Let's give this a shot Vol 365 Days from today


Apr 23, 2008
Not sure if this has ever been attempted on NT. I don't recall ever seeing a thread like it. But anyway, here's the pitch.

You ever been asked "where do you see yourself in _________ "?
I know people always give optimistic answers when asked a question like this, but how often do we put forth considerable effort to obtaining the goals they project?

Here's our chance to make ourselves accountable for obtaining our the things we want out of life. We can encourage each other, provide feedback, and help out our fellow NT'ers. We always compare NT to an actual community, so this is a great chance to prove it. All you gotta do is tell us one goal (whether it be significant and life altering, or simplistic and easily attainable) you hope to reach, provide the steps you plan to take to obtain it, and check back into this thread within the next 12 months to fill us in on your progress. That way, we can commend each other, or provide constructive criticism when necessary. The date you post your goal in this thread is the day you start tracking your progress. I think NT can make some good use of this because collectively, this place has a bunch of ambitious people from different walks of life. I'll start.

Kyle, NT knows me iBlink
On 9/30/2013, I want to be in officer candidacy school for the US army.
To obtain this goal, I will:
Pay my super speeding ticket so I can turn in my application for the armed services
Take the asvab and score above an 82%
Finish my last 6 college courses (currently enrolled in 4 this semester, another 2 in the spring)
Earn no less than a B in any of my classes
Graduate from college in May.
Complete basic training in August
Chris, on 9/30/2013 : I want to have done everything i've been putting off for months

To accomplish this i will :

Get my license
Pick a REAL major in college
Have a job
Have a wider circle of friends, socialize a bit more :nthat:
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Last semester of college.
Found a new co-op or have job opportunities lined up for after college
Moved out of my parents place
Just want everyone around me to be healthy and successful.

I willl be graduating college next fall so a year from now I will be preparing :smokin
By 9/30/13 I'll be in my own place with a better paying job. And lost a lot of weight too.
I think there was a thread like this before. My goal was to go to outer space. Needless to say I failed.
By 9/30/12

Have my own car.

Have a steady job.

Be more social..

Gain 15 lbs of muscle.

I'll get here by

Getting my license, buying my own car.

Fix my resume and get out there and look for one

I will try to say good morning( afternoon, evening) to everyone I see. Also ask them how their day was.

Eat more, hit the gym 4 days a week.
Great Idea. Considering how long NT has been around im surprised this hasnt been attempted before.

NT, i jhova718 aka ositodormilon will graduate college. I will finish my remaining classes with B's and up. I will have started a career in my field and bought my own place. I will also appreciate my body and take care of it accordingly.

Signed, Jhova718.
Metatron, NT knows me th3kid
On 9/30/2013, I want to get my license and a decent car (preferably an older BMW).
To obtain this goal, I will:
Practice driving as much as possible.
Saving 60% of any paycheck.
Jose, NT knows me JoseBronx aka papi aka pedro navaja

On 9/30/2013, I want to have already been thru bootcamp for the USMC and in training for w/e MOS I end up with.
To obtain this goal, I will:
Keep bugging my recruiter to make an appointment to talk to a CO and get this tattoo waiver done with.

Paying most of my debt would be nice too...

Career: This time next year I will be living in California. Writing and producing songs with my partners.
Body: I will be 10%> body fat and will have a 400+lb deadlift (currently 315lb), 275LB Bench (currently 225 1rm is 275 tho), 400+LB Squat (currently 305)
Spiritually: I want to be closer to God.
Just made a B on my Con Law test. Small step, but in the right direction to make all A's and B's in my last few classes.

Feel free to report your progress, no matter how small it may be. Tracking incremental progress will be a good tool for you when you start viewing things in retrospect.
Mark, known as bballermarkie
365 days from now, 10-1-12
I will be enrolled in either BU, UConn, UNC, or Tufts
Keeping a GPA of at least 3.5
On track with a premed program

Also I will lose 20 pounds
by this time next year i want to have a 3.0 gpa at least. currently have a 2.0 so its not gunna be easy.

and still continue being fit by playing ball almost errday

thats all thats really important to me school and health.

great thread OP
Tyrone aka BigTy23
I will be living back in DC
Living a healthier lifestyle
Great Thread!

My name is Paul, NT knows me as blazinrook

this time next year i want to be entering my last semester of undergrad. putting up volunteer hours. and be under 10% bf.
I will complete these goals by getting nothing below a B in the remainder of my classes.
Continue to pursue and be involved in hospital volunteering/student health organization.
Workout 4x and diet 7x a week.

Good luck everyone!
I want to lose 50 lbs
searching for a townhouse/house

i plan to continue to workout 3days a week as i am now
and for the crib i plan to build my credit and start stackin
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