AJ XXX (30)

The 30 will not be a HUGE deal.. not a lot of time from . the 31 will, think "rebirth"... start from 0....... the  (30) 1 
The 30 will not be a HUGE deal.. not a lot of time from . the 31 will, think "rebirth"... start from 0....... the  (30) 1 
No way the 30 isn't a huge deal.
Im sure you will see typical gorilla fashion marketing (superfly mars blake griffin marketing would be the most recent example), the 30 story will come and go faster than you/we realize.... 31 will be a HUGE deal. 

Im sure you will see typical gorilla fashion marketing (superfly mars blake griffin marketing would be the most recent example), the 30 story will come and go faster than you/we realize.... 31 will be a HUGE deal. 

Crazy if true.
I was more confused than anyone else when i heard......   theres more details that i cannot give that had me like

"jackie chan GIF" 
i hope thats not the case, but wouldnt be mad if it was. "MONEY SAVED"
Just like the Lebron series since he left Miami. The XI was the last Lebron I liked and bought.
^saw a post within the past year or so (after xx9 release) from a tester on IG that couldn't reveal what shoe he was working on, but mentioned that "performance woven is back"
Looks like the silhouette of the 1s with the sole of the 13 and 11s!! Probably woven as well...need better pics
I like the idea of keeping it simple if these are the 30, but that sole looks like it came from under armour..
Everything we've been told adds up to this being it. I hope it's not but based on dudes info about the 30 being an elite xx9 and the fact this photo is sneaked and blurry sais to me this is it. Hope not but I think it is.
 If you are waiting for a major update.... the 31 is your friend. 

think of the 30 as an Elite update....... but not exactly. 

i know thats all vague, but it is what it is 
Can you at least speak to the reason for the delay? It seems to reason that If its more of an elite update to the XX9, then why such a big delay? I'm just curious if you know.

Appreciate the 30/31 info!
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I really like this silhouette but i think its just the new Ultrafly model.
actually kinda like the silhouette as well. would like to see it in more traditional colors/textures though and both jumpmans facing forward. I hate when they use a huge jumpman facing backwards. it looks fine with a real small one on a tag or something but I don't like when it's such a huge part of the design looks cheap to me
Looks like a variant pair of 11s
taking another look at these the worst part about them imo is the lining, it's too close to the 11s. Someone at JB needs to start innovating again. I'm tired of these 11 knockoffs. To truly innovate is not to produce half-assed ripoffs of a shoe over and over. same goes for the 3. 29 was all 3 influence from the shape to the tongue to the ele. it's smart business wise for them to take pretty much the 2 most popular shoes and re-use concepts from them, but it doesn't make for a particularly memorable product because they will never live up to, and certainly won't overshadow the shoes they are based on. hopefully they start fresh soon
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