Article about Akon...what a surprise...fabricated street cred?

Jul 9, 2007
This was on the front page on Yahoo

I like his music, but damn if this is true
...oh well, not much different from most rappers
APRIL 16--In the hip-hop world, a performer's street cred can often be gauged by the number of entries on their rap sheet, the time they have spent behind bars, or the gritty details of their illicit escapades.
By any of those metrics, the chart-topping R&B singer Akon appears to have compiled an exemplary outlaw resume, one brimming with scrapes from a hard knock life.

As recounted in scores of interviews since his first album, the platinum-selling "Trouble," debuted in 2004, Akon was incarcerated for a total of four-and-a-half years, including a long stretch for his role as the "ringleader of a notorious car theft operation." Akon's gang specialized in boosting Porsches, Lamborghinis, and Mercedeses, he owned four chop shops catering to "celebrities and drug dealers," and he frequently escaped from cops in high-speed pursuits. His criminal empire collapsed, though, after underlings--who "felt like they deserved more than they were getting"--cut deals and ratted him out to law enforcement. As a result of that betrayal, Akon spent the next three years in a Georgia prison. While inside, the 150-pound inmate "fought almost every day for two years," in the process becoming a "champion" who prevailed over both big and small inmates because, "I knew where to hit you to knock you out, so I didn't fear you."

When not brutally schooling fellow convicts, Akon was writing songs, including "Locked Up," his autobiographical account of prison desolation, from dwindling commissary accounts to friends and family that no longer visited or accepted collect calls. The song, he recalled, "was like an anthem in there" and corrections officers would often ask him to sing its chorus ("I'm locked up/They won't let me out"). After his release in 2002, Akon recorded "Locked Up," adding to the song what would become his audio trademark: the clanging sound of a cell door closing. The single later became a hit, but did little to erase the memories of his time on lockdown, which "felt like 300 years, not three."

Compared to most of hip-hop's leading figures past and present--50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Diddy, Tupac Shakur, Jay-Z, Notorious B.I.G.--Akon, 35, seems to have logged more time behind bars and, consequently, gained a better understanding of the average convict's plight (both in and out of custody) than any of his musical peers. The New York Times has referred to him as the "prison-obsessed R&B singer" who "wants it known that crooners can evoke prison life just as effectively as rappers." In fact, the singer not only named his company Konvict Music, but he settled on "Konvicted" for the title of his second album, which sold nearly three million copies last year.

As it turns out, however, "Kontrived" might have been a more accurate choice.

Akon's ad nauseum claims about his criminal career and resulting prison time have been, to an overwhelming extent, exaggerated, embellished, or wholly fabricated, an investigation by The Smoking Gun has revealed. Police, court, and corrections records reveal that the entertainer has created a fictionalized backstory that serves as the narrative anchor for his recorded tales of isolation, violence, woe, and regret. Akon has overdubbed his biography with the kind of grit and menace that he apparently believes music consumers desire from their hip-hop stars.

While the performer's rap sheet does include a half-dozen arrests, Akon has only been convicted of one felony, for gun possession. That 1998 New Jersey case ended with a guilty plea, for which the singer was sentenced to three years probation. Another 1998 bust, this one in suburban Atlanta, has been seized upon by Akon and transformed into the big case that purportedly sent him to prison (thanks to his snitching cohorts) for three fight-filled years. In reality, Akon was arrested for possession of a single stolen BMW and held in the DeKalb County jail for several months before prosecutors dropped all charges against him.

So there was no conviction. There was no prison term between 1999 and 2002. And he was never "facing 75 years," as the singer claimed in one videotaped interview.

Akon's invented tales appear to be part of a cynical marketing plan, but one that has met with remarkable success. Few press interviews conclude without Akon being asked about his criminal exploits and his prison days. He obliges with canned and well-rehearsed claims, false as they may be, and compares his supposed nationwide operation to those depicted in the movies "Gone in 60 Seconds" and "New Jersey Drive." And in interview after interview over the years, he always makes sure to point out the "notorious" nature of his theft ring (as if the adjective's inclusion makes him sound even more felonious). Akon repeats the phrase "notorious car theft operation" so frequently it seems like he is reading it from a sheet of talking points.

