Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

May 25, 2001
"If you're gonna be really upset about things like that, then maybe you shouldn't be a pizza delivery guy at all."


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one time i ordered a pizza and it came out to like 21.98 and i just gave her the 22 bucks and closed the door.

yeah im a no tipper 8)
Chris Rock: “I’m not saying it’s right, but I understand”

And I know homegirl is lying about not having tip money. She just wanted to save the extra money for more food, who is she fooling.

And to all the non tippers on NT, keep it 100, you don't tip because you're cheap, no other reason.
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one time i ordered a pizza and it came out to like 21.98 and i just gave her the 22 bucks and closed the door.
yeah im a no tipper 8)

This caught me off guard.. haha... I ain't never seen no woman pizza driver in my area..... EVER.
Risk your job for a $2 tip.

0 logic
he was fired. He won :smh: And that apartment complex looks like it already had piss on the doorsteps. Son just lost a good job (in Iowa) for nothing. He didn't wash his hands, thereby contaminating everyone else's pizza too, people who did nothing to him.
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:smh: She knew she didn't have enough money to tip the driver, but she was too lazy to hop in the whip and pick up the pizza herself.
I hope that piss seeped under the doorcrack and into her apartment.
I tip if I got the money, but I wouldn't waste my time to piss on somebodies if I didn't get a tip...not that serious.
See, an on-time delivery driver that brings extra cheese and stuff is someone I think should defiantly receive a tip. Did he go too far? Yeah. Is she wrong for not getting her hefty self up and either walking or driving to get the pizza? Hell yeah.

It's one thing not to tip at a restaurant or bar, but not tipping someone that is driving across town for you is shady.
Lol another tipping thread. If you can tip you should, but you're not obligated to tips nor are people obligated to receive one. I understand the factors that play into it but not everyone is in a position to tip.

In for the lulz
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