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which is why i bit the bullet and paid the $1,649 thru 23 penny. his prices keep slightly fluctuating. he had them at $1599 at first. i paid $1450 for my TBs release week. i'm crazy, normally i'd never be dropping this much on kicks unless they're red bottoms.
When people ask you how much you paid, do you tell them?
Thats not fast though lol
 If he's talking about me that's not that fast, it's faster than 95% of America  (so the site says, I don't believe it)  but still I don't consider it fast at all. Unfortunately for where I live it's the fastest I can buy without being bent over, $85 for just the internet, it's not terrible but I wish we had Google Fiber or something comparable.
which is why i bit the bullet and paid the $1,649 thru 23 penny. his prices keep slightly fluctuating. he had them at $1599 at first. i paid $1450 for my TBs release week. i'm crazy, normally i'd never be dropping this much on kicks unless they're red bottoms.
When people ask you how much you paid, do you tell them?

i guess it depends on who's asking bc i don't want ppl to feel like i'm flexing or stunting as i know most ppl can't afford the price, but i'm not ashamed or anything so there's no need to lie. if it's a sneakerhead who i feel like is knowledgable i might say. if it's a "normal" person, prolly not. i guess it depends...
Im tripping, its your internet speed lol.  Clearly the Henny is doing me in on this lovely afternoon. 

 Ah yeah, it's not that fast but it's the fastest I can buy at the moment without paying hundreds of dollars a month for business class. All that really matters is your ping, and yours is not bad at all, the people who get through though have like 1ms ping.
My ping is 11ms 

and my upload is 5.87 mbps

download speed: 58.59 mbps


I'm a snail in the Race! 
I don't think that is 100% accurate. Usually when I'm gaming my ping is 5-15 and I'm not the only one online right now. If I take an L that's cool. Just trying to stay positive
 It's not 100% accurate but I meant for the most part. Sure if you have like 1.5 mbs you're gonna have a ****** time no matter what. but if you have at least like 20 mbs then ping is what really starts to matter.
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