Wasted A LOT of time in my life, What JOB prospects do I have ? PLEASE HELP

Oct 20, 2014
hi NT, so i'm pretty stuck in life right now.


i'm in my early 30's with a GF and i'm ready to make the next step in life by getting married, starting a family etc.

i never too college serious when i went as i didn't really think it was for me, so i'm not done my degree.  i just have a bunch of bs credits etc.

so for the past 5-6 years i've been selling things online.  at first it was doing decent, but these days the competition is fierce and not being able to have any stable income is tough.  keeping this as a side gig is a possibility, but as the main source of income is not viable.

i'm trying to figure out what kind of careers are even a possibility at this point.  i'm not too picky about pay, but i just want it to be stable and get my foot in the door somewhere that has potential for growth and where i can work my way up through hard work.  I know there are trades, but i'd really prefer an office type setting if possible.  again, a low level position is fine, i have no problems proving myself.  i really just don't know where to even begin.

i have about 95k saved up right now.  this it nt, so please save the flipping bricks responses lol

i'm in serious need of help and hope there are some other nters that might have once been where i am and were able to turn their lives around can chime in and assist me in which fields i should be researching and applying into.

thanks in advance.
PM Gold St Capitol and Superb. They'll help you flourish. 
hi NT, so i'm pretty stuck in life right now.


i'm in my early 30's with a GF and i'm ready to make the next step in life by getting married, starting a family etc.

i never too college serious when i went as i didn't really think it was for me, so i'm not done my degree.  i just have a bunch of bs credits etc.

so for the past 5-6 years i've been selling things online.  at first it was doing decent, but these days the competition is fierce and not being able to have any stable income is tough.  keeping this as a side gig is a possibility, but as the main source of income is not viable.

i'm trying to figure out what kind of careers are even a possibility at this point.  i'm not too picky about pay, but i just want it to be stable and get my foot in the door somewhere that has potential for growth and where i can work my way up through hard work.  I know there are trades, but i'd really prefer an office type setting if possible.  again, a low level position is fine, i have no problems proving myself.  i really just don't know where to even begin.

i have about 95k saved up right now.  this it nt, so please save the flipping bricks responses lol

i'm in serious need of help and hope there are some other nters that might have once been where i am and were able to turn their lives around can chime in and assist me in which fields i should be researching and applying into.

thanks in advance.

Nursing, stable and can move anywhere. Also it's about 18 months if you get an AA or 2 yrs for a BSN.
hi NT, so i'm pretty stuck in life right now.


i'm in my early 30's with a GF and i'm ready to make the next step in life by getting married, starting a family etc.

i never too college serious when i went as i didn't really think it was for me, so i'm not done my degree.  i just have a bunch of bs credits etc.

so for the past 5-6 years i've been selling things online.  at first it was doing decent, but these days the competition is fierce and not being able to have any stable income is tough.  keeping this as a side gig is a possibility, but as the main source of income is not viable.

i'm trying to figure out what kind of careers are even a possibility at this point.  i'm not too picky about pay, but i just want it to be stable and get my foot in the door somewhere that has potential for growth and where i can work my way up through hard work.  I know there are trades, but i'd really prefer an office type setting if possible.  again, a low level position is fine, i have no problems proving myself.  i really just don't know where to even begin.

i have about 95k saved up right now.  this it nt, so please save the flipping bricks responses lol

i'm in serious need of help and hope there are some other nters that might have once been where i am and were able to turn their lives around can chime in and assist me in which fields i should be researching and applying into.

thanks in advance.

George, what do you know about cocaine?
If your into computers or programming, look into Ruby, Python, PHP bootcamps in your area. They last about 3-6 months
but many offer job's or reference to high paying jobs once complete. There really expensive upwards 15k but I hear great
things about specific bootcamps.


Jesus I skipped over the 95k saved up part. I need to be asking you questions.wtf$%^$
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thanks for the responses, so far.  but was seeing what i could get into right away without having to go back to school etc. if possible.

7th mile - 95k won't last long if you don't continue to have a steady income coming in.  i want to get married, start a family etc.  95k won't go too far.
Try a data entry job they are fairly easy to get into some room for growth and you get get your feet wet in diff fields
People acting like 95K is 1M
He can't survive off that forever. What fields are you interested in?

I would start there then use some of that money to pay for schooling.
just anything in a back office role at least.  i don't want to be doing retail.  business field would be great, but that may be wishful thinking unless its data entry as you mentioned.  which would be fine, just need to get my feet wet and try to move up on my abilities.  i'd really like to not have to go back to schoolvif possible and waste more time as i'm not exactly young anymore.  
lol... you acting like he's got 50 mill in the bank....

Im not acting like nothing, 95k is a hell of a safety net. Let's not sit here and act like that's not a substantial amount of money. I'm not saying "oh you got 95k, time to pull out the hammock, sit back and laugh at ****** while sipping lemonade", but with that sort of cushion, I wouldn't be considering looking for a job. I would use that money to invest in/pursue my dream, whatever that may be. Ppl with jobs/careers don't usually have 95k to stand on so he's already ahead of the pack.
Since you have a grip of credits, might as well finish it up. What degree is it in? Find highest salary in that position and in time and networking, shoot to start your own business in that field
Finish college man, that's the only option. With a degree you can get an entry level position in any market for 50-55k. Full benefits and can move up quickly. Just bite the bullet and finish man, it will pay for itself.
Finish college man, that's the only option. With a degree you can get an entry level position in any market for 50-55k. Full benefits and can move up quickly. Just bite the bullet and finish man, it will pay for itself.

Tell that to the millions of people working minimum wage with a degree.

Don't get a degree in something you don't see yourself getting a real job with after you finish.
Finish college man, that's the only option. With a degree you can get an entry level position in any market for 50-55k. Full benefits and can move up quickly. Just bite the bullet and finish man, it will pay for itself.
It is not the only option. Without a degree he can get an entry level job making more if he takes this advice:
If your into computers or programming, look into Ruby, Python, PHP bootcamps in your area. They last about 3-6 months
but many offer job's or reference to high paying jobs once complete. There really expensive upwards 15k but I hear great
things about specific bootcamps.


Jesus I skipped over the 95k saved up part. I need to be asking you questions.wtf$%^$
Junior ruby devs can make like 70K/yr with no degree, and at a junior position you're essentially getting paid to learn more.

College is not the only option and it's not always the best. It's terrible that people just throw it out there as if it is.

Should he get a degree? Probably. Should he commit to obtaining one at this point in time? Probably not.
IDK what to tell you if you can't legally flip 95k.

You got:

real estate
store ownership
online store
keep reselling
teaching how to sell items online. (online and in person)

I've seen cats flourish on starting with 5k. I wouldn't go to a college or university to find your trade. IMO it wouldn't be worth it at your age.

Honesty you need to make that side gig a full time investment for yourself. If you have 95k saved up your clearly flourishing with it. Working at a desk would be Beta level 9000 at this point for you. Be a Bawse
I've seen cats flourish on starting with 5k.

Honestly you need to make that side gig a full time investment for yourself. If you have 95k saved up your clearly flourishing with it. Working at a desk would be Beta level 9000 at this point for you. Be a Bawse

learn a trade and you could start your own business **** an office, work for yourself

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Instead of berating, would actually suggest.  $95K in cash is a lot, but talk to your GF and MOM or whoever you are living with.  They've been providing you that safety net.  Go back to school, get a legit job that allows you to build credit, income stream and provide benefits.  Find out what you like.  No one knows what you like or don't like.

If reselling has been good for you, look to expandthe business.  But logic and IQ contradict here if that were the case.
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