[A compilation of video clips in which Akon touts his purported criminal past may be viewed above.]

Akon's manager, Robert Carnes, declined to discuss any aspect of the criminal history of the R&B singer, who is currently touring in Africa. Carnes directed a reporter to Sharonda Smalls, Akon's publicist at Universal Motown Records. After being apprised of the nature of TSG's story, Smalls said she would seek replies to our questions, but had not called back at press time. Darrick "Devyne" Stephens, Akon's longtime collaborator and business partner, did not return several messages left at his Atlanta office.

Akon's deceptions have gone unchallenged and unexamined by the music press, which has been happy to promote him as one of the beleaguered recording industry's few bright lights. He was named "Top Artist of 2007" by Billboard and dubbed "The Last Hit-Maker" in an April 2007 Vibe cover story. His two albums combined have sold about 10 million copies worldwide, while ring tone sales have exceeded 6.5 million downloads. He has also collaborated on songs with a wide array of musical superstars, including Gwen Stefani, Eminem, Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston.

With the single exception of a Washington Post reporter who wrote last March that some of the "bullet points in Akon's biography" sounded "like the stuff of creation myth," entertainment journalists have played right into the manipulation. In a February 2007 story in Creative Loafing, Atlanta's weekly newspaper, readers were assured that "Akon doesn't need to embellish, since he's already lived an unusual and turbulent life." And an August 2007 Interview magazine story was headlined, "Akon: In a hip-hop world where everyone's always straining for street cred, here's one guy who has it."

For his part, the performer appears so confident that nobody will challenge his fables that he has recently embellished them even further. In an interview for a February 2008 episode of VH1's "Rags to Riches," the R&B performer claimed that he actually was a carjacker who "used to literally snatch cars from people. And they would be traumatized for months." He claimed to be ashamed of this behavior (which he never previously mentioned) and remarked that he could not believe he once "had the heart to do that stuff." A VH1 graphic duly noted that this wanton activity "landed him three years in prison for carjacking."

This m.o., of course, might seem familiar to readers of these pages. An artist inflates his criminal history to create an image of himself as a public menace who tangles with law enforcement and pays for his transgressions with a stiff prison sentence. He cleaves to these bogus biographical details in public appearances and media interviews and carefully weaves them into the art he peddles to the public. Because without the embellishments and fabrications, without the havoc and heartache, what separates him from every other wannabe clawing for commercial success? Why chance having your work judged solely on its merits when a little artistic license can make you so much more distinctive and marketable?

Akon, as it turns out, is James Frey with catchy hooks and an American Music Award.

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i was going to post this. I read about half, but its just too long.

i dont think this is going to kill his career
Yea, I was just going to post this before class, but it was too damn long on the yahoo front page and I know ya'll don't read anything more than 2pages...

But yea, I don't think he'll be affected by this unless it goes all over MTV and BET.

I wonder if he also fabricated owning a diamond/gold/precious metals (one of the other?) mine in Africa??
Yeah dudes story never quite connected to me. The going from simple convict to "Ex-dealer used to move phetamines" line kind of let me know what wasup.
I know alot of the Block Royal dudes , they certainly aren't fabricated and Akon runs with them .... so i'll draw my own conclusions .
Its amazing how if you distance yourself (or pay off) people who used to know you, you can make up a whole fake persona and live off it for a good while
. Now somebody needs to start background checks on Jeezy, Rick Rossand Dipset
What a joke. It's one thing to exaggerate or even flat out lie in your music for the sake of artistic license, but to tell bald-face lies ininterviews is just despicable. Lying to people telling them you were a big-time criminal is supposed to help you feel good about yourself? LMAO atthis clown.

