Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

You won't find a Believer who says they know how God was created, they admit its out of the realm of our understanding.

By definition atheists say without all the data that they have an explanation and its thats there's no God.
You won't find a Believer who says they know how God was created, they admit its out of the realm of our understanding.

By definition atheists say without all the data that they have an explanation and its thats there's no God.

"Outside our realm of understanding", yet another relative term misused. Let's go back to before scientific discover of process..... Our realm of understanding for why we got sick was God, it rained because of God, the world is flat, earth is the center of the universe, earth quakes were gods wrath, simple math, complex math, sequential formulas, flight, ect. We've proven that all to be wrong, thus, our "realm of understanding" which used to not be able to explain now simple phenomenon is larger than before. We can all agree on that right?

You say it's outside our understanding to contemplate God, that's false. It's actually been broken down through his perceived and described nature presented in the bible. Absolute Perfection is an impossibility. Need biblical proof so that science doesn't get in the way? Sure, how about the devil, man being flawed even though they were MADE IN HIS IMAGE, jealousy, God commuting murder, the creation of demons and monsters, do I need to do on?? The idiology of perfection within the christian God debunks itself
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Working on something and doing it are different things

Yes everything has cause. What caused life to form spontaneously?

Nobody has all the answers that's why it's impossible to come to a informed conclusion

That's why it's a circular topic.

Life is a byproduct or the effect of spontaneous reaction. I really think you don't get the terminology you're using or the basic scientific principles you're presenting as an argument.

You use the word cause, as in purpose, and then use case in the next sentence is in what made it happen. You again use spontaneous which I've broken down for you several times in which YOU THEN AGREED with me when you said "yes everything has cause" that it didn't fit your original form of use or idea.

I'm all for back and forth debate but only when the questions or statements come with solid backing. You present a half baked argument that comes already fundamentaly flawed, facts from observation, bible passages, and examples prove your argument doesn't apply, and then you back what you say up with nothing :lol:

I presented to you the concept of spontaneity and cause in a way that supports the creation of life


Present your logical argument for "because God"
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You are correct, I did not mean to use the word cause as in a purpose, I could've used a better word like "origin" to avoid confusing you as to what I meant. Everything has an origin.

The definition of spontaneous, I am using is developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment

Whats the origin of life?

You have said something doesn't come from nothing

What caused the something?

Also in this thread you haven't seen me quote the Bible passages or present facts based on observation, please get your information straight.
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The combination of certain gases form amino acids.

Amino acids are the building blocks of life.

I don't want there to not be a god. I don't want there to be a god. I don't care.

You do.

Major difference. You want so badly for your team to win.

I'm not on a team*, and I don't view any of this as a battle for anyone to win or lose.

*I know you think this is a team, but as I pointed out before, you are speaking on something you've heard about, not experienced. Stick to talking about Christianity.

I think this sums it up for me. Repped

theist in here saying you don't know how things came into existence. But they are willing to concede that god did. Which atheist aren't. So at the end of the day it always is "but god". Its like "i know you are but what am i"
Its not worth debating at that point. But I do appreciate people freely sharing their beliefs. This is the longest a religion thread has stayed civil ive ever seen on here
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I think this sums it up for me. Repped

theist in here saying you don't know how things came into existence. But they are willing to concede that god did. Which atheist aren't. So at the end of the day it always is "but god". Its like "i know you are but what am i"
Its not worth debating at that point. But I do appreciate people freely sharing their beliefs. This is the longest a religion thread has stayed "civil" ive ever seen on here
civil for niketalk standards atleast 
I think this sums it up for me. Repped

theist in here saying you don't know how things came into existence. But they are willing to concede that god did. Which atheist aren't. So at the end of the day it always is "but god". Its like "i know you are but what am i"

Its not worth debating at that point. But I do appreciate people freely sharing their beliefs. This is the longest a religion thread has stayed "civil" ive ever seen on here
civil for niketalk standards atleast :lol:

Yeah usually you have page 2 name calling which leads to threats which leads to pics of dudes holding their guns and some akron lebron 7s.

So this is the macy's day parade for NT
You are correct, I did not mean to use the word cause as in a purpose, I could've used a better word like "origin" to avoid confusing you as to what I meant. Everything has an origin.

The definition of spontaneous, I am using is developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment

Whats the origin of life?

