Alzheimer's is scary folks.

Very cool what Seth Rogan and his wife are doing. It's a good watch too. My Grandma suffered from it on my Dad's side. She passed in her late 70's. My Nanna is starting to show some signs but she'll be 90 this week, so some memory loss at that age is expected. 

The dogs died of starvation 

My grandpa has Alzheimer's. He keeps asking me when we are going to go swimming with dolphins.
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smh sad famz healthy living i do agree

i think my grandmother got it from depression

she burried 2 of her children and was never the same
It truly is. Hinders you helpless in so many ways. My grandmother passed away few years ago from the disease. Thank God my mom was there to take care of her all those times. It was a terrible feeling seeing her in the hospital bed until her body shut down completely. I know she's in a much better place now. :frown:
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