Anyone ever go to school high under the influence of cannibis?

Did it once but, be paranoid is not a good thing.... plus I kicked that habbit now!
only once but it was off some brownies. Like i knew there was weed in them, but i didnt. ate the ziploc bag of brownies and was F!!!! up for real. was never abig smoker then(or now) but it had me F!!!d up. it was cool but so long ago. dont remember much
High school? nah... never. played football and did track... never really got into it

... Depending on the class... high all the time
A few times, dont like the fact that ppl come to me and ask me "are you high"? What the +$%% it look like?! Even the school security guard wouldattack me, didnt mind her tho, she had the crazy phatty lol. The worst part is bein paranoid, hate that feelin
I usually blaze my clips from the previous night, right before classes.

Only thing is when I blaze before English, I always seem to either get picked on to read a passage or something. Absolutely kills my high.

I don't know if my professor knows I'm baked or not. I put my Rhotos in, 2 sprays of cologne and I look fine.
Never in high school, but a few times in college. haven't in a while, but few years back me and my cousins were in a astronomy class just as an
elective, and we got real blitzed and our teacher just played some old 70's film on the universe and stars, it was amazing

I've been drunk to class few times, shorty in front of me whispers to her friend "you smell that...? smells like....booze!"
Plenty of times, the weird thing was I always ended up getting a lot of work done when I would go to school blazed, I guess it was a way for me to not looklike I was high as a kite
I was only baked at about a half dozen class meeting during my entire undergrad career, with the exception of our "self directed" computer class,which had a "professor" who was never in the room, never teaching and he himself was always high on his morphine drip. That class was my last classof the day that semester so I'd get right and ride out that terrible class.

Aside from those times, the only other time I would smoke before class would be the smallest little toke imaginable and it was for medical reasons. At varioustimes during my undergrad years I suffered from panic attacks, an unsettled stomach (my stomach is unsettled more often than not) and vicodin withdrawals (Iwas prescribed a lot of because of a basketball injury) and taking a tiny amount of cannabis can really help with your symptoms but will not get you high andimpair your ability to pay attention (having a "Green Card" FTW). In fact those little hits when I was feeling like crap made those classes, where Iwould otherwise be in pain, more productive.
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