You have said something doesn't come from nothing

What caused the something?

Also in this thread you haven't seen me quote the Bible passages or present facts based on observation, please get your information straight.

You're completly flipping your argument around now. I proved your theory wrong and now you're saying you didn't even mean it that way. Wow. This whole time you're presenting various flawed arguments in which I shot down. At this point you need to educate yourself on the proven understanding of our universe before to bring up anything else. This isn't a personal shot at you but without it it's like arguing Christianity with a person who knows nothing about it.

The origin of something? Nobody knows yet. Nobody will ever know. All we can do is observe the fundamentals of the universe today. Funny thing about observation is that no matter the scale the fundamental principals always seem to remain. Brain cells, plant cells, the shape of the universe, all share a similar pattern of order. Once we find the pattern of order for life in any scale it will translate into the big picture

And no you didn't quite the bible I DID, just like I SAID in my post.
I'm not flipping my argument. I used the word "cause" you interpreted as me saying it means purpose or motive. I didn't mean it in that way. I meant as a start/origin/producing on the effect.

Maybe you feel you proved my theory wrong but you haven't. You still have not proved what started the something. When does something start from nothing? What started the something?

Nobody knows the origin of something? Yes is it true. I attribute it to God/the creator/intelligent design..You attribute it to not being God

Each person is trying to attribute the answer to something that isn't known.

You present a half baked argument that comes already fundamentaly flawed, facts from observation, bible passages, and examples prove your argument doesn't apply, and then you back what you say up with nothing laugh.gif

And yes did say I was using a half baked argument that comes from Bible passages or at least that's how I interpreted what you were saying.
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Ehhh no. You initial argument was to prove creation through spontaneity, then you flipped it to have cause, then you flipped it to something from nothing. ALL of that I presents evidence that you're wrong and that your initial questions were even flawed.

The theory of intelligent design was already discussed as yet another flawed statment and argument pages back. Look for it

Present evidence that God made the something. Present evidence that God exits. You give the credit to God, how? Where? Why? Why is credit given to God? Where's the proof God made something? Where's the undeniable evidence it was God? To trust your life and existence to this being so surly you have it somewhere right?

Your questions get answered yet you ask them again. If you present nothing to back your belief I'll just ignore you from here on out.
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My initial question was "prove to me how life started spontaneously?" Then I got an answer about babies and death being spontaneous when all those things have a cause

Then it was argument about what the word cause meant, so then I had to break it down to the simplest terms. When does something come from nothing? Which is unable to be answered
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1. Scope: if we can observe spontaneity in life, death and creation now we can determine that it has always been. This concept is something you're just not getting and need to research on your on.

2. All existence has cause, you even agreed. This disproves your idea that life had no cause to begin.

3.There is no nothing. That's the answer. "Something from nothing" is a fallacy. This is also a concept you need to research for on your own

Now answer my questions is a legitimate way, evidence, examples, observable instances, undeniable and irrefutable proofs. "Prove me wrong" isn't going to work
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They said god was in the caves. Man went into the god.

They said god was on top of the mountains. Man went to the top of the god.

They said god was in the sky. Man travels the sky god.

Man took a step further and traveled into outer god.

Now they say god is beyond space & time. I believe that when man figures how to go beyond space & time...there will also god.
They said god was in the caves. Man went into the god.

They said god was on top of the mountains. Man went to the top of the god.

They said god was in the sky. Man travels the sky god.

Man took a step further and traveled into outer god.

Now they say god is beyond space & time. I believe that when man figures how to go beyond space & time...there will also god.
 So what are you trying to say Triple H?
Again your examples were not spontaneous. Birth and death have causes.

I've never said life has no cause/origin/beginning point. I said nobody knows what it is

Nothing doesn't exist? Ok Like I asked before what started the something?" Something is always there" is not going to work

Its the unanswerable question but yet you are convinced that God is not the answer without all the data to come to that conclusion.

You say prove to me God exists, prove to me he doesn't circular topic because neither side has all the data
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:lol:  So what are you trying to say Triple H?

Billions of people have died already. There are 0 accounts of anyone actually going to heaven or hell. Heaven is the product that god/religion sells but yet has 0 success stories and 0 accounts of anyone receiving said product. In reality, that constitutes as fraud.

What I'm trying to say is...believing in something with 0 grounds of it actually being true is....silly.
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