Apparantly, Brewers owner is upset and thinks there needs to be a Salaray Cap.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


... I never told you guys I own the Brewers? Really?

And the fact that you begin by saying 'We haven't won a title in going on 8 years' is indicative of why the Yankees are bad for baseball. When was the last time the Pirates won the World Series? Royals? Brewers? Astros? Indians? Mariners? Padres?

It's been longer than 8 years... but nobody's acting like that's weird that they haven't won it all in forever.

I'm confident we are heading towards a salary cap. Hopefully the owners (well, except a few of them) will finally dig their feet in and insist on one. ^^^And yeah, do the Yankees feel like they are entitled to win it every couple of years?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


... I never told you guys I own the Brewers? Really?

And the fact that you begin by saying 'We haven't won a title in going on 8 years' is indicative of why the Yankees are bad for baseball. When was the last time the Pirates won the World Series? Royals? Brewers? Astros? Indians? Mariners? Padres?

It's been longer than 8 years... but nobody's acting like that's weird that they haven't won it all in forever.

Whose problem is that?

Signing these players doesn't guarantee a championship. The Pirates, Royals, and Brewers are pathetic excuses for a franchise and especially the Brewerswhose former owner is by of which the Commissioner of baseball.

Astros, Indians, Mariners, and Padres haven't won a World Series because they SUCK. Three of the four have been to a World Series within the past 10 years,and remember when the Mariners won a 116 games WITHOUT A-Rod, Griffey, and Johnson?

For example, look who the Mariners threw a boat load of cash to....Sexson and Beltre these guys = SCRUBS.

Astros, Indians, and Padres have talent and on top of it they are in divisions that are terrible. If you cant come out of the West in the NL you don't needto be in the playoffs, period.
#1. Throwing a boatload of cash to a talent this year who ends up being a bust, leaving you terrible and broke, because you're tapped out... that's awhole different ballgame than throwing a bunch of cash to a few different talents, a couple of which turn out to be busts, leaving you mediocre, but still withplenty of money to throw at another talent, because you always have money.

#2. And instead of responding about those specific teams, get the overall point: it's not fair for small-market teams.

#3. Even those teams I named, yeah, some of them have had relative success in recent history, but it's like... that was their one shot. With the Yankees,every year is a legitimate shot... because they buy everyone else's All Stars. Nobody's saying 'Gee, the Padres haven't been to the WS since'99. It's about time for them to get back, ain't it?' But people say that about the Yankees. 'Gosh, how long has it been since they were inthe World Series? It's been an ETERNITY, hasn't it? Like, at least 3 years, no? That's like 4 lifespans.'
All things should be equal.

The champion in every sport should be able to say 'All things being equal, we're better than everyone else.' Obviously, that's not going toplay out into an absolutely literal dynamic, but MLB needs things to be closer to that than they currently are.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

All things should be equal.

The champion in every sport should be able to say 'All things being equal, we're better than everyone else.' Obviously, that's not going to play out into an absolutely literal dynamic, but MLB needs things to be closer to that than they currently are.




Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

All things should be equal.

The champion in every sport should be able to say 'All things being equal, we're better than everyone else.' Obviously, that's not going to play out into an absolutely literal dynamic, but MLB needs things to be closer to that than they currently are.






ska want to "spread the wealth".


A New York Yankee fan upset about someone proposing a Salary Cap,

That is like a gay guy being for Prop. 8.

Baseball needs a salary cap and it needs it badly. Think of what the NBA and NFL would be without a cap.

You don't think the Lakers would be dropping all the cash they have, we all know the Knicks already spend foolishly with poor results (
). How about if Jerry Jones could spend more money than what he already does. People would be crying their $$*!% off, but since it is the Yankees, it comes off as hatin'.


What the Rays did is tough to accomplish, look at how many years they have been in the gutter. In fact, last year was their first winning season....ever.

Ya'll act as if the Brewers don't have some of the best young talent in baseball, their farm system is stacked.

This off season the Yanks took spending to epic proportions. No one was offering CC more than $120, yet the Yanks blew everyone away with $160. No one(realistically speaking, c'mon he wasn't really going to the Nats or O's), was offering Tex $180. No one was offering Burnett $80. There arereasons that Scott Boras has so much power, the Yankees forgot how to build a team, they don't know how to negotiate, so they just throw money around.

