Anyone black out while drinking???

Dec 27, 2003
Lately when I go out drinking, i tend to black out and not remember anything the next morning. Im not drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol either..
this ever happen to anybody here??
yup. like 5 times

just frightens to even think about what could have happen to me...

it only happens when i mix liquor with beer though
This has happened to me 3 times in my life, it's not fun. Last one was about a month ago.
not like what youre talking about. Ive blacked out maybe twice in my illustrious drinking career but its always because I drank waaaaaay more than I shouldhave. From what I've been told I am fully functioning (well drunkenly functioning) but I wake up with absolutely no memory of what happened. The 2 timeshave both been associated with birthdays.

I got friends who used to get blackout drunk on the regular, but these dudes were straight up alcoholics. I'm talkin bout almost 10 years of consistentlyboozing 3-5 nights a week. Maybe its just me (and my friends) but I definitely cant drink like I used to as a young pup in college. I'll have 10 drinksnowadays and be drunk. Not tryin to act like its some badge of honor or anything, cause to most younger dudes in their prime drinking age, 10 drinks is just apre-game before you even leave the house for the club/bar. Cant hang like that anymore.
If you're NOT drinking an absurd amount and blacking out regularly, listen to your f'n body and go see the doctor. Maybe you've got some sortaneurological disease (knock on wood; I hope you don't).
Yes. I threw a glass at a friend of mine in a bar a couple of weekends ago. It was not my finest hour, but from now on I will blame it on a neurologicaldisease and not trying to keep up with grown men from Jersey suburbs.

Drinking changed for me around the time that I turned 18. I started blacking out, and started getting much worse hangovers. I have no idea why.

Until you've done a pub crawl in Rome, don't judge

This was @ the Rome train the story was told to me, I drunk an unbelievable amount of liquor..was fine all night, managed to walk all the way tothe train station...threw up....then just dropped. Never getting drunk again.
its like sometimes ill drink an absurd amount of alcohol and be completely fine and remember everything the next morning.
Then there's times that i will drink not soo much and make a complete fool of myself and have no recollection of anything.

Its really scary...
ive blacked out soo many was like a regular thing to me...Too much alcohol never stopped me
I dont wanna stop drinking but i think i might have to. Its happened to me twice in the last week! and countless other times since i started drinking..

Me and my friends like to go out and bar hop but ima have to stop cus i cant remember anything the next morning..
Is there a solution? dont mix liquor and beer? anything?
If there is a solution I would love to hear it. I think some people are just more allergic to alcohol than others. I suppose black outs are really a mild formof alcohol poisoning. I have a high tolerance for a slight girl with a rocking body, but my body can't handle it.
There's nothing wrong with mixing liquor and beer.. It's just that it's much harder to gauge yourself that way 'cuz you're drinking beer..Then all of a sudden drink some shots which will push you way over the edge all at once..
a few times, nothing bad happened someone took me home...i guess i was trying to fight someone else...

actually all the times it happened was when i was younger and first started drinking hard
Originally Posted by NYelectric

If there is a solution I would love to hear it. I think some people are just more allergic to alcohol than others. I suppose black outs are really a mild form of alcohol poisoning. I have a high tolerance for a slight girl with a rocking body, but my body can't handle it.

Care to validate that claim?

happens everytime its my birthday it seems....hahh i just throw up and black out. im pretty much just dead weight after that
Blackouts are a early sign of alcoholism:frown:
i agree with you taking those shots makes me "lose count" of the alcohol im comsuming.
I have 2x the first time was ridicolous I threw up maybe like 10x, the second time happened because I mixed beer w liquor
Nope, never
One night i got really effed up, I just puked a lot but i still remember everything from that night
i've passed out 4 or 5 times and it always happens after i throw goes like this

1. Feeling good
2. Start feeling dizzy
3. Throw up
4. wake up somewhere and start wondering how i got there

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