Am I in the wrong? Upset g/fs family on Christmas....

May 14, 2002
So I've been with this girl for only a little over 3 months. Her mom kept making a huge deal about me coming over there and getting to know me. So I told my g/f I would leave my family Christmas early to go to hers to make her mom happy. Well I showed up, and for 2 hours while I was there, her mom was not in the room, no where to be found. My g/f said something to her, and she just brushed it off. We had plans to go see Django Unchained later, so I told her we had to get going, and her mom then comes in the room after I had been there for 2 hours and tells me to see the movie tomorrow, I'm like well I work tomorrow. She kept saying well just wait...

So I did what I probably shouldn't and said I left my family Christmas early to come spend time with yours and you are asking me to stay when you have been no where to be found the entire time I've been here.... needless to say it didn't end well... :smh:

PS Even my girl says her mom is crazy.
welcome to the family
umm you missed the best part.

im tired of these incomplete threads.

tell us what didnt go well. go into detail man.

your thread is same as the title.

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thats what relationships bring. but u were not wrong for stating facts. as long as u didnt end up yelling or anything.....
I absolutely hate g/f's moms. They expect you to go above and beyond just because your dating their daughter. I feel like you did the right thing because if you let them step all over you now....imagine how they'll view you in the future....No matter what I feel 75% of situations like this are a lose-lose.

I mean you could have had a better excuse than watching a movie...could've said some family from out of town was gonna be at your house and you needed to leave.

Just brush it off. When you see the mom next time treat her normally....don't hold no her your the better man and just buy her some flowers....tell her you had bought some for your girl (which you might) and thought it would be nice that she (the mom) have some as well. Even after all this she still may be a ***** but you can walk away knowing you put your effort in.


Now as far as that driveway situation is concerned....your totally wrong....your a sissy you should have had the cojones to atleast drive in with a video cam and drive back out....but wanted to live to the next day so that your g/f's mom would get mad at you....punk *** *****.
You should've unchained your Django and fed it to her daughter since you couldn't go to the movie
Yea now that I look at probably shot yourself in the foot. Depends on what the mom daughter situation is like. Some girls like guys that don't just jump when the 'rents bark orders, some girls hate it on the other hand because they feel like it makes them look bad as far as their mating decisions go.

Womp Womp.
I applaud you sir.

Been through way too many "other parents" annoyances.

They will probably disapprove of you now but the girl will be drawn

closer than ever.
Should've just stayed there for another hour.  Now it'll probably be awkward if you go to their family parties...
umm you missed the best part.
im tired of these incomplete threads.
tell us what didnt go well. go into detail man.
your thread is same as the title.

Lol what didn't go well is I called her mom out on how she asked for me to make an effort to get to know her, and when I left my family to do so, she thought it'd be better to be hiding and smoking a "cig" because she's too crazy to handle social situations. Her mom's b/f and her sister both ganged up on me, trying to make me the bad guy when I was just calling out how I saw it. It ended with her B of a sister saying I could never support her because I work at best buy. Wait... didn't your husband work for staples? Aren't you an independent blogger with like 1000 followers? And pretty sure I've made your sister a lot happier than you are. Sorry for sticking up for her because she's to afraid to displease you even when it makes her unhappy. :smh: Havent heard from her since I left.
Lol what didn't go well is I called her mom out on how she asked for me to make an effort to get to know her, and when I left my family to do so, she thought it'd be better to be hiding and smoking a "cig" because she's too crazy to handle social situations. Her mom's b/f and her sister both ganged up on me, trying to make me the bad guy when I was just calling out how I saw it. It ended with her B of a sister saying I could never support her because I work at best buy. Wait... didn't your husband work for staples? Aren't you an independent blogger with like 1000 followers? And pretty sure I've made your sister a lot happier than you are. Sorry for sticking up for her because she's to afraid to displease you even when it makes her unhappy. :smh: Havent heard from her since I left.

:rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, me and my chick Mom's dont really get along.... You were in the right though fam. F that....
hope you dont plan to make this long term not good to start out with possible inlaws on a bad foot
Lol what didn't go well is I called her mom out on how she asked for me to make an effort to get to know her, and when I left my family to do so, she thought it'd be better to be hiding and smoking a "cig" because she's too crazy to handle social situations. Her mom's b/f and her sister both ganged up on me, trying to make me the bad guy when I was just calling out how I saw it. It ended with her B of a sister saying I could never support her because I work at best buy. Wait... didn't your husband work for staples? Aren't you an independent blogger with like 1000 followers? And pretty sure I've made your sister a lot happier than you are. Sorry for sticking up for her because she's to afraid to displease you even when it makes her unhappy.
Havent heard from her since I left.
Kudos, my man. Stand your ground and let no heffer disrespect.

Her family is obviously dysfunctional - and this is probably the tip of the iceberg, no girl is worth it for me, but give each other space and basically let her call U to apologize on behalf of her fam. If you make any moves beforehand SHE steps up, t's a clear sign you're probably going to be in this for the long haul.

And on Christmas!?! Of all days...
 The slander is blatant.
Well you guys better have a perfect relationship because you just lost some great allies for when things get rough.
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