2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Yo..bulls only offered melo $65 M? cmon man lmao.

logical choice is chi. smart choice is nyk. i trust phil jackson. knicks might stink this year but he can pad stats on a fresh contract and then 2015-2016, make moves.

lebron to cavs is happening. no doubt it my mind
Is Melo really is lazy as everyone makes him out to be? Is it his "physique" that gives this impression, or does he really not like practice.
It doesn't seem like Melo can do anything, except collect a phat check, for No reason too I guess. Dudes pay him because he's got a good agent?
Just curious as to why he gets bagged on so hard.
You dont sound curious, you sound like you already have your mind set which is sad.
Is Melo really is lazy as everyone makes him out to be? Is it his "physique" that gives this impression, or does he really not like practice.

It doesn't seem like Melo can do anything, except collect a phat check, for No reason too I guess. Dudes pay him because he's got a good agent?

Just curious as to why he gets bagged on so hard.

You dont sound curious, you sound like you already have your mind set which is sad.

He's not all these things people say.
I'm curious as to why he's treated like a bum.
Early in his career, in Denver; his criticism was deserved, the slouch(purposely it seemed) on defense, on a very good defensive team.
For at least the last 6-7 years, he's been a more than above average defender, and did more than his fair share of "carrying" his team both offensively and mentally.

Why the criticism still? Is it fun?

My mind made up? Me? Lol. Sad? Me or them or you? No, everyone else's mind is, made up, therefore I'm curious as to why.

Let's hear this. If you or them that bag on him can't list reasons, then that's what's sad
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Had a feeling Chi would sit it out this year on the FA side, heres why....

They want to see what they have with Rose at this point, what kind of player he is at this juncture.

They want to see what they potentially have with Mirotic, see if he's potentially a guy who can start in this league.

If not they want to keep money free to chase Aldridge or Love next off-season.

They have Butler at the 3 and they would be better suited to go for a 2 guard.

I like what Chicago is doing this off-season (and rather not doing). Being overzealous and overly aggressive in free agency can come back to haunt a franchise for years to come. They have some fantastic pieces in Rose, Butler, Taj, and Noah. They have youth and upside in McDermott and Mirotic. And if they're patient they can potentially get something in return for Boozer.

Why do they NEED to compete right now? Really this is a year they should take to see what they have and what they need, instead of making an impulse signing like a Carmelo.

Don't get me wrong, I like Melo, but I just never saw Chicago as an ideal fit for him. For Chicago, patience is a virtue they should and really need to embrace.
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And as far as Melo goes, Dallas or Houston to compete right now...

If not NY it is. Get that money, wait for Bargs and STAT's contracts to run out and let the Big Zen do his thug thizzle and create a winning culture.

But Chi-Town and LA (and I am a Lakers fan if it matters) just never made sense. I mean hey if he decides to go Hollywood, I ain't gonna complain, but objectively I just don't understand either Chi-Town or LA on the basketball side of things. Just don't love either place as a fit.

I get that folks believe that defense wise he could go ahead and be a liability in Chi-Town and Butler, Taj and Noah would alleviate any slack. But I just never loved the idea of Butler having to play out of position.

If Rose goes down that backcourt will be absolutely hurting for ball handlers. Chi would be smart to put Butler in a situation where he can play his natural position.
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He's not all these things people say.
I'm curious as to why he's treated like a bum.
Early in his career, in Denver; his criticism was deserved, the slouch(purposely it seemed) on defense, on a very good defensive team.
For at least the last 6-7 years, he's been a more than above average defender, and did more than his fair share of "carrying" his team both offensively and mentally.

Why the criticism still? Is it fun?

My mind made up? Me? Lol. Sad? Me or them or you? No, everyone else's mind is, made up, therefore I'm curious as to why.

Let's hear this. If you or them that bag on him can't list reasons, then that's what's sad
According to nt

Hes a ball stopper
You cant win with him as a #1 option (even tho he hasnt had a real #2 option in 5 yrs)
Hes fat
Hes t mac with longevity
"You cant compare him to other #1 options who hasnt won anything because they play different roles"- blastercombo :lol: :smh:
I doubt too many teams will line up anything meaningful for Boozer. Not to mention we don't know how long Rose has on his knees and how much athleticism he has left. The Bulls don't have an indefinite window and they know it
All the people who burned their 23 Bron jerseys are gonna be real mad soon. Could have had vintage material to wear when he goes back to Cleveland
I doubt too many teams will line up anything meaningful for Boozer. Not to mention we don't know how long Rose has on his knees and how much athleticism he has left. The Bulls don't have an indefinite window and they know it

not saying they're gonna get anything meaningful for Boozer.

but if they can get a 2nd rounder out of him, why not?

and that last part doesn't make any sense.

"how much athleticism he has left".


what does that even mean bro?

so they should go all in and slap together a team and hope it brings a title this season instead of waiting a season, making smart moves, and seeing what they have now?

**** just doesn't work like that.

listen man, he's been far removed from his ACL tear. The meniscus was a totally separate issue and athletes like Westbrook and Griffin have undergone the same surgery without losing a step.

it's not a matter of how long he has on his knees, he's not a car, he's not a set of tires, it's not about mileage or tread.

think of this from a physiological standpoint, he's predisposed to suffer injuries not because he's injury prone, it's because of his style of play. he's a take no prisoners, crash style of ball player.

so why in the world would Chicago want to rush toward a title when taking that fact into consideration? why not take the season to evaluate, grab some backcourt depth, and see where Rose is at?

Maybe give him a damned season to regain his confidence and see what the team needs then.

Dude is 25, he's far removed from the ACL and if recent cases serve as an example, the meniscus is not really something that'll adversely affect him overtime.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Boozer signs a one year 1.5 million deal just to screw over the Bulls and make them still have to pay the difference

Julius F. Wrek
My bad.

Man the intensity in these games are 
It's hard to grasp, but I think Lebron is leaving. Even if Lebron, Bosh, and Wade resign, they won't be as good as last year. All of the FAs that could of significantly contributed are already signed to over valued contracts. When Ben Gordan gets $4.5million and Jodie Meeks is getting $6million per year, you got problems.
Still have all three 23 authentics


I knew there would come a day. Smh at me for not coppin the wine joint. I got navy with the three color collars. The white away and the throwback orange jaun. I really hope the king comes home . Kyrie and Johnny football will keep him young.
Varajao (wish y'all still had Hawes)

BEAST :x Miami starting 5 doesn't even compare
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D Rose is finished. Wish people would stop talking about him. So annoying. The Bulls are Noah's team. Bulls will be a playoff qualifying, yet mediocre squad for a while because there are still 2-3 years left on Rose's contract.
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