2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Meth needs to allow us to block mods :x :smh:

Yup. We all know who would be the first one on most of our lists


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Everyone is going to be disappointed when LeBron and Melo both announce they are staying where they're at


no way with how things played how either leave

both are idiots since the teams they are on havent improved.
Lebron back home

Melo to.chicago

Won't happen but should
Makes too much sense
So it won't happen

Why block dude when yall can just ignore his posts??

Stop stunnin
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Ibaka's over rated?
Why was he so important (popular consensus on NT) in the Spurs/Okc matchup?
When he was missing, OKC was losing because of it. Right?
Lebron back home

Melo to.chicago

Won't happen but should
Makes too much sense
So it won't happen

Why block dude when yall can just ignore his posts??

Stop stunnin

why would Melo go to chicago now? :lol:

i have been pretty busy the last 2 days believe it or not but its the offer the bulls gave him true? :x
Ibaka's over rated?
Why was he so important (popular consensus on NT) in the Spurs/Okc matchup?
When he was missing, OKC was losing because of it. Right?

Ibaka is an asset swatting left and right in the playoffs


Ibaka is overrated you know why A??

Cause its Nt that's why

Bert. Bert. unsure man but I believe it to be..I think the offer wad like 16 or 17 a yr... I think that's all we could do without dumping taj which melo wanted to keep I believe...

He's not coming very small chance where he wants to get rings but if he wants to win I'm saying we're the logical spot
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Ibaka's over rated?
Why was he so important (popular consensus on NT) in the Spurs/Okc matchup?
When he was missing, OKC was losing because of it. Right?

Ibaka is an asset swatting left and right in the playoffs


Ibaka is overrated you know why A??

Cause its Nt that's why

Bert. Bert. unsure man but I believe it to be..I think the offer wad like 16 or 17 a yr... I think that's all we could do without dumping taj which melo wanted to keep I believe...

He's not coming very small chance where he wants to get rings but if he wants to win I'm saying we're the logical spot

Im nervous to be honest, i thought melo was a goner for sure. i really hope he doesnt go back to NY

good luck man, i think he should go to Chi but who knows what dude is thinking or if hes just fooling around and jerking everyone around :smh:
Melo isn't going to Chicago. No way he goes there.

Thibs puts his team through tough practices and Melo hates practice. I doubt it.
You might be right about thibbs practices and all that unfortunately melo loves playing the game but not on the being worked into the ground when nobody's watching for success level..

Dude like that dont want to win he comes off as a diva to me unfortunately

A very talented one who I want on the team but either way it's cool....

He can either join us and push us forward.. Or..go back to NY and get knocked down by us continuously..

His choice lol
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Is Melo really is lazy as everyone makes him out to be? Is it his "physique" that gives this impression, or does he really not like practice.
It doesn't seem like Melo can do anything, except collect a phat check, for No reason too I guess. Dudes pay him because he's got a good agent?
Just curious as to why he gets bagged on so hard.
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I wouldnt either id run w tge money and hope Phil pulls a rabbit out the hat.

a..only collect a fat check? No man be real melos a cold blooded knock down shooter/scorer top 5 player in the league..he just needs a good core surrounding hom to cover his flaws which is defense and laziness imo

He comes to chi and he's surrounded by players that can do his dirty work while he scores but he's giving up too much money if he does so
I'm a huge Melo fan. I think he will get his trophy one day, and deserves every penny he's getting. I was speaking for other people and how they feel. They talk like he's just a lazy slouch that plays zero defense and and and and only collects undeserved checks.
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