Anyone Else Feel Like This About Work And Life In General?

Jan 17, 2009
These are just some random thoughts that come across my mind day in and day out. 
I feel like a slave or like i'm in a big prison cell or something. I don't feel free. Anyone else feel like this or am I just trippin?

I mean, everyday I have to get up at the booty crack of dawn when I don't want to, sit in traffic for an hour with a bunch of people that can't drive. Not to mention I don't get paid for it. Then get to work, and stay there all day for a lousy salary, with supervisors that don't appreciate anything you do, all they do is bark orders. Then I drive another hour back home in traffic. By the time you get home, i'm so tired I don't really feel like doing nothing. I do this five times a week, then I get paid on friday. But when I get my paycheck, I see that I've just been raped by uncle sam because of the taxes. I basically worked 8-10 hours for the government to take my money. Then I gotta pay all my bills, rent, and gotta eat. When that's all done, I only got a little money left over to go to a club or something. It's just ridiculous and frustrating. What makes things even more frustrating, is that I look around and see people that appear to be content with their lives doing this day in and day out for about 40 years. I'm frustrated because I know there's a better way to live and I'm not there yet. There's no way I can do this for 40 years. Just felt like venting.

Guess money really does make the world go round
its always amazed me how few people snap and go postal every year. If I was in your situation (in school still) I don't know how long I could take it before I lost it.
Meet a woman. Seriously. Not trying to be funny or anything, but you remind me of the main character from the movie 500 Days of Summer.
His life looked just like yours until he met a girl name Summer.

Watch 500 Days of Summer.
Then go hit a bar.
it becomes a routine
frown.gif gotta find ways to break it.....
I feel the exact same way as you. You need to find another source of income.

Side note 500 Days of Summer is a great movie.

Make a plan to get rid of your bills or minimize them to what you REALLY need. Eat cheaper, cut out eating out, and save as much money as you can. Do you have a dream? Good. INVEST INTO IT.

Take all of the extra money you saved over a week, a month, a year, and use it to start your own business/ideas/etc. Dont wait, do it now. Working for someone else is how we all get our start, then take that money and have others work for you.
I feel it. just got off work myself. Who decided 40 hours was the number. Hang in there. I imagine when your doing what you strive to do in life for a living, it will be rewarding. I'm on that pursuit now, I wish you the best
School has me on the verge of going postal. I've never felt so psychologically unstable. I actually went to my school's psychological center b/c I had deadset made up my mind that I was gonna punch my brick wall until I broke my left hand on Friday.
i feel this way to an extent. epecially when it feels like i've been getting rewarded for not working.

i worked at a job i hated, dealt with all that company first mumbo jumbo they try to brainwash upon you and was misrable. i got fired for the most pettiest of things last april and have been collecting unemployment since then.

ever since i've been collecting unemployment i've bought a flatscreen tv, bought a ps3, went to san francisco twice, went to new york for about 2 months combined between 2 seperate trips, bought a ps3, went to a 49ers game and two jets games and had midfield lower level seats each time i went, and i've just been out enjoying life for what it is.

i know this routine won't last forever, the longest i can max it out for is until the end of this summer but getting fired from my last job was a blessing in disguise in the fact that it changed my expectations in what im looking for when it comes to work. i need to find a place i can work at where im happy and enjoy what i do as oppsed to just being some everyday worker whos misrable every day.
I feel the exact same. I've been working in my "field" at the same place since Oct. 2008, and I am tired of it. Everyday is the same, we were not meant to be chained down behind cube walls, and star at computer screens like mindless drones. I feel that one day I am just going to flip out. It feels like we simply work to live. We are born, go to school, work for a majority of our lives, then die, all in an effort to keep the system going. 
That's why you gotta make money work for you. Start save up and go into investing.
I feel the same way. Like I hate my job. No matter what people tell me there is something better I just see everyone unhappy. Even heads with money. I wonder what is the point. But I still get up everyday.
I agree with the views that a full time job can pretty much suck the soul out of you. I find the long commute, and fulltime hours effects time going to workout, studying night courses or just doing anything at all in general. I've been trying to find a balance for the past few months, and I'm still trying to find it.
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