Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I think we deserve a better caliber of troll than Mister Friendly.

I've just read through a few pgs floundering in here with no success. Son thinking he using logic with these questions and statements :lol:
HHH, people have temporarily died and saw the Lord or the Devil. You are calling some people liars?

Im sensing the sarcasm but just in case your are one temporarily dies. Its either you're dead or you aren't. The brain is an awesome organ and it makes people believe, dream & imagine some of the most wildest & craziest of ****. But, once that amazing organ is done, its done. Aint no coming back to life.
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This is why ALL middle and high school students should be FORCED to take a debate class
unless you can debate your way out of taking it 
Asking for stories from people who are dead but yet when people who are clinically dead/ recover and have a story, then its lets discount the story because you are dead or you're not dead. Sounds right.
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Yep...because obviously there is still some sort of brain function for someone to "recover" from death.

If you can give me 1 account of someone recovering from 100% brain death, I'll be more likely to believie that.

And for the record, how do all of these LIVING people know what happens after death but yet 0 dead people have ever confirmed said claims? :rofl:
For those who believe that not believing in a religion makes their life meaningless need to re-evaluate their thinking and belief.

Organized religion is a narcissistic form of ideals to believe us humans need to be lead by a boogie man in the sky when in fact we are among millions of species and this world is not just for us.

We just happen to be the most evolved species and have self-awareness. So we always want answers to the question "why?" The fact we are aware and wanting to make sense of our existence made us wired to create religions. It is all to subside our fears and what is the unknown.

There's thousands of religions out there across all cultures, religions, and peoples and yours is the truth? Let's not forget the old religions of ancient civilizations that died off. Your chances are just like the atheist who believes in no religion. Religion presents no sound evidence or reason.

The evidence and proof in the pudding are that these religions were men made from a historical and archeological standpoint, yet people still believe in them.

It is understandable why back then people believed in religions, due to the fact science was not advanced. But in this day and age, religions and worshipping gods is futile and nothing more than an ancient primitive custom practiced as a result of lack of knowledge and driven by superstition.

In fact, how I see it it is people who see their life as meaningless or that it is void feel they need religion.
You are asking for an answer to a question that cant be answered until death

Whats your personal belief?
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Question: How are you so convinced that your religion or the religious text you follow were not man made? If a man came to you today and revealed to be the Prophet of God or God, would you believe him and his message or "scriptures" he writes? What makes you believe in the book you believe in and that their messengers were authentic and sent down from God instead of being mentally ill or deluded individuals claiming to be so?
A question that won't be answered until death? Its always with the putting **** beyond the grasps of reality with believers. Screw all of that nonsense.

Let this sink in. If history books in schools started teaching kids that Martin Luther King was born in 2005 and is still living, you'd have a problem with that, right?

Your holy book says the earth is flat and rest on 4 pillars. Do you have a problem with that?
This thread is really 50pgs, just respect each others stance and leave it alone. Each side is forcing what they believe on the other. Let it be.
That is a non-answer. I can respect a non answer.

Another assumption regarding the Bible, when there was no mention of the Bible.
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We already asked him that question Nutella. He has no answer

I see no logic.

Yet religious people laugh at "cults" and deem any man or woman preaching to be God or messages from God as crazy. Then you have them believe, die or pray to a "godly" man who claimed to be born from a virgin, walks on water, and cures diseases. What makes this any different from a cult or believing a random Joe schmoe on the corner of your street preaching the same thing?
i can picture some of y'all just being debbie downers at parties.
Again your examples were not spontaneous. Birth and death have causes.

I've never said life has no cause/origin/beginning point. I said nobody knows what it is

Nothing doesn't exist? Ok Like I asked before what started the something?" Something is always there" is not going to work

Its the unanswerable question but yet you are convinced that God is not the answer without all the data to come to that conclusion.

You say prove to me God exists, prove to me he doesn't circular topic because neither side has all the data

I've explained numerous times the fallacy in your questions and logic, I won't do it again.

You haven't answered my question. You're so weak in your understanding that you can even provide evidence of God??? Wow

And no, this isn't a circular argument. Religion created their theory, their answer, to existence, which is God. It's now up to the religious to prove that theory correct. This is yet another principle concept you're not getting.

At this point I'm done.
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Again what started the something?

Also I'm not sure if you understand the concept of God.

God is beyond the our scope of understanding. Super natural

You are asking me to follow the scientific method to prove something that is not scientific. Do you not realize this?

Following your own scientific method prove to God doesn't exist?

You cant...that is why its a circular topic
If God is beyond our scope of understanding and over time as technology advances our scope of understanding increases, doesn't that mean God is shrinking?
"I don't know. Let's find out."

"I don't know. Let's find it how god did it."

One is an unending search for the unanswered to be answered; the other is agenda driven, already having an answer that they are injecting into all despite it never being proven to exist to begin with, after MILLIONS of years.

Like, the reason we look for amino acids and cell structure is because they have been proven to be the very basic components of all life. It's not that they haven't been proven but people are stubbornly searching for their existence in all new information, injecting ths weird 'cell structure' theory into everything without proof.
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I haven't read through the thread. Has the topic of where God comes from been debated?

The belief is that we must have had a creator that made this universe, so does that mean someone created God?
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