ADIDAS BBall Boost Thread - BYW, Crazy Explosive & Crazy Light & OTHER BBALL ADJACENT SNEAKERS

Any idea if the crazy boosts from last season will be available in PE colors? I only see the Andrew Wiggins editions on ebay
Adidas needs to step up their soxk game. Haha l. The outrigger is too big for my tastes on the '17 CE Highs.
Adidas needs to step up their soxk game. Haha l. The outrigger is too big for my tastes on the '17 CE Highs.

That high outrigger is one of the reasons I'm really having high hopes for these. I hate when my forefoot rolls over the midsole like in KDs
created a pair of crazy explosives at miadidas and they charged me $6.56 tax. i previously ordered a pair of crazy explosives (non-custom) and was not charged tax. i live in MA and this state does not tax shoe sales.

wrote to customer service and they told me i don't have a tax exempt status which was them just brushing it off. i called customer service and they told me they had no idea why maybe the tax law changed, which it didn't....has anyone else had a problem with adidas charging tax when they shouldn't have? 

in work for a shoe company and know cleats  are taxed but not hoop shoes.
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Ah. I did a quick google search and it looks like the exemption for shoes has a $175 threshold and there's tax above that. How much did they cost?
yeah, i saw that too. the miadidas are listed at $150 but i used the F&F 30% off so it came in at $105 before tax...i asked them to open up a case item and get back to me. i also emailed them the MA website that has the $175 threshold. we'll see what they finally came back with
So about the CLB 2016

I went half size down and the length was fine but the forefoot was super narrow even after breaking in.

And my lateral forefoot / pinky would pinch against the side. Gets painful after a night's play.

Few days ago I removed the ortholight insole (it was glued down but quite removable after some heat)

Played in them for 2 nights, the fit is so much better now without the insoles because there's more toe room.

I will test it out more, but my lateral side and pinky definitely aren't in as much pain after playing now.
what about wearing thicker socks?
i figure it would cushion your foot from thein pinching.
i had the same problem and thicker socks won't help (too tight). had to sell off my clb2016 cos it was impossible to ball in them... damn if i knew removing the insole would help with the problem i wld have tried it...
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