Yo...Does anybody else get "stage fright" at the urinals?

Dec 17, 2005
I know I'm not the only one

I did once - I was at Jacobs Field (about 97 I think - Indians v Whitesox) and I was dying for a pee - by the time I got there nothing would start. There was abig line of people behind me too which wasn't helping. I had to go and get a stall - a couple of minutes relaxing and things started moving.

That's an uncomfortable experience though. Never happened since.
I won't front like these other dudes.

Something about the pressure knowing that other people are in line waiting for you to finish up.

Doesn't happen all the time but when it does it's crazy awkward.

I've had to pretend I went and walk away still having to piss like crazy.

It ain't about the size of your manhood either, that type of stuff don't faze me, I've been around locker rooms my whole life.
thread is mad random, but i am guilty of this. its annoying when it happens. and a line of people waiting only makes it worse
yeah it doesn't happen all the time but every now and then, It's like I just can't go

I'll be at the urinal for like 20 seconds before anything starts moving
lightweight. i don't like pissing around other people. not homophobic or insecure. i just don't like too.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

It think it's funny that guys have to pee right next each other.
we dont.

"Every other" rule at the urinals unless its packed
I use the stall as much as possible

I just don't want dudes peeing next to me all comfortable and $$%@.
^asalamalaikum fam.
yup . im glad you noticed ..we gotta follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad
Even if i have to pee so bad that i feel like i might pee on myself, as soon as i get to the stall the urine gets nervous and doesn't want to come out. Ialmost always have to make that "psssssssssssssst" noise to make myself go
I'm fine when at the urinal or sometimes i go to a stall when there's a couple people at the urinals.
Na, everytime I go used the bathrooms their always empty! Ahah
But, I hate it when their is a lil kids urinal and that's the only one that's available at the time.
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