Not like I ever believed the guy or liked his music anyway....
he was just on some mtv special a few days back sayin he did 3 years and showin off his sick house
If you ever been in the street or around street @!$!#$ you should know that 85% of the stories out of their mouth are lies. I mean lets be honest, who believesthese rappers anyway? Half of them can't rap and they selling you these phony %@% stories that seem too good to be true. The public will buy into thatbecause its all about selling a dream. If you come from the bottom, and you peep somebody from the bottom make it to the top, you're going to be admired bythat person's story so it all makes sense. In the end, its business. Sell the people a story and they'll buy it. Just like that. Akon can't singfor $!!*, but somehow he whined his way to millions of records sold. The same way 50 bars are so pre-school but they took him to 400 million. Sell the people adream and they'll buy it.

To be honest, Akon is a street dude though. I know some of his peoples, but he has done his thing in the streets. The story about the carjacking MAY NOT BE ASFAR-FETCHED AS IT SEEMS. I'll leave that one alone for now, but I have inside info that tells me Akon(or some of his peoples) may have been connected tothat. Real Talk....
Akon is 35? I thought he was in his late 20's

No surprise record companies like to make up story lines
Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

If you ever been in the street or around street @!$!#$ you should know that 85% of the stories out of their mouth are lies. I mean lets be honest, who believes these rappers anyway? Half of them can't rap and they selling you these phony %@% stories that seem too good to be true. The public will buy into that because its all about selling a dream. If you come from the bottom, and you peep somebody from the bottom make it to the top, you're going to be admired by that person's story so it all makes sense. In the end, its business. Sell the people a story and they'll buy it. Just like that. Akon can't sing for $!!*, but somehow he whined his way to millions of records sold. The same way 50 bars are so pre-school but they took him to 400 million. Sell the people a dream and they'll buy it.

To be honest, Akon is a street dude though. I know some of his peoples, but he has done his thing in the streets. The story about the carjacking MAY NOT BE AS FAR-FETCHED AS IT SEEMS. I'll leave that one alone for now, but I have inside info that tells me Akon(or some of his peoples) may have been connected to that. Real Talk....

I mean, that's all good and well but son MADE UP three years that NEVER HAPPENED. For years, he hyped his story in every interview and every song. Granted dudes make up a lot of #!%# in their raps, I never heard of nobody actuallyfabricating something like that.
i could care less.

i don't choose whose MUSIC i listen to because of their street cred.

if i did, my favorite rapper would be big meech, the real big meech (no jeezy)

one of my favorite rappers is kanye and dude is from the suburbs.
I hope this ends his career, I HATE Akon . . .

GOD Bless who ever discovered this . . .

But after he made a hit about the 16 year old girl I don't see anything slowing this joker down . . .
his music is still tight but damn if its true ....... not all these rappers claim to be as hard as they say to be... u gotta remember they in the business toSELL records.......
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Wait...He's 35?

That's about right. He was on The Score with the Fugee's so it wouldn't shock me if he was around Wyclef's age.

This #%# won't do anything to his career. Maybe if he was still riding the success of "Locked Up" but his fanbase could careless. And I havenews for some of you. Your favorite rapper doesn't sell white. Its all fabricated. He didn't kill 100 dudes and he's not a drug dealer. I don'tknow why dudes are so shocked by this. Akon should've known this would eventually come out though. I guess he never expected to become this big in the USbut when you get as major as he's become #%# like this always comes back to haunt you. Ask Vanilla Ice. Akon's a talented dude though so he won'tdissappear like Vanilla Ice. All Akon has to do is hop on a couple of hip hop records and this will be forgotten.

I guess if you want to get something good out of this atleast Akon put a brighter light on ex-cons. Probably givin' that ex-con's hope they can turntheir life around and become successful.
Yeah the age lie is old news (way to cross to pop), but everyone does that even Cash Money had Juvie lying about his age.
Your favorite rapper doesn't sell white. Its all fabricated.
Everyone is different....yeah, it's all exaggerated...but some people really live(d) some of what they say. Ala Freck.
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