Asics Love?!? Where is it?

$19 for the special box and $17 to ship a larger package. That's the price we pay for ordering these from Concepts. Other boutiques were charging $170, but take in to account all the factors that go with trying to cop a limited release in-store. IMO, i'd rather pay the extra few bucks online.
Yeah it sucks
Atmos will have WW release
thank you gawddd.

was literally about to drop 240 on them last night from a dude on fb. 

oh and those concept GLV's are quite possibly the worst GLV lol. for my own personal list I think all of cncpt's GLV are bottom of the barrel in terms of "best V's". Whoever does the designing process over there should just stop trying with the V, cause every V iteration that came from them have been trash. embers, pistachios, these monstrosities.... barf. 
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god damn, why is everyone taking it so literal. @alp knows what im talking about. come on now
NT be on it's bs sometimes. I'm surprised a heated debate on reselling didn't pop up yet due to your comment :lol:
In other news: here's the Afew collab. Apologies if it was posted earlier, I tried to sift through the 25+ pages of cncpts drama...


So what's branded on the lateral heel? Afew, Gel Lyte 3, or both (Afew on the right shoe and GL3 on the left)
Concepts glv looks like its goretex. and it looks like right is diff color from the left
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Still waiting on shipping for my sz 13. It's a personal pair so I really hope it comes through.
No luck on my order. I figured I'd be paying resell on any 25th pair. Hopefully I can find one for a reasonable price
Glad that atmosphere pair will have a we release. Hopefully it's no where near as hectic as that concepts release we just went through. Also any pics of the medics yet aside from the sneaker mag ones?
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These were posted earlier in this thread and I swear I saw them pop up on my instagram feed for sale but can't find it now.  Any news on these?
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