10/11 South Park vol. Dances With Smurfs


Jul 6, 2006

"Why was Gordon allowed to be on for like 5 minutes?" - Cartman
"Because he was being murdered." - Mr. Mackey

so many qouteables the new announcer guy is funny as @!@@. he had me dying though out the episode.
@ the murder/suicide at the beginningof the episode.
i think this episode went over a lot of peoples heads. they should have done this a long time ago and could have went in on him so much more. very tame bysouth park standards.
Originally Posted by DubA169

i think this episode went over a lot of peoples heads. they should have done this a long time ago and could have went in on him so much more. very tame by south park standards.

word. the whole time i kept thinking of fox news
Originally Posted by parada45

The episode was so random lol
Incredibly random.

For the youngin's who didn't get it. The announcer kid was a parody of Kasey Kasem who used to do American Top 40 before Ryan Seacrest. His voicesounded exactly like that kid last night.

The hardest I laughed last night was when they said "Wendy would rather spend her time getting her **** licked than helping the school"

I just wish they actually mentioned glen beck by name or showed his picture so more people would understand the episode. I was surprised they even did theepisode because they are known republicans. But I guess beck isn't really a republican anyway.

what they said about avatar cracked me up too. that movie looks like it has a plot used a million times already.
Originally Posted by DubA169

I was surprised they even did the episode because they are known republicans.

I thought they were libertarians.. But then again so many on the right claim to be Libertarians to make themselves seem more balanced.. Most notably Glenn Beckhimself.. But this episode wasn't about left or right. It was about morons and non-morons. And Glenn Beck is most definitely a moron. He is so hard not tohate.

@ how Cartman suddenly had a Glenn Beck haircut.
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