At what point would life not be "worth it" to you anymore?

i think if i was dying from a terminal illness i would def consider it especially if i was suffering or in a lot of pain... 
didnt mean to offend you or anyone else... my bad... i was just saying for me i dont know how i would handle it
I know you didn't mean any harm.  

If you were to go blind or deaf, you will be able to manage a normal life.  

It's just a handicap. As long as you can understand, breathe and move around, that's enough to get you going.
I know you didn't mean any harm.  :lol:

If you were to go blind or deaf, you will be able to manage a normal life.  

It's just a handicap. As long as you can understand, breathe and move around, that's enough to get you going.

Being deaf wouldn't handicap you too much as blindness for example. Idk man I'd be super depressed if I couldn't see any more

Would honestly break my heart
I'm going hard until the last breath....

All experiences, even excruciating ones, are the essence of "being".
I can't give up because there will always be enemies to be crushed and seen driven before me...and let's not forget the sound of lamentations from the women...mmmmm...lamentations...
Once I seen my mom go through cancer, I said if (God forbid) I get it I'm only doing one round of chemo and radiation. If that doesn't work then f it it's my time to go. My mom did 3 rounds and she straight up told my sis and I that if she didn't have kids she would have never fought the disease but she felt like she had to.

Also if I lost my son, smh I don't even want to think about that I can't even imagine.
I don't think I'd even do chemo once honestly. I've heard too many terrible stories and takes from peopel and their families that have gone through and/or seen it and i'd rather ride it all out and go out making my love ones smile
Only a few things, OP.

1.) If I was on life support and declared brain dead with a small chance of recovery. Pull my plug, b. I'm meant to be a stallion, not a rotting potato.
2.) If I become paralyzed from the neck down. I refuse to "live" when I can't live.
3.) If I spent 80 years building a life, only to have it taken away from me. AKA all family passed away, cars and possessions taken from me, nothing to my name. No point in trying to start over past 80 IMO.
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