The Yankees are extremely desperate right now.

Cashman & Co.: "What's the biggest offer right now?"
Agent: "CC has one from the Brewers for $100 million, but he wants at least $140"
Cashman: "We will give you anything you want"
CC: "How about the Pacific Ocean?"
Agent: "CC wants to play for the Dodgers/Giants/Angels, no deal"
Cashman: "Have those teams made an offer?"
Agent: "No"
Cashman: "I will add $21 million to what you want, plus an extra year".
Agent [Whispers to CC]: "No one is going to offer more than $125 million, they like to negotiate, this guy doesn't know what he is doing?"
CC: "I always wanted to be a Yankee"

Look at their recent homegrown talent: Cano, Cabrera, Hughes, Kennedy, Chamberlain. All have proven to be overrated by the Yankee organization. Yes, evenJoba, the future ACE, but it now looks as if he is better suited for a bullpen role.

Baseball needs a salary cap, and it needs to utilize max contracts like the NBA. The NBA knew it had a problem when Juwan Howard got a $100 million dollarcontract (
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


A New York Yankee fan upset about someone proposing a Salary Cap,

That is like a gay guy being for Prop. 8.

Baseball needs a salary cap and it needs it badly. Think of what the NBA and NFL would be without a cap.

You don't think the Lakers would be dropping all the cash they have, we all know the Knicks already spend foolishly with poor results (
). How about if Jerry Jones could spend more money than what he already does. People would be crying their %!%*@ off, but since it is the Yankees, it comes off as hatin'.


What the Rays did is tough to accomplish, look at how many years they have been in the gutter. In fact, last year was their first winning season....ever.

Ya'll act as if the Brewers don't have some of the best young talent in baseball, their farm system is stacked.

This off season the Yanks took spending to epic proportions. No one was offering CC more than $120, yet the Yanks blew everyone away with $160. No one (realistically speaking, c'mon he wasn't really going to the Nats or O's), was offering Tex $180. No one was offering Burnett $80. There are reasons that Scott Boras has so much power, the Yankees forgot how to build a team, they don't know how to negotiate, so they just throw money around.

Look at their recent homegrown talent: Cano, Cabrera, Hughes, Kennedy, Chamberlain. All have proven to be overrated by the Yankee organization. Yes, even Joba, the future ACE, but it now looks as if he is better suited for a bullpen role.

Baseball needs a salary cap, and it needs to utilize max contracts like the NBA. The NBA knew it had a problem when Juwan Howard got a $100 million dollar contract (

Did I miss something?

Was he bad last year?
Did I miss something?

Was he bad last year?

I wouldn't say he was bad, because he wasn't. He runs out of gas. However, he was hyped as an Ace. Now he is being penciled in as a 4thor 5th starter, but he is best suited for the back of the bullpen. He will be good. He reminds me of Eric Gagne except without the HGH and the glasses.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


A New York Yankee fan upset about someone proposing a Salary Cap,

That is like a gay guy being for Prop. 8.

Baseball needs a salary cap and it needs it badly. Think of what the NBA and NFL would be without a cap.

You don't think the Lakers would be dropping all the cash they have, we all know the Knicks already spend foolishly with poor results (
). How about if Jerry Jones could spend more money than what he already does. People would be crying their %!%*@ off, but since it is the Yankees, it comes off as hatin'.


What the Rays did is tough to accomplish, look at how many years they have been in the gutter. In fact, last year was their first winning season....ever.

Ya'll act as if the Brewers don't have some of the best young talent in baseball, their farm system is stacked.

This off season the Yanks took spending to epic proportions. No one was offering CC more than $120, yet the Yanks blew everyone away with $160. No one (realistically speaking, c'mon he wasn't really going to the Nats or O's), was offering Tex $180. No one was offering Burnett $80. There are reasons that Scott Boras has so much power, the Yankees forgot how to build a team, they don't know how to negotiate, so they just throw money around.

Look at their recent homegrown talent: Cano, Cabrera, Hughes, Kennedy, Chamberlain. All have proven to be overrated by the Yankee organization. Yes, even Joba, the future ACE, but it now looks as if he is better suited for a bullpen role.

