Another girl thread- duh pics

Aug 7, 2006
Ight NT- I'll just cut to the cliff notes
-girl moved out of her apartment with boyfriend month or so ago

-i've asked her out a few times (over a month or so), but she's always been busy: 

1) listed the things she had going on & said end of the next week would be better 

2) said her sister was in town 

3) i then waited a couple weeks & she said things had been a mess since her breakup & she needs some time

4) yesterday, 2 weeks or so after #3, we talked for a bit in person & at end i told her i wanted to get to know her better, yada yada, and she said we can go out after she finishes this paper (due Friday). I said ok, sounds good, and that was end of convo

NT- am I going nowhere with this? We get along real well, bit of flirting, etc. but I think I've technically asked her out 3 times, and she has had stuff going. Would I have to initiate again being we didn't set anything up? This seems like too much work on my part.

Here's some Kim K you beasts: 


hold up, hold up, hold up..... you got this whole pics thing confused. we want pics of the chick of topic.
damn, she makes more excuses then.............................................someone who makes a lot of excuses.
No one give this dude any advice. I am sick of dudes coming in looking for answers then want to be a *@@@$ about posting pics so we can tell you if its worth your time.
Marry her

If you post general pics of women, you get general advice regarding women. Hows that, dweeb?
You seem thirsty. Let her breath. Go get some other girls to keep you busy so you're not seeming like a beast to this one. She knows she has the upper hand, not to mention she probably has lots of guys coming at her if she's newly single. She's probably seeing how they are first--banging them at will--and when she feels it's your turn, she'll come for you... which could be whenever because she can tell you're obviously not going anywhere and she can just call you whenever she's in the mood.

Horrible thread execution btw.
i thought i saw this done before. guy's logic was NT doesn't care, as long as it's pics. Didn't work here. She's less attractive than Kim, so thought I'd give you something better to look at

Damn, I do sound thirsty. Good Lord.
Chicks love seeing you with other girls. In the meantime, it means you're increasing your chances of getting buns with these sidelines because obviously YNS at the moment.
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