CIA operatives in the area doing something we aren't supposed to know about.

people involved in the attack are scared to talk.

so basically were mad at Obama for hiding the ENTIRE truth during the election months.

Government is doing something in Libya we don't know about. Anybody care to inform me what it could possibly be?
destabilizing the African centrist movement that was gaining attention before gadafi was ousted. Now its all about Arab spring... So the focus returns to m.e. diplomacy and Africa remains the gaping help hole no one in the world media is worried about
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It's also very possible the CIA operated behind the adminstrations back but this whole thing is crazy.

Y dont ppl ever consider this.. ppl act like obama was n fatigues wit seal team 6 over there lettin ppl get murked cuz he wanted to b stealthy lol CIA operatives work for the government but that doesnt mean they take everyborder from commander n chief. N fact im betting he never had contact with anyone n libya except stevens
It's also very possible the CIA operated behind the adminstrations back but this whole thing is crazy.
Y dont ppl ever consider this.. ppl act like obama was n fatigues wit seal team 6 over there lettin ppl get murked cuz he wanted to b stealthy lol CIA operatives work for the government but that doesnt mean they take everyborder from commander n chief. N fact im betting he never had contact with anyone n libya except stevens
HIGHLY doubt this, especially in da information age.

da commander in chief title holds alot of weight.
It's also very possible the CIA operated behind the adminstrations back but this whole thing is crazy.

Y dont ppl ever consider this.. ppl act like obama was n fatigues wit seal team 6 over there lettin ppl get murked cuz he wanted to b stealthy lol CIA operatives work for the government but that doesnt mean they take everyborder from commander n chief. N fact im betting he never had contact with anyone n libya except stevens

HIGHLY doubt this, especially in da information age.

da commander in chief title holds alot of weight.

LOL. Speaking as someone who lives in the DC area and ACTUALLY knows government personnel in different agencies you have no idea what your talking about.........but what else is new.
LOL. [COLOR=#red]Speaking as someone who lives in the DC area and ACTUALLY knows government personnel in different agencies you have no idea what your talking about[/COLOR].........but what else is new.

Just jumping in, but because you live in DC and know government personnel, you know more about the dealings of the government than someone who doesn't?

SMH if you think so.
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Man, I can't even keep track of all these "scandals". The BP oil spill was an Obama scandal, the birth certificate scandal, the Solyndra scandal, the arrest of Zimmerman was a scandal, etc, etc.

This is coming from some of the same Bush supporters that ignored when Scooter Libby went to jail. Jail, not accusations, not just an arrest, but jail.
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