Anyone here 24 or 25 years old still in College since they graduated from High School?

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wasn't gonna say this until I read the bolded part but...
What the hell you been doing man? 

If you've had real life extenuating circumstances (money issues, family issues, health issues) then you have no reason to feel bad and I give you the utmost sympathy.  But if you've been in school every semester since 05 with no major circumstances and you still ain't graduated yet you're just slackin, flat out and if you want to be successful in the real world you're going to have to develop a better work ethic.

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm just responding based on the information you gave.
Well, WHen I started at the Community College, I took about 1 years of Pre-Req courses that pretty much held me back. Also, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do as far as my career was concerned until my 2nd to last semester at my Community college that I wanted to study Criminal Justice. Now That is what I am studying. Also I might add, I never took summer courses either, which could also be another reason.  I be feeling so bad now a days though. People I know are already in their careers and so forth..SMH 
Man if that's what you wanna do then go ahead in finish, I'm not sure what the job market is looking like for CJ majors though.  
Wasn't trying to be a %##%*%%, just trying to give you a reality check, cause it'll suck having all those loans for college and you can't find a decent paying job.  Hopefully you've been working though and gained some experience you can use on your resume.

Good luck.
The good thing about this, I was paying out of pocket CC and I didn't start taking out loans until I started going to Maryland and Bowie State, so I won't owe that much compared to others. 
Originally Posted by FDUB

I'm 25 years old and I been in College since I graduated in high school in 2005 and I am kind of discouraged now. I first started at a Community College from Fall 05 to Spring 2010. Then I went to University Of Maryland in the fall of 2010 for one semester. I left there because it was a bit to big for me to handle as far as the classes, so I been at Bowie state since Spring 2011. Oh yeah, I have never had a break either by the way. I guess i will be graduating in the Spring of 2013. The whole moral to this post is that I feel so behind compared to people that I graduated from high school with graduated back in 09. Then what makes it worst is that a lo of my classes have people that graduated in high school in 2008-2010 and it be so weird to socialize with them because their mindsets are so different then mines. Anyone who is in this situation, do you guys feel discouraged because you been in college for this long? It is so bad that I be afraid to tell people how old I am. Also, it be really weird to try to talk to the ladies due to their age..SMH. What are your thoughts on this? 
use your mindset to your advantage. Everyone in college is trying to progress, and being mature and having wisdom comes with time, which you should have.
Don't downplay the areas where you stand out..use them to your advantage. Guide those that can use your advice. 
I know the feeling of having your peers or former classmates moving up faster than you are.

Just keep @ it. I had a few setbacks throughout my college career. Going to a school for a couple years, feeling like it wasn't getting me anywhere.
Transferring out to another and starting ALL over again. Taking semesters off here and there. Before you know it, time is blowing by. Im hoping to be done by summer's end man.

I must admit I'm a little perplexed as to why you aren't done if you have constantly went to your fall and spring semesters. Its a lot of money being spent for those classes so do what you gotta do to get them over with the first time.
Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by FDUB

Well, WHen I started at the Community College, I took about 1 years of Pre-Req courses that pretty much held me back. Also, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do as far as my career was concerned until my 2nd to last semester at my Community college that I wanted to study Criminal Justice. Now That is what I am studying. Also I might add, I never took summer courses either, which could also be another reason.  I be feeling so bad now a days though. People I know are already in their careers and so forth..SMH 
Man if that's what you wanna do then go ahead in finish, I'm not sure what the job market is looking like for CJ majors though.  
Wasn't trying to be a %##%*%%, just trying to give you a reality check, cause it'll suck having all those loans for college and you can't find a decent paying job.  Hopefully you've been working though and gained some experience you can use on your resume.

Good luck.
The good thing about this, I was paying out of pocket CC and I didn't start taking out loans until I started going to Maryland and Bowie State, so I won't owe that much compared to others. 
So you had a fulltime job?
Who cares what other people think. AS LONG AS YOU FINISH, YOUR A WINNER IN MY BOOK, your going to school and your doing something positive with yourself. What People FAIL to realize, is when you are doing things for yourself it takes a while to achieve especially a goal. you might have to go through several trials &Error in the end youll get yours. I def dont know your situation to judge you, maybe your working or you have kids or You focus isnt there and maybe you cant afford to go fulltime.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Man if that's what you wanna do then go ahead in finish, I'm not sure what the job market is looking like for CJ majors though.  
Wasn't trying to be a %##%*%%, just trying to give you a reality check, cause it'll suck having all those loans for college and you can't find a decent paying job.  Hopefully you've been working though and gained some experience you can use on your resume.

