STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

man POG has really stepped up the editing and quality of their videos. this motivation video is dope. this dude kelly burke aka the black arnold is ridiculous. 

Kellys physique is insane....and that other dude he trains with two, forgot his name. Kelly's physique Is what I'm aiming for
And truthfully, if you cant unrack the weights by yourself its a good sign you shouldn't be lifting that weight.... Or theres a form/technical problem.
Now you know thats a pretty blanket statement to make

The majority of benches I see that are 300 plus get lift offs.

Its as much as an energy saver as anything.
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How many people in here bench 300+ though? Even when you consider exercisers in general, Thats a very small group of individuals so even if it is a blanket statement i think its still appropriate.

Just like you speak from a powerlifting perspective, i come come from a strength/conditioning and medical fitness perspective.

If youre a novice or even experienced lifter, you shouldnt NEED a lift off. If youre advanced and know how to do it properly then thats fine.
I'll speak for me personally. I don't need it, I want it. There's a risk:reward ratio for exercises in the gym. If a lift off will allow me to minimize risk on my shoulders, I'll do it regardless. Why? It's my body. If I get hurt, nobody would have to deal with that except me.
where do i get strength gains like dat?

does it come in a vial? bottle? :nerd:

C'mon son!

Vials all day every day..

You should know..



Na just eating great, and not ************ in the gym.

for some reason i cannot go up on bench no matter how good my form is and how much i focus on it.

i abandoned the DB bench to get back into BB but im about to make the jump back to DB.

my chest looks great and what not but id love to see my numbers go up because i should easily be doing more. no idea wth is going on
for some reason i cannot go up on bench no matter how good my form is and how much i focus on it.

i abandoned the DB bench to get back into BB but im about to make the jump back to DB.

my chest looks great and what not but id love to see my numbers go up because i should easily be doing more. no idea wth is going on
deload and work back up
I got 10mm

How tight do you have it on deadlifts? Are you able to fit your hand in there when you exhale?

People wear their belts differently. Some wear it high, even on their ribs and some wear it very low, below their belly button. You will most definitely play around with this until you find a sweet spot that works best for you. Right around the belly button should be fine. When you have the belt on before you lift, it should be kind of snug because you are going to have to bring air to your belly via the valsalva manuever, I don't think you should be able to fit your hand in there unless you really try. When doing the valsalva, you bring air to your belly(NOT the chest) and contract your abs, at this point the pressure between your stomach and belt will be pretty high. If its TOO high(pressure), you will white out/pass out. In this case you want to dial down the amount of air you bring into your belly.

Also, if the belt is slipping, I think it's just not tight enough.

Don't get discouraged if you can't get it down the first couple of tries, when I first tried a belt, I didn't use it again for a year because I didn't know how.
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for some reason i cannot go up on bench no matter how good my form is and how much i focus on it.

i abandoned the DB bench to get back into BB but im about to make the jump back to DB.

my chest looks great and what not but id love to see my numbers go up because i should easily be doing more. no idea wth is going on

Man I mix it up on bench.

Can't just go in and do the same thing over and over again.
Oh alright. I always do both on chest day. Start off with db press (flat/incline) then proceed to bb press (flat/incline). Since i do chest twice a week the next time I do chest I switch it up and go bb first. No exact reason, i just do it
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How many people in here bench 300+ though? Even when you consider exercisers in general, Thats a very small group of individuals so even if it is a blanket statement i think its still appropriate.

Just like you speak from a powerlifting perspective, i come come from a strength/conditioning and medical fitness perspective.

If youre a novice or even experienced lifter, you shouldnt NEED a lift off. If youre advanced and know how to do it properly then thats fine.
True not many but I think its safer to get one because it compromises ones shoulders.

For me its easier to get one because if I unrack it myself my elbows aren't fully locked out and thats not good for meet prep.
You should always use a lift off on bench if possible. It's easier to stay tight on the bench with a lift off.
True not many but I think its safer to get one because it compromises ones shoulders.

For me its easier to get one because if I unrack it myself my elbows aren't fully locked out and thats not good for meet prep.

I do.

And I prefer lift offs once I get around 80-85% of my 1RM.
Yea I don't understand. I can go to the track and knock out 20 sprints and I am cool. But that distance stuff makes me itch so badly.

It is a little game I play with myself. How long can I go before I start scratching, because once I scratch ones, it just flares up.

Someone told me to try an anti-histimine before running.

I tried rubbing vinegar on my legs before hand as well, didn't work

Sure you not fiending for that crack rock??




You a wild boy. :lol:

Had the best leg day I've ever had today, I've honestly been having great workouts ever since I start "juicing" daily, legs are coming in real nice since I've cut about 10lbs
Veggies or tren?

How many people in here bench 300+ though? Even when you consider exercisers in general, Thats a very small group of individuals so even if it is a blanket statement i think its still appropriate.

Just like you speak from a powerlifting perspective, i come come from a strength/conditioning and medical fitness perspective.

If youre a novice or even experienced lifter, you shouldnt NEED a lift off. If youre advanced and know how to do it properly then thats fine.
*Raises hand*

Tested my maxes for 5/3/1 last week and started at it again today.

I'm doing the Periodization Bible by Dave Tate assistance work for at least the first cycle of the program. 

5/3/1 starts you working with weights based off 90 percent of your max, so today was fairly easy. I got up 10 reps on my final set of bench which is supposed to be 5 reps or many as you can get. The progression on this program is pretty slow, but this fitness life is a marathon, not a sprint. 

After the bench workout, for assistance work I hit:

DB incline of 3 sets of 10
Dips 3 sets of 15 with body weight (def need to get a belt)
Decline flies 3 sets of 10
T-Bar Row 3 sets of 10
Pull ups 3 sets of as many as i could get (need a belt for weighted pull ups here too)
Tricep push downs 3 sets of 15

Looking forward to the squat day tomorrow :pimp:

How you liking it? My dude sneakerfan1 was telling me about it. Probably going to try it out once I start plateauing on the standard 5x5
You'll def enjoy it homie. I switched back to a basic 5x5 to bring my squat up. Plus I wanna get in and outta the gym nowadays.
Its not like they're lifting any of the weight when it comes to preforming the actual movement, so its not a big deal to me.

Considering a lift is legal in competitions, I see NOTHING wrong with it.

A lift does not aid you in performing the rep.
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