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I get a lot of MMM and RO in that sole. Makes sense since the boot is supposedly made in Italy
are those plum or brown 750s confirmed for this year? Can't believe I'm considering pulling the trigger on the original pair for 2 stacks... I should just hold out right?
Mobile just switched to the OT's for me as well
I hit refresh a few times and it switched back to pb's but now it's stays showing the OT's
Wow I woke up to this BS? We kept quiet this whole time about it and some idiots already ruined it? Super pissed right now if C doesn't continue the project, he has been so good with it and I commend him. Utterly disappointed in this ****** community. 

Wait. HOLD UP. What the **** happened???
I just suggest we all stop discussing it. All of us that get it, get it... Everyone else that is obviously out of the loop with all the questions are just late to the party at the moment.

Let's move on with this thread...

I communicated with @Caravaggio earlier and I believe a solution to this has been established... albeit this was before all of this SL nonsense...

Hopefully he still moves forward with the idea and everyone that needs to be contacted will be soon.

Lets just keep this thread moving and not give the negative members fuel for their fire...

I'm up to speed now.... THIS. If you know you know. If you don't then you don't. Time to stop explaining. I'm starting to understand the Cook In Silence guys now. :smh: :smh: :smh:
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are those plum or brown 750s confirmed for this year? Can't believe I'm considering pulling the trigger on the original pair for 2 stacks... I should just hold out right?
Very likely.

I would not pull the trigger on the og 750s for 2 stacks at the moment.
I hope the OT's rerelease so I can try to land a pair.

Been having bad luck with finding OT's and MR's in size 9, the sellers either never respond, or say they "sold" but actually didn't and then want more than what they listed them for :smh:
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