Good luck.
The good thing about this, I was paying out of pocket CC and I didn't start taking out loans until I started going to Maryland and Bowie State, so I won't owe that much compared to others. 
So you had a fulltime job?

Yeah, I was working throughout my college career... 
CSU kids such as myself suffering...Budget cuts 

23 and got a year - year and a half left.
Originally Posted by LA Lakers 8

I know quite a few people going to school in there 30's.

At the end of the day tho, don't worry about anyone else mane, just do you!

Yep. Not everyone's life moves at the same rate OP. Stop comparing yourself to others and just finish my man. Set your own goals and move at your own pace.
Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by FDUB

The good thing about this, I was paying out of pocket CC and I didn't start taking out loans until I started going to Maryland and Bowie State, so I won't owe that much compared to others. 
So you had a fulltime job?

Yeah, I was working throughout my college career... 

I worked on and off in college and every semester I had a job I got a c in one class.
Im not good at multitasking.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by FDUB

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

So you had a fulltime job?

Yeah, I was working throughout my college career... 

I worked on and off in college and every semester I had a job I got a c in one class.
Im not good at multitasking.

Gotta work a little harder I guess. If you really want it, you can do it.
I dropped out of college(community) when I was like 20. Couldn't figure it out what to study for a major. Luckily, I got a good job. Been thinking about going back part time to at least get certified. Or go and learn a trade. Heating and cooling or something.
same boat man. I didnt fill out some loan crap at my university so I ended up having to pay them 7 grand before they would let me sign up for classes again. i started working to pay it off, got that all paid off and have been doing community college the last 2 yrs. im 24 next week and i have about 40 credits to go and i will finally have my friggin degree
im at bowie also. i was talking to my mans in a class where we had an older dude we were like he probably sits there and just shakes his head at what we talk about. you shouldn't measure your success on the rate it takes others to accomplish something. if that makes sense. at least your doing something positive with your life. good luck on your journey man
I left home at 17 after my junior year of high school, went to panama for one year, then to canada for another one, took me 3 years to graduate from a community college in seattle, and now im graduating next month from the university of montana, and i ll be going to grad school in Montreal in january
You guess you'll graduate 2013?

With that attitude no wonder you are where you are.

What Im sayin is OP get off your @@% and work. Stop being lazy.

Get in the right state of mind. It sounds like you dont even like school.
Originally Posted by Mourf83

I left home at 17 after my junior year of high school, went to panama for one year, then to canada for another one, took me 3 years to graduate from a community college in seattle, and now im graduating next month from the university of montana, and i ll be going to grad school in Montreal in january

I have to ask did you make all of this possible on your own. I understand you left ur crib. How did travel around? With what funds at the age of 17. Or did you receive aid from friends and family to make this drram possible. Not knocking you kudos my friend.
I graduated HS in 2005. I just finished last year as a 24 year old. I paid for the last 3 semesters myself so I was taking like 1-2 classes per semester... but I got it done. Ain't no rush dude. We all got different paths in life... f the 4 year plan society wants for us. And to answer your question, yeah it was embarrassing for a bit and I'd make fun of myself as a defense mechanism, but nobody I knew really gave a damn.

I'll graduate undergrad at 22 in May... Grad at 24.

And I'm already hating every moment seeing so many people already starting their path... Wanna say it will be worth it in the end, but knowing the profession I'm going into (teaching) it won't, even if it is something I am passionate about
I'll be graduating just short of my 29th birthday, but then I did 6 years in the Army to afford college.  What a waste that was, college is a rip off.
Well, I mean... I started @ a state school, then dropped out and went to community college off and on for 3 years before transferring back in to a college, but I did finish by age 25. I've been working since but am applying to law school this year @ age 27.
One thing I have learned is to take your time, just not too much of course. But, the way the economy is right now you're good bro. Just make sure from this point on you set your long term goals and work backwards from there. 
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