Originally Posted by topnotchflip

big bangs even trade with cords...really? why? cause its labeled limited? <---real question, not knocking your opinion but would like to know why you think they level up with the cords.
I only stated this due to what the going rate for each shoe is right now, yes the big bangs have the limited factor to them. The concords are a great classic shoe. But the big bangs are going for around $400 plus, right now, concords prices have been slowly coming down. And can be purchased for less. For the time being the big bangs have a higher resell value. Let the hype die down, and that will probably be another story. Hype kills everything.
Originally Posted by coreyatou

whats the over/under that this thread lasts until June? lol
I say 'over' haha. At the very least, in May (after the April showers have passed) we'll be getting tons of cats letting everyone know the weather's right in their area and all the broken necks that ensue

Originally Posted by bobbyrhodes

Originally Posted by Tipsy

Ended up with 6 pairs. 2 from Snipes and 4 from shoe city

What is shoe city?

Store in DMV, not sure if it's anywhere else
Originally Posted by HeirtotheJ23

Originally Posted by atraain

haven't worn mine, scared the ice will melt

Me either, the winters in chicago are brutal.
Once that sun shine comes out though, ill be on these tough

Do you believe that since everyone is waiting till the summer to rock these, these will be the MUST SHOE for the summer.
Persobally I will be wearing my WC IV, Military IV (June) and Obsidian XII (June) a bit more than these.
Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

Originally Posted by HeirtotheJ23

Originally Posted by atraain

haven't worn mine, scared the ice will melt

Me either, the winters in chicago are brutal.
Once that sun shine comes out though, ill be on these tough

Do you believe that since everyone is waiting till the summer to rock these, these will be the MUST SHOE for the summer.
Persobally I will be wearing my WC IV, Military IV (June) and Obsidian XII (June) a bit more than these.
Normally the chicago winters are brutal and the j's dont see the light of day, but this winter hasnt been too bad. Every once in a while we would get a nice 40 degree day and i would be able to bring a pair out of hiding, but it was always wet/snowy/muddy on the ground still. Even if these arent the MUST SHOE of the summer, they will defiantly be MY SHOE of the summer. I have been dying to wear these things out. I'll be on the hunt for a WC IV to counter this shoe though.  
Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

^ You missed out on the 4's bro?
Yea! I had everything set up perfectly, dropping the p's off at the midway around 5 then going to sit at the mall. Then that whole plan got messed up and i wasn't able to get to the mall until around 9 and by that time they were long gone. I dont have a problem coppin then a lil over retail, but not these crazy prices some people are asking for them. I'll wait till the hype goes down a lil bit and swoop a pair up.
Is $270 a good price for these? I was heated missing out on these in Dec, but this guy may have made me an offer I can't refuse.
^^$270 is a great price if you're buying. Better jump on that before he pulls back.
270 is an awesome deal. what size are you buying? all i have to say is make sure there a legit seller or website.whats the condition of the sneaker is it new and authentic, i would say bite the bullet and make purchase asap. you need to realize the after makert value is 350 almost for these exclusive kicks, dont you think 270 is sketchy, just saying? use ur best judgement and good luck
Im sad i can't find a pair for under 350. Heres what I do when I see resellers charging high *@! prices I lowball them just piss them off. IMO why you buying so many pairs stupid idiots when there's real fans of the shoes who want them. I'm feeling salty right now btw. And dude with the xi for 270 get em as long as they legit. Very good price thumbs up.
Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

270 is an awesome deal. what size are you buying? all i have to say is make sure there a legit seller or website.whats the condition of the sneaker is it new and authentic, i would say bite the bullet and make purchase asap. you need to realize the after makert value is 350 almost for these exclusive kicks, dont you think 270 is sketchy, just saying? use ur best judgement and good luck

270 is not a sketchy price anymore. And 350 here in the bay is not the average. I've had my sz10 on cl for 3weeks n no offers over 300$. U can only sell concords here if ur price is between 280-310$
Thanks for the advice guys, I'm going to make sure it's legit. I asked him for the receipt just for backup.
I"ve been on the hunt for these forever.. Still havent found a size 11-12 NDS VNDS pair that somebodies willing to let go..
Originally Posted by HeirtotheJ23

Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

^ You missed out on the 4's bro?
Yea! I had everything set up perfectly, dropping the p's off at the midway around 5 then going to sit at the mall. Then that whole plan got messed up and i wasn't able to get to the mall until around 9 and by that time they were long gone. I dont have a problem coppin then a lil over retail, but not these crazy prices some people are asking for them. I'll wait till the hype goes down a lil bit and swoop a pair up.

What's your size and how much you willing to drop?
Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

Originally Posted by HeirtotheJ23

Originally Posted by FutureDHughes

^ You missed out on the 4's bro?
Yea! I had everything set up perfectly, dropping the p's off at the midway around 5 then going to sit at the mall. Then that whole plan got messed up and i wasn't able to get to the mall until around 9 and by that time they were long gone. I dont have a problem coppin then a lil over retail, but not these crazy prices some people are asking for them. I'll wait till the hype goes down a lil bit and swoop a pair up.

What's your size and how much you willing to drop?
This is how threads get locked.

I'd take this conversation to PM's.
Glad to see this pair still going. I got a size 11.5 from nike and was able to find a 400 pound man on cl with a size 11 for trade.... Nothing like the snug fit of an xi
I got my pair a few days after the release date for $200 thank goodness!
Id say to everyone just wait it out and eventually prices will drop a little bit more however continue to look around for that good deal and make offers.
What are the red flags when seeing a fake pair vs a real pair? im making a trade for a pair and just want to verify authenticity.
I was talking about the cement 4's, I missed out on concords and still havent purchased a pair smh.
I will be getting a pair or two soon hopefully...fingers crossed.
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