Yo NT: Whats Your Beef In the Workplace Vol. I Hate/Need My Job

Mar 2, 2007
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Real talk like I'm want to Charles Hamilton most of the people i work with. As some of you know may know I work at Riverwalk Stadium(Go Biscuits) and Iswear the people I work with are racist/******ed. I don't feel like going into detail becuz thats a twelve page essay. So here's my top 10 beefs

1. How my boss is a Republican that hates Obama but yet forces us to watch CNN where he is mentioned 75% of the time and than complains that he's all overthe news.
2. How most of the management team comes to the kitchen which I work in and steals $40 worth of food and then fires a near homeless kid who only got a drinkthen laughs about for a week

3. How they get mad at the fact they're losing millions even though they ORDER us to throw away more food then they sale on a daily basis.
4. How they constantly short the pay of the workers but somehow theirs is always right.
5. How when my boy asked for a raise cuz he found out he was making a lot less to do a lot more was fired for being overly confident.
6. How a "preacher" that I work with whose obviously gay keeps making homophobic remarks.
7. How drunk people keep cornering me and asking me to steal them beer
8. How they fired my best friend cuz he was getting to many hours in the recession.
9. How its seems the general manager is slowly terminating the workforce and is bringing his family members in to replace them.
10. How when the dude that works there got burned real bad and they nicknamed whenever someone makes a mistake a Johnson(His First Name).

I swear that these pricks take themselves a little to serious. All this %##$ for 12.35/hr.
Are you like an assistant cook ? 12.35 an hour ?I know it's recession but Dude you should quit asap and go get a real job. They're making you workharder and you're not earning what you should be earning
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Are you like an assistant cook ? 12.35 an hour ?I know it's recession but Dude you should quit asap and go get a real job. They're making you work harder and you're not earning what you should be earning
Dude in Montgomery, Alabama thats alrite money but its like 8 cooks in the back and I make the most of my money off tips. Also I git a weirdschedule at school so its rare to have someone willing to work around that.
SMH @ the people at your workplace. The whole list is messed up, especially #2.
Man seriously, that sounds horrible. Alabama you say? Sounds like you need to get out of there and migrate closer to the coast (left or right doesnt matter)
your post sounds like a jadakiss track (a-ha!)

edit: i think you can get a case out of #9
Chun...dude speaks very little english which is fine...but he's been at the job for almost 10 years and still acts like he doesn't know whats goin oncuz he knows no one want so to bother with him cuz he just starts rambling...i'm gonna run him over with a vault if he tries to cut in front of it again...
The same wage problems happen at my job. Especially the money thing. People making less have to work more, and vice versa.

They've even had me work more than the 40 hours allotted by law.
my job easy as $*%% (chevron) but only $9 sucks and i was listening in on the managers confrence call and they said no more then 35 hours for full timeemployees **% is that
Got damn this 1 lazy @%$ broad at my pharmacy.

This bum #+%!% has the nerve to go around the store spreading lies that another girl and I are the lazy ones and she does all the work. How idiotic andaudacious of a statement that is? You can't even imagine.

Yesterday, I wanted to put an end to all of the behind the back hating BS, because I had done it to her as well, but only in retaliation after learning thatshe had been talking **#% about me. I confront her and she wants to play dumb. Even worse, she's like one of those airhead, stupid chicks, but doesn'tknow it, so she thinks she's doing it when she's trying to argue back and prove a point.

It's like arguing with a freaking ******. It also doesn't help that our boss, the pharmacist, has no backbone, and won't call the lazy broad out onher shennanigans (sp?). All he does is fall back, go take a piss, or something, when a confrontation arises.

I would like to just ream the hell out of that broad about what little she brings to the job and why we don't need her, even if she has more experiencethan me. I mean, working in a pharmacy, making mistakes can literally mean life or death for our patients. This broad constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY) typesup the wrong medications, dosage, or even patient name, on a prescription (i.e. a script is for patient A, and she'll type it up for patient B who'sname is similar to patient A). Her mistakes gets saved time and time again by the pharmacist checking the work. Even worse, she wants to be a pharmacist. Nowimagine her being a pharmacist and all her mistakes falling through the cracks.

Along with her inability to type a successful prescription, she has almost 0 people skills. She doesn't know how to really formulate her sentences to gether point across the way she wants. It's kind of sad, really.

These situations are very frustrating because you have to exercise a high level of restraint while maintaining a professional front for the customers.
Originally Posted by soltheman

The same wage problems happen at my job. Especially the money thing. People making less have to work more, and vice versa.

They've even had me work more than the 40 hours allotted by law.

I never happeped to me
But someone would die bout mine if it did.
my supervisor got annoying but the stuff i got away with outweighs it.
They just moved me to a new unit with almost no females, and I'm in an office by with a SPC who barely speaks English, as compared to my previous locationwhere iit was not only tons of eye candy, but those people were fun to be around as well, never a dull moment.
- Lazy co-workers specifically in my dept
- Its always a mess due to my lazy co-workers
- Manager is cool but always reminds us how bad the dept looks because of my lazy co-workers

I pointed it out to him the other day and said I was thinking about quitting well (after I find another job) and he asked if I wanted to work full time withbenefits vacation ect.. I was like I don't get paid enough. for that.
Annoying people that love to talk your head off....

Like...seriously, leave me the %@%% alone.
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