Baseball needs a salary cap, and it needs to utilize max contracts like the NBA. The NBA knew it had a problem when Juwan Howard got a $100 million dollar contract (

I'll never understand why ya'll care so much on how much money we spend.

Even if there was a salary cap. Lets just say that the Royals signed Tex, would that put them over the top? Would that make them playoff contenders?

Look at the Milwaukee Bucks, the signed Redd to a Max Deal, are they any better now then they were then?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

All things should be equal.
The champion in every sport should be able to say 'All things being equal, we're better than everyone else.' Obviously, that's not going to play out into an absolutely literal dynamic, but MLB needs things to be closer to that than they currently are.




ska want to "spread the wealth".


Everything equal is NOT the American way.

Yankees MAKE MORE MONEY.......... therefore they should be able to spend as much as they want with THEIR money.

In Seattle they getting like 20,000 people at games...

Shouldn't be getting CC when you can hardly get 20,000 people at your games for a good portion of the year.... the hell out of here.

Man I'm leaving this thread before I starting getting angry

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

We make more money, we spend more money.

Cry me a river.
HTTB with my sentiments exactly

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable


hank: hey dad you think they mad

george: of course no one on the corner got a swagger like us haha

There flat out absolutely does need to be a salary cap if the MLB ever wants to put out a product that isn't dominated by the same select few franchisesyear in and year out... The only people that put their hearts and souls into arguing against it are fans of the Yankees and Red Sox...

Sharing revenue isn't the answer. Making teams pay a luxury tax isn't the answer... It's flat out not fair that teams can spend $200 million a yearon their payroll, and they still make far and away more than any other team in baseball at the bottom line...

Yes, teams with small payrolls can compete, but they can't compete consistently. They can't make the playoffs 15 straight years like the Yankees orbuild themselves into a perennial super power like the Red Sox because once they do, they can't afford to keep all the players they develop because theYankees or Red Sox will throw $180 million at them and their teams just can't keep up a bidding war...

Look at Teixeira with the Rangers... They offer him 7 years and $140 million, get laughed off the phone by Scott Boras, and are put in a situation wherethey're forced to trade him because they can't afford the offer more... They pay Alex Rodriguez a quarter billion dollars, and it restricts theirpayroll to the point they're incapable of going out and filling out the rest of their roster to field a competitive team... The vast majority of teams inthe MLB don't make enough money annually to support a $100 million payroll. They just flat out don't. Not with the revenue sharing, not with their TVcontracts, or any of it... They just don't generate enough revenue to handle that kind of payroll... It's absolutely foolish and ******ed to suggestthey could...

At the same time, there also needs to be a basement that teams can't operate under... There are owners of teams in baseball that take the money they make,shove it in their pockets, and couldn't care less what kind of product they're putting on the field... But those are just badly run franchises. Everysport has them. NFL, NBA, Soccer overseas, EVERY SPORT... That doesn't change the fact that what the Yankees, Red Sox, Angels, and a handful of other teamsare able to spend on free agent acquisitions makes for an uneven playing field for teams like the Twins, A's, and Rays...

Until a salary cap is implemented, people need to stop complaining about the Yankees spending money... They're not doing anything the Jerry Jones or DanSnyder wouldn't do if it was within their power in the NFL... Mark Cuban and a handful of others would do the same thing if they could... You got the moneyto spend and there's nothing to keep you from doing so, more power to you...

But I don't see how Major League Baseball looks at these types of situations and thinks it's good for their sport in general... But then again,there's a lot of things the MLB needs to change that they're years behind any other professional sports league on, so...
Yankees MAKE MORE MONEY.......... therefore they should be able to spend as much as they want with THEIR money.
Would you feel that way if the Cowboys and ******** were running up a half billion worth of free agent acquisitions every offseason?
I don't think so...
I'll never understand why ya'll care so much on how much money we spend.

Even if there was a salary cap. Lets just say that the Royals signed Tex, would that put them over the top? Would that make them playoff contenders?

Look at the Milwaukee Bucks, the signed Redd to a Max Deal, are they any better now then they were then?
This is your argument:


Just because there is a salary cap doesn't mean that teams will be on equal footing.

However, it is time to put a max on contracts much like the NBA does, and it is time for a salary cap in baseball. All of the major sports leagues have asalary cap, except MLB. I really like the NBA's model. The salary cap could start at $125-$140 million, which still allows teams to spend but at thesame time it makes the front office work. Teams will actually have to find some pieces from within, which the Yankees have not done since the late 90's. It will make teams actually think about who they sign. It will force teams to make moves, smart moves. The Yankees pay these sums, because they know they canafford to make mistakes (Pavano, Brown, Giambi, it's a @%*%%$# long as list of Yankee duds).

I think a salary cap in baseball would be good for the game, but like I stated numerous times. When it comes to proposing a cap in baseball, you areautomatically hating on the Yankees,
. Which is foolish and ignorantremark.

Man I'm leaving this thread before I starting getting angry

You are leaving because you are a Yankee fan, and you don't have a decent argument for why baseball should be the only league that shouldcontinue to operate without a salary cap.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'll never understand why ya'll care so much on how much money we spend.

Even if there was a salary cap. Lets just say that the Royals signed Tex, would that put them over the top? Would that make them playoff contenders?

Look at the Milwaukee Bucks, the signed Redd to a Max Deal, are they any better now then they were then?
This is your argument:


Just because there is a salary cap doesn't mean that teams will be on equal footing.

However, it is time to put a max on contracts much like the NBA does, and it is time for a salary cap in baseball. All of the major sports leagues have a salary cap, except MLB. I really like the NBA's model. The salary cap could start at $125-$140 million, which still allows teams to spend but at the same time it makes the front office work. Teams will actually have to find some pieces from within, which the Yankees have not done since the late 90's. It will make teams actually think about who they sign. It will force teams to make moves, smart moves. The Yankees pay these sums, because they know they can afford to make mistakes (Pavano, Brown, Giambi, it's a @%*%%$# long as list of Yankee duds).

I think a salary cap in baseball would be good for the game, but like I stated numerous times. When it comes to proposing a cap in baseball, you are automatically hating on the Yankees,
. Which is foolish and ignorant remark.

Man I'm leaving this thread before I starting getting angry

You are leaving because you are a Yankee fan, and you don't have a decent argument for why baseball should be the only league that should continue to operate without a salary cap.

Isnt that what your arguing? Leveling out the playing field? Because do YOU really care about what kind of "business moves" the Yankees make?
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Man I'm leaving this thread before I starting getting angry
You are leaving because you are a Yankee fan, and you don't have a decent argument for why baseball should be the only league that should continue to operate without a salary cap.

You really want to get an arguement with me?
You don't stand a chance.
I'll spare you.
Isnt that what your arguing? Leveling out the playing field? Because do YOU really care about what kind of "business moves" the Yankees make?
It gives owners the option.

I will use the Clippers as an example. Previously, the Clippers would be severely below the salary cap, that is the way they ran the team. No matter what,before the turn of the century, they would always be below the cap. It was the Clippers choice to stay below the cap.

So teams will never be on equal footing, but the option is there.

In basketball, even the teams that have a lot of revenue (Lakers, Knicks, Celtics), have to suffer the consequences of a bad contract. They have to be smartin the way they hand out their Mid Level Exception. The Yankees could sign whoever they want without consequence. The bad signings the Yankees have made faroutweigh the good ones but they could afford those mistakes (Damon, Igawa, etc.).

The Yankees make the most money, fine, who cares? Give bigger bonuses to the front office staff, that works just as hard if not harder than the players on thefield. They Yankees are smart, with a recession looming they managed to make the city of New York bend over and pay for their billion dollar stadiumw/obstructed views (

Still though, no decent argument as to why MLB should be the only major sports league to continue to operate without a salary cap?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Man I'm leaving this thread before I starting getting angry
You are leaving because you are a Yankee fan, and you don't have a decent argument for why baseball should be the only league that should continue to operate without a salary cap.
You really want to get an arguement with me?
You don't stand a chance.
I'll spare you.


Please, I'm waiting. You are on the wrong playing field.

I agree

It just gets ridiculous when a single team has the top-4 contracts and 2 of them were just signed